94. The Dragon Hunt

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When they landed at dragonstone to say Taelon suddenly had a fatherly instinct like no other and quickly questioned what the hell are we doing? These dragons are unclaimed and untamed for a reason.

"Bad idea." Taelon decided but Thorin was already marching ahead.

"He's too much like you." Tommen remarked.

"That makes Aegon you." Taelon countered looking to a nervous Aegon.

"Rude. Aegon is great. You are fine." Tommen declared.

"No, I think this might be a bad idea." Maekar countered cautiously.

"Alright lets go!" Thorin declared. "Move out people we are on a mission!"

"Coming!" Aislynn shouted chasing after him.

"Why did you say yes to this?" Taelon hissed as they walked. "Bringing my babies on a dragon hunt. This is beyond stupid of us." Lila smiled giddy, she wouldnt stop screaming, Taelon would make sure she was holding onto him or tommen the whole time or she would be sad forever. 

"I agree but you seemed really confident." Tommen remarked.

"Oh Gods, where is Aemond!" Taelon declared spinning around. "AEMOND!" Taelon shouted but then he saw Aemond standing behind him.

"Right here." He offered and Taelon knelt before him. His rapidly beating heart slowing a bit.

"NEW RULE!!" Taelon demanded. "HOLD HANDS!" Aislynn was quick to grab Thorin's hand.

"Dad!" Thorin countered with a grumble.

"Hold fucking hands or we head home." Taelon declared. Thorin stared back at him defiantly. "Thorin." Taelon warned. He grumbled grabbing Aegon's hand. "Great, now we stick together." Taelon instructed.

"Look at you trying to be responsible!" Tommen declared. "Thats new."

"Im a father. I have to protect them. Its not just my ass and yours on the line." Taelon reminded him. "Alicent trusted us to return them in one piece."

"Its cute." Tommen assured. "I dont recognize this mature and responsible man but its cute." Taelon gave him a shove. "There he is."

"Shut up. Alright, dragon hunt." Taelon declared as they walked.

"Daddy I want Silverwing!" Aislynn reminded him.

"I know sweetie." Taelon agreed. "Shes a sweet thing too I'm sure she will love you." Aislynn nodded excitedly as they marched on.


Jace and Luke wrestled in the courtyard when the rest of the kids took off.

"Alright don't listen to Ser Criston." Harwin remarked. "He plays dirty." Criston rolled his eyes as he got the boys sparing swords to play with instead of their fists. "Princess... your grace." Harwin remarked as they came through the courtyard. "Princess Avalon, not heading to dragonstone." 

"I already have Mouse and mum would be lonely." Avalon offered. 

"My sweet girl." Alicent remarked running a hand through her hair. 

"Where's Lila?" Loki questioned. 

"Dragonstone." Avalon answered and Loki's jaw dropped as he looked to his mother. 

"THey let Lila go!" Loki shouted. 

"Thats her parents decision and I said no." Gaena corrected. He gaped back at her. 

"But she's younger than I!" Loki reminded her. 

"And I said no." Gaena corrected. 

"Worst mum ever!" Loki demanded marching off. Gaena stared back at him. Davina moved blocking his little rampage. 

Epiphany // Alicent HightowerWhere stories live. Discover now