13. Threes a crowd

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When Nyra woke in the morning she felt Taelon's warm muscled chest next to her. Her eyes slowly peeled open as she looked over at him. In a bit of daze as she ran her hand along his chest. But then as she got closer snuggling into him, her arm wrapped around his waist she felt another person. She popped up and looked to Alicent still asleep.

Nyra had the most wonderful dream that her and Taelon made love all night but she looked down at herself, despite Taelon's lack of shirt he was still in shorts and Nyra and Alicent wore their dresses from the previous night still. With a groan she laid back down. Only a dream. How unfortunate. She pulled herself closer to Taelon not ready to give up this warm spot as she tried to push the fact that Alicent was here too.

Alicent was her best friend but she was not willing to share Taelon with her. Nyra knew that Taelon and Tommen shared women, she didnt exactly know how that worked but she wasnt about to share Taelon with Alicent.

"Hey," Taelon's first gruff, gravely words of the morning, directed at Nyra. She felt her heart flutter.

"Hi," she whispered not letting go of him.

"You and Alicent were pretty wiped out last night." Taelon whispered.

"Too much to drink perhaps." Nyra offered.

"Remind me that a sip for you is more than enough next time." Taelon mused. Next time Nyra repeated. There would be a next time and her and Taelon would be out drinking and dancing and singing and end up in his bed all over again but hopefully a more eventful night. A night without Alicent hogging the warmth. The space on his bed.

Taelon unraveled himself from them as he got up. Nyra watched him go, he jumped off the end of the bed and tugged on a shirt.

"Tommen and I are going for a run this morning." Taelon remarked as he tied up his laces.

"You run every morning?" Nyra asked scooting down the bed towards him.

"Most." Taelon agreed as he leaned over and kissed her cheek. "Don't tell father about last night." Taelon whispered. "I'm trying to be the good son and getting you drunk, doesnt help my holy art thou pretenses." Taelon remarked.

"Got it." Nyra agreed. "Can we do that again though?" nyra asked draping her legs over his hoping to keep him there a little longer.

"You liked Tommen's singsong did you?" Taelon chuckled running a hand over her legs.

"It was fun being out with you." Nyra told him innocently. Taelon smiled over at her, her attempts at being sexy were failing, she didnt know how to be sexy. She was a teenager after all, her experience with seducing the male species were quite limited to books and gossip her and alicent heard. Also walking in on Taelon naked after his own fornication but that was less her being flirt and more her staring at his perfect body, perfect cock and losing all words, her brain turning to mush and her tongue going numb and all her eyes could ever focus on were things she shouldnt be staring so obviously at.

"Yeah, it was fun." Taelon agreed lifting her legs up and plopping them down on the bed in his place as he got up. "See you later Nyra." Taelon remarked as he headed out. She opened her mouth to speak but he was already out the door.

"Bye," She murmured tipping back into the pillows and curling up under the blankets, his musky smokey smell still lingering on the sheets, she could have pretended a moment longer but then she heard Alicent wake up and her thoughts of what could have happened, all the things she wanted him to do, to touch, to kiss drifted away.

"My father is going to kill me." Alicent muttered as she got up.

"Probably." Nyra agreed stretching out over the now empty bed.

"I mean we didnt do anything." Alicent reasoned slipping on her shoes.

"Drank to much and passed out in Taelon's bed.." Nyra corrected. "I'm sure your father would be thrilled to hear that." she agreed.

"Taelon..." Alicent spun around "Is he... here?"

"Clearly not." Nyra sassed.

"But he was? He, slept.... like here." ALicent remarked pointing to the bed.

"This is his room." Nyra agreed.

"But, but I slept here." Alicent remarked.

"As did I." Nyra agreed.

"And he was... here?" Alicent felt her heart flutter.

"Yep. Bye!" Nyra declared rolling over in the bed.

"And I slept here with Taelon, in his bed." Alicent was still processing.

"Yes. Slept. Key word being slept, drunkenly...." A smile curved Nyra's face as she sat up in bed. "You snored all night long." Nyra lied.

"I did!" Alicent couldnt breathe. Did she snore? She snored in Taelon, the Prince Taelon's bed, the handsomest man in westeros, she snored in front of him?

"Like a hog." Nyra agreed and oinked back at Alicent. A look of horror crossed Alicent's face.

"I didn't. Please tell me I didn't." Alicent stammered bringing a petrified hand to her quivering lips.

"You did. That's why Taelon left this morning." Nyra informed her. "He couldnt sleep over the sound."

"Oh.. my..." Alicent looked one step away from a full blown panic attack.

"Yep, I wouldnt bring it up though." Nyra offered. "Don't want to remind him of the long night tossing and turning." Alicent looked to Nyra terrified.

"He hates me." Alicent declared.

"Possibly." Nyra agreed. 'Best avoid Taelon for a bit, you know, let the memory of last night fade from his mind."

"Okay," Alicent agreed nodding slowly. "I should apologize though." Alicent remarked and Nyra shook her head vigorously.

"Bad idea, don't want to bring it up. Remember? Just let it fade, Taelon doesnt hold grudges." Nyra offered. "But he might be cranky today with his lack of sleep..."

"Alright," Alicent agreed. "Gods." She muttered as she headed out.

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