Lockhart; unmasked truth!

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Four days ago I gave myself the challenge to write a chapter twice as long as my usual chapter, thinking it would take at least two weeks. Now I'm here with a 10k words chapter lmao.


"Gather 'round! Gather around! Now can you all see me? Can everyone hear me? Excellent!" Lockhart started, "Now Dumbledore gave me permission to have this little duelling club. Just in case you all need to defend your self in the future, just as I have done multiple times. For full details see all my published works! Now let me introduce my assistant Severus Snape!" He finished.

Snape walked onto the stage, looking unimpressed, Harrison almost burst out laughing.

"You got Snape to help him?" Draco whispered and Harrison shook his head, "No! Dumbledore must've forced him."

"I'm just glad it's not one of the Potters," Daphne muttered and Harrison couldn't agree more.

"Now let's show what we're doing today?" Lockhart looked at Snape, who nodded and they both walked to separate ends of the stage before bowing and then they started throwing spells.

Snape managed to put up a shield strong enough to hold every single one of Lockhart's successful spells, then he threw a expelliarmus at Lockhart, who failed to put up a shield and not only lost his wand, but was also thrown into the air.

When he fell, he laid there for almost a full minute- that's longer than the duel lasted- before getting up and saying, "Well done, professor Snape! I was just holding back, of course. That what Snape just showed all of you was the disarming charm and the spell we are going to focus on today."

"Maybe we should get an example from two students? Mr. Black perhaps?" Snape asked and Harrison rolled his eyes before walking onto the stage.

"Oh! Ms. Potter, come up here, I do like a sibling duel." Lockhart said and Harrison scowled at the man before deciding he would hold back enough to give Hope a chance.

"Remember only use the disarming charm and shield charms!" Snape reminded them and Harrison nodded, Hope was still making her way to the stage.

Right before she actually stepped onto the stage she flashed a look at her parents and nodded, once, quickly.

Harrison would've felt scared, hadn't he known how bad Hope was at magic.

"Okay one.." Lockhart started counting just as Hope stood in front of him in the middle of the stage.

"You're dead, Black." Hope muttered.


Harrison smirked, "Took long enough."

"Three.. Go!" Harrison turned around, walking to his side of the stage, seeing Hope bow pathetically, he did it in a real, respective manner.

"Serpensortia!" She shouted, a snake jumping from her wand. Harrison gave her a confused look, he was almost sure the entire school knew he was a parseltongue.

"What was that for?" Harrison asked, before he casted a quick "Expelliarmus!"

Hope's wand flew into his empty hand, his full attention was now on the venomous snake quickly approaching the other students. "Sweety, hatchling, come here." He whispered to the snake, "I have food for you."


"Yes, shh, don't worry, come here." Harrison tried to calm the confused, poor snake, who had been summoned from wherever. "I sincerely apologise for the other human bringing you here."

"Where am I?"

"Hogwarts." Harrison replied, the snake was approaching him slowly. That was when Lockhart shouted, "Mr. Black! Stand still, I will banish him."

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