17. Let them Live

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Taelon stared across the table at his father. They never had supper together. The three of them. So of course Viserys had to extend the invitation to Otto and Alicent.

Otto encouraged Alicent to sit beside Viserys but the moment she saw Nyra and Taelon all of Otto's prep flew out the window.

"Hello." Alicent said sitting opposite of Taelon. "Lovely evening." Alicent remarked sliding her chair in. Nyra watched Alicent scoot her chair in closer to Taelon. Nyra looked to Taelon he didnt seem to notice or care that Alicent was getting closer as he brought his glass to his lips. She had to make things right, she had to talk to him and apologize for everything. She couldnt live with him hating her. She needed him to like her if nothing else. 

"Alicent." Taelon said with a wink and Nyra was fuming, no, those winks were supposed to be for herself alone. What was he doing?

"Sorry I'm late." Tommen remarked sitting down across from Taelon. "Family supper." Tommen said rubbing his hands together. "Wonderful." Viserys glanced to Taelon.

"It is, cheers mate." Taelon agreed lifting his glass to Tommen. "I hope you don't mind father," Taelon began. "Seeing as though you and Nyra got to invite a friend." Taelon offered innocently.

"Of course not." Viserys agreed. "Be welcome Ser Tommen."

"I feel welcomed." Tommen agreed as he started piling on his plate with food.

"So Prince Taelon, I saw Ragnarok coming down this morning, did you have a good ride?" Alicent asked. She had spoken to Taelon since Nyra informed her of her loud snoring, but then again, Nyra informed her that Taelon was in a foul mood and then in the courtyard... but she couldnt sit here and be a mute.

"Oh yes, lovely ride." Taelon agreed smiling over at her. Alicent felt her nerves wash away as Taelon still had that charming smile and didnt mention her snoring, or hating her, or wishing death upon her for breathing. Her nonexistent snoring but Alicent didnt need to know that. "Lovely day in general." Taelon agreed.

"Oh?" Nyra mused leaning closer.

"Taelon had a wonderful dream to start his morning." Tommen informed them and Nyra felt but a flutter and wave of pain fill her. 

"Tommen." Taelon chuckled as he reached a hand over, his large hand covering Nyra's thigh. She felt herself tense then relax as his hand moved along her knee and thigh.

"Then he rode, then he kicked everyone's asses." Tommen went on. "training with Taelon really is only fun for him and I." Tommen remarked.

"No one likes to go up against us." Taelon agreed. "A shame really when we always give them the advantage."

"What advantage is that?" Alicent asked softly.

"Usually four, sometimes five or six of them against one of us." Taelon informed her nonchalantly.

"Wow," Alicent's gaze shifted to Nyra, her eyes glued to her thigh, his hand still on her, moving the fabric of her dress under his rough, calloused hand. 

"But today Stark got a good hit in. He's gonna be bragging about that for the rest of his life." Tommen declared. Taelon let out a huff of a breath as Alicent's smile faltered before turning her attention to Tommen. Nyra watched Taelon's hand move back to his cup, leaving her feeling an ache, of missing and needing his touch.

But she assumed most would die to feel his touch.

 "You two have been friends a long time?" Alicent asked.

"Forever." Tommen agreed. "Just like you two, right?"

"I didn't meet Alicent until we came to the capital." Nyra corrected.

"Yeah but you were just a little thing, still are." Tommen remarked.

"I'm a woman." Nyra corrected. "I'm not a child." Tommen chuckled.

"Yelena scare you or give you the touch talk?" Tommen murmured through laughs.

"Tommen!" Taelon declared leaning back in his chair, as he wrapped a hand around the back of Alicent's chair.  Viserys stared down the table at his children.

"They are happy, are they not?" Viserys asked otto.

"Yes. It seems so." Otto agreed.

"I don't know that my heart will ever be like that again. That happy and content." Viserys remarked.

"Oh, just give yourself time." Otto informed him. "Lean on those around you. Find the pleasures and joys in life..."

Taelon certainly didnt have a hard time finding pleasure and joy. He also wasnt to be married yet. Didnt have that one person to lean on. He had Tommen but they were the best of friends, it was different sharing your body and mind with one woman, one person.

"Taelon, look at the time." Tommen remarked looking at his empty wrist. "We gotta go."

"You do?" Alicent and Nyra questioned so pitifully.

"Fiery adventures." Tommen whispered downing his drink.

"Ladies, always a pleasure." Taelon said kissing Alicent and Nyra's cheek as he got up.

"Can I come?" Nyra asked spinning around in her chair.

"Sure!" Tommen declared and Taelon shot him a knowing look. Nyra jumped up.

"Me as well?" alicent asked hopefully as she rose flattening her dress.

"They don't-" Taelon began.

"SURE!" Tommen declared. "Let's go."

"Where are you going, Taelon?" Viserys asked.

"Alicent, take a seat." Otto told her sternly.

"Oh, don't be such a fuddy duddy." Tommen teased lightly. "We will take good care of them." Tommen assured as he pat Otto's back.

"Alicent-" Otto began as viserys spoke, their voices overlapping.

"Taelon. Where are-"

"Can't hear, this-" tommen waved a hand in circles around his ear. "-room, the acoustics are just horrible." He remarked putting a hand on Nyra and Alicent's back moving them forward. "You hear it Taelon? The echo? It's like- whoosh!" Tommen declared, Taelon chuckled following them out.

"Alright, no drinks for the littles, is that what we are going with this time?" Tommen remarked.

"I'm not little!" Nyra declared.

"You are a woman, yes, yes." Tommen agreed. "I heard you. But lightweights. Don't feel bad plenty of time to build up tolerance."

"Where are we going?" ALicent questioned.

"Stick close to us." Taelon told them pulling Nyra to him. "A lot of shady shit, which is why I didnt want you two coming." Taelon said directing his stare at Tommen.

"Let them live!" Tommen declared.

"The bon fire." Taelon informed them. "Everyone is drunk and rowdy and-"

"You are making it sound like no fun." Tommen declared. "It is loud and strings play, bodies collide, drinks are overflowing, the blazing fire shadowing and illuminating us all."

"It is a maze. A labyrinth." Taelon corrected. "Stay close, your father and mine would kill me if we lost you."

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