We're working on it.

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The issue with this whole situation, Harrison decided, was that nobody seemed to want him to have any free time. At fucking all.

It had been three days since he stupidly kissed Tom and left pretty much immediately after. Which wouldn't have been bad, only Tom had kissed him back and then let him leave without discussing the situation.

And now Harrison did not know what to expect the next time he visited the man and absolutely no one seemed to want him to find out, because people made sure he had no time to visit the man.

He was always helping people or reading through different essays, making sure people got perfect grades. The few times he did have free times, his friends were there and he did not want to explain why he so desperately needed to see the man after having been there just three days ago, it would make the pestering only worse.

Also the man was so fucking happy and Harrison could feel anything the man felt, making his frustration worse, because how dare Tom not be freaked out by this situation?

"Stop sulking," Tracey said, "What the hell happened to you?"

Harrison thought about what to say and shook his head, "It's nothing, I just need to-"

Tracey's eyes widened and then the girl squealed, "Wait it happened?"

"What happened, I didn't say anything?" Harrison asked and Tracey giggled, "The look in your eyes was enough." She quieted down and whispered, "How was it? Am I the first one who figured it out?"

"What are you on about?"

"It happened right?" Tracey asked, "You and Tom?"

Harrison stayed quiet a bit too long, before nodding and Tracey hugged him, "So I am the first?"

Once again, a nod.

"And," Tracey said, "Let me guess, you want to visit your Loverboy? Need someone to cover?"

Harrison eyes narrowed suspiciously, "Are you reading my thoughts- because I swear I have a pretty good occlumency."

Tracey shook her head, "You would not sulk about anything other, but the dark lord. Your silence speaks a thousand words, my dear."

"So you'll cover?" Harrison asked.

Tracey nodded, "I'll hang out in your room, tell people you helped me with Charms or something." Then she said, "An hour max."

"You're the best, Tracey." Harrison said and Tracey rolled her eyes, "I know, although isn't me being in your room-"

Harrison shrugged and Tracey grinned, "Whatever, I'm curious." So she followed him up to his room and Harrison said, "Don't touch anything suspicious looking, might be some cursed items around here."

"Have fun," Tracey said and Harrison gave her a look. "I'll be careful, I promise."

"Fuck, I really do not want to have to talk to him about it." Harrison said, stepping through the cabinet, ending up in Tom's office. The man was not there, which barely happened. Harrison tried to find him through their link, without hinting to Tom what he was doing. This was harder said than done with their link still totally opened. Tom proved this by sneaking up behind him, arms crossing around his waist , Tom hugging him from behind.

Harrison sighed, letting his head fall back against the hard chest. "I missed you."

"Clingy," Tom replied, letting him go. "You here to talk?" The man murmured then and Harrison nodded, Tom sighed, motioning for him to follow.

They went back to Tom's office, as soon as Harrison set foot into the office he said, "I don't know what happened- why it happened."

"Harry," Tom said, the man obviously had expected Harrison to react like this. Harrison once again realised that Tom could basically read his mind now. "Calm down." The man said, he gave Harrison an almost amused look, "I understand why you wanted to talk so badly now. Stop blaming yourself."

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