8. Love Bug

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They stood silently as the wind whipped around them and the waves crashed against the shores. Rhaenyra stared at her mother and brother. Dead. Waiting to be burned. Taelon interlaced his fingers with hers. She stared at her father, tears in his eyes as  a sob left his lips he did this. He killed them both.

'They're waiting for you.' Daemon remarked snidely and Taelon shot him a glare. Taelon pressed a kiss to Nyra's cheek before releasing her hand and stepping forward. 

'D...' Taelon began and Ranarok gave a low growl from the top of the hill. Rhaenyra put an arm on her father easing him back as Taelon spoke louder, clearer, he looked down to his mothers wrapped body one last time before looking to Ranarok he waited expectantly.

'Dracarys.' Taelon declared and Ragnarok climbed down and in a blazing heat of dragon fire burned Baelon and Aemma. With heavy breaths they watched them burn.


"Nyra?' Taelon knocked on her door and she curled her legs up into herself.

"Hi." Her voice barely a whispered as she looked to him.

"Can I join you?" Taelon asked kicking off his shoes as he climbed up onto the bed. Nyra nodded a sniffle in her nose as she curled into his side.

"I don't want her to be gone." Nyra whispered.

"Me either love bug." Taelon told her running a calming hand over her side. She felt herself relax immediately at his touch.

"Can you stay here tonight?" Nyra felt like a child having a bad dream and running to Taelon's room begging to stay in his bed for the night. He always said yes and he always sung her old valaryian songs and stories until she fell asleep.

"Of course." He answered without hesitation.


'My darling.' Otto said to his daughter. 'How's Rhaenyra?'

'She lost her mother.' Alicent reminded him.

'The Queen was well-loved by all. I found myself thinking of your own mother today.'

'How is His Grace?' Alicent offered.

'Very low.' He admitted 'Which is why I sent for you. I thought you might go to him... offer him comfort.'

'In his chambers? I wouldn't know what to say.'

'Stop that.' he said swatting at her hand she was picking at her nails causing them to bleed. 'He'll be glad of a visitor. You might wear one of your mother's dresses.' He offered. 


"Do as I say." Otto instructed. 


"Go on Alicent."


There was a small knock on the door. Alicent was worried she knew what she was supposed to do but she didn't want to.

'The Lady Alicent Hightower, Your Grace.' She was announced and took hesitant steps into Viserys chambers.

'What is it, Alicent?' Viserys questioned turning to her.

'I thought I might come and look in on you, Your Grace. I brought a book.' Alicent offered holding it out.

'That's very kind, thank you.' Viserys said stiffly. He didn't want company he wanted to cry.

'It's a favorite of mine. I do know how passionate you are for the histories.' Alicent recalled.

'Yes... I am.' He admitted softly.

'When my mother died... people only ever spoke to me in riddles. All I wanted was for someone to say that they were sorry for what happened to me. I'm very sorry, Your Grace.' Alicent told him honestly.


Back at the brothel and Daemon should have been on top of the world. His brothers son died unfortunately it was the wrong son. He had to handle Taelon before the crown could be his but accidents happened all the time.

'Thank you.' Daemon said taking the glass of ale.

'The King's most eligible heir once again. Might we drink to our future?' a man declared and Daemon smiled back at him. There was an uproar of cheers and shouts of delight, their cups banged on the table in celebration.

'Quiet! Your Prince will speak! Silence!' Daemon chuckled as he stood up.

'King and Council have long rued my position at court.' Daemon told them. 'But dream and pray as they all might, it seems I'm not so easily replaced... one day, I have faith it will be mine still. The gods give just as the gods take away.'



"Taelon... I..." Viserys didn't have words.

"I spoke to Mellos." Taelon remarked pouring them both a glass of wine.

"Did he tell you that I am failure as  a husband and a king?" Viserys said miserably.

"He told me you begged them to save mum.' Taelon corrected and Viserys glanced back at him. "I know I'm a bit of a dick." Taelon admitted. "But I loved mum more than anyone, Nyra as well..." Also Nyra was not included in anyone, she was definitely Taelon's favorite. "I am grateful you tried. You could have very easily said to save the babe, hope for a better heir." Taelon remarked.

"You are my heir." Viserys corrected rising to face him. "Taelon... you are my son, my firstborn and I love you so much."

"I am going to do better, be a better son and heir... I'm going to try father. For you. For mum." Taelon assured.

"You are my son, my blood, my boy." Viserys said bringing a hand to his shoulder. "I don't know where you got your height.' Viserys chuckled looking up at him. "But you are my heir, my legacy, I couldn't be more proud of you. I swear it." Taelon looked down to his feet. "I know I haven't... said it much but... it is true. I am proud of you. You are a great warrior, something I am not. A dragon rider, Ragnarok is one of the largest and most fierce beasts, yet he have him wrapped around your gigantic fingers." Viserys mused. "You attend every council meeting, you are timely and organized, you are the best of Jaehaerys himself." Viserys informed him. "Your great grandfather would be proud of you as I am." He assured.

"Thank you... for saying all that." Taelon said softly. His father had never shown this much emotion before. It was nice to see he was human too.


"Prince Taelon?" He spun around. 

"Alicent, a lovely surprise." Taelon said as she stopped in front of him. A lovely surprise, her mind echoed and her heart fluttered. 

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry again, your mother was a kind woman." Alicent remarked. 

"She was." Taelon agreed. "You know people like to say that I have an attitude like Daemon," Taelon remarked. "But they didnt know my mother. She could be a spitfire."

Alicent had only ever seen Aemma as the respectful and proper queen. She supposed as the queen there was two sides. The side the world got to see and the side only her husband and children knew best. 

"She was a good queen but she was a great mum." Taelon said softly. 

"Would it be alright if I gave you a hug?" Alicent asked stepping closer. 

"I would like that." Taelon agreed as he held her to him. His heart beat echoed in her ear as she breathed him in. 

Epiphany // Alicent HightowerWhere stories live. Discover now