Chapter 49

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"Yongsun-ah, Our call time for the appointment is near," I said, Solar went out to our room. "Let's go," She said.

This is the day of our appointment at the hospital. I don't know why I'm nervous.

We're getting near the hospital and I'm getting more nervous. We're just having an appointment but I'm nervous.

"Why are your hands so cold?" Solar asked, she was holding my hands. "I'm nervous," I whispered. She chuckled.

"It's just an appointment," She replied, "I'm freaking out now."

As we knocked at the Doctor's Office we went in.

"Good Morning Doc," We said in unison. "Good Morning too, so what can I help you with?"

"Uh...I asked here before about Reciprocal IVF... We were planning to do it. We wanna ask what would be the process if we do it and how much would it cost?" Solar asked.

"Ah, yea... I remember you... Basically Reciprocal in vitro fertilization (IVF) allows both women to participate in the pregnancy. One woman supplies her eggs, retrieved and fertilized by donated sperm in IVF, with the resulting embryo(s) implanted into her partner for pregnancy as a gestational carrier. Therefore, Both the person providing the egg and the birth parent are legal parents..."

"The average cost for reciprocal IVF is $10,000 to $20,000 (equivalent to 500,000 to 1,000,000) and depends on the clinic, medication protocols, and add-on services like genetic testing. That is pretty expensive but Reciprocal IVF is such a popular choice for couples like you... " The Doctor says, We were just listening.

"How many percent would be a success?" I asked,

"41-43% success rate at your age." The Doctor replied, We nodded. Solar was looking at me.

"Can we have your... Uhm... Calling card? If ever we go to the procedure?" I said, "Of course, Just call me if you guys will go so we can schedule your procedure." The Doctor said,

"Ye, Doc. Thank you so much. We will go first" I said, we bowed and left.


I just giggled when I saw solar dumbfounded.

"So let's go this month for the procedure?" I asked, she was silent and looking so far. I snapped her and she went back to her senses.

"Are you talking to me?" She asked, "Yes and I'm asking you if we will go this month for the procedure?" I repeated. She stopped, I was just frowning.

"It's too expensive, Hon. Maybe... Let's just set aside the procedure? I don't know if my savings are already half of that amount." She said,

"Let's check my bank accounts? I didn't check it for a while so I don't know how much I already saved." I said, she sighed.

"Let's go now, Let's eat first. I know you're hungry." I softly said,

We went to the restaurant and Solar was still silent looking at the window. I caressed her hands.

"Hon, are you okay?" I asked, she nodded and smiled.

"I can work for it, If we didn't have the target money," I softly said, "That's your savings... It's for you." She replied.

"Correction It's for us. It's just money though, I can make and save again." I said and gave my assurance smile.

"The success rate is getting low by age," I added. "After this, we will go to the bank," I said, she nodded as our order came.

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