Chapter 56

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Solar's morning sickness already stopped before she went to her 3rd month of pregnancy. Her cravings were very easy to find for now I guess but she craves a lot in the middle of the night.

If you were asking if her attitude changed, Yes it changed. She is more clingy than before. She doesn't want me to go anywhere but she always pushes me away from her or sometimes she lets me sleep on the couch because she said she doesn't want me to be by her side.

Her favorite perfume of mine she dislikes these days, that's why I didn't put that perfume on. She always said my perfume is stinky but she always sniffed me and hugged me. She even always pinched my cheeks and nose. She is so grumpy these days.

I just bear with her attitude since it's her pregnancy symptoms.

Solar's Baby bump is showing now, She's 6 months pregnant this month. But she's still working. I admit that I was frightened of her because it's bad for her if she gets stressed and overworked but she's stubborn.

"Hon, I'll file your Maternity Leave..." I uttered, She looked at me frowning. "I don't need to leave right now, Hon. I can still work, you know" She protests.

"Hon, because your baby bump is showing now you know and..." I said, "Why am I fat now?"

"Yes! N-no!" I uttered, "It is not what I meant, it's getting near you gave birth besides if your baby bump getting bigger... your back, belly and so on will hurt, and you're not allowed to get stressed and overwork it was bad for you," I added, she was looking at me while her raising her eyebrows.

"Ah ya! Kim Yongsun, Don't make that face. Please? I'll file your Pregnancy leave now? I'm afraid you know." I said, she just hugged me.

"I don't want to stay at home, Love" Solar uttered, "Then, I'll send you to your mom's house or you can go to Hyejin's house sometimes," I said, she just whined.

"Please Hon? you need to take care of yourself too and our baby," I beg. I know she won't listen to me. "I'll file my leave when I'm 7 months pregnant, We need to save more money," She said, I just sighed.

"Fine, but when you are 7 months, I will quickly file your Maternity leave. Deal?" I asked, she nodded.

I just agree with her even though I don't want to and I'm afraid. We already have the money we need for her to give birth. Besides, we already buy baby stuff, cribs, and so on... And it's already done.


Since it's our day off today, We're just laying on the bed.

"Byul-ah" Solar mumbled, "Hmm?"

"Let's get married?" Solar uttered, she quickly looked at me. I was shocked at her.

"Silly girl, you said before you want to see our baby walking at the altar? " I uttered, she pouted. "I want now," Solar said, I just giggled at her actions.

"Aigoo... Don't worry, I will marry you soon." I said, "I want to marry you now" She replied.

"When our baby is out after 1 year or when she's walking. Let's get married, Okay?" I said, she quickly nodded like a kid.

"B-byul... she was moving," Solar said while holding her tummy. I sat up and touched her tummy too. She's right, It's moving.

I was smiling looking at solar that was happy, she was more blooming and bubbly when she's pregnant.

"See? She maybe wants to be there in our wedding" I said, "She always moved this past few days" Solar said,

"She may have missed me that's why" I proudly said, "Byul, I'm hungry. Can you buy something?" Solar said, I was frowning and waiting for what she wanted.

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