67. A Clean Slate

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Haunted // Aegon Targaryen x Vaera out now!!

"Oh my boy, what a good leader you will be." Viserys remarked happily. 

"I couldnt stop Criston." Taelon corrected. 

"You got your wife and children save, I saw you instructing the knights... they listen to you because they have always trusted you." Viserys remarked. "Seen you as a good leader and future king." 

"I think it's that I pay their bar tab." Taelon mused. 

"I'm proud of you Taelon." Viserys declared as he coughed out. Taelon reached over giving him a cup of wine. He choked it down before looking to Taelon again. 

"Sit, lets sit, it was a big day." Taelon remarked leading Viserys, he noticed how frail was. How pale his father had gotten. Viserys coughed out, bringing a handkerchief to his lips, Taelon saw blood as Viserys tried to hide it in his cloak. "Father-"

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Taelon." Viserys rasped.

"Sorry?" Taelon countered looking to Avalon, a big pout on her little face as she reached out for him. 

"I should have believed in you sooner. Trained you better. You were always the best of your mother and I." Viserys remarked. "I know it. YOu are... you are... Your mother would be so proud of you." Viserys declared as Taelon picked up Avalon.

"Hey baby girl," Taelon whispered kissing her head.

"I am so proud of you." Viserys declared. "You and Rhaenyra both, you make me so proud, to be a father and a king knowing what wonderful children, what wonderful people you are... don't lose your heart." Viserys requested hugging Taelon. Viserys looked to Alicent. "And I'm so happy you found love." Another choking cough, Taelon's gaze stuck on the bloody handkerchief. "Look at all your children, so beautiful, such a beautiful family. You my boy, you make me a proud father and grandsire Taelon." 

"Are you alright?" Taelon questioned. "Should I get a maester?" 

 "I love you so much." Viserys declared.

"I love you." Taelon assured. "Can you give grandsire a kiss?" Taelon asked and Avalon tipped her head into TAelon smiling back at Viserys. "Still working on that." Taelon remarked with a chuckle.

 "You are going to be a great king one day Taelon." Viserys declared.

"I had a great role model." Taelon agreed. "You are a great king father, a great father. Impossible King to follow, do try to make a few mistakes before you go so I wont be remembered for being Taelon the screw up." Taelon mused. 

"You will be known as Taelon the Brave. Taelon the loyal. Taelon... the best son a man could ask for." Viserys corrected. 

"Thank you, Father. I will try to do you proud." 


"Seems a bad time for a wedding." Alicent remarked softly as they got in place. 

"Duty is the death of love... love is the death of smiles at weddings." Taelon offered. 

"Not for us." Alicent corrected. 

"No, we had no deaths and lots of love." Taelon agreed before Nyra's footsteps caught his attention. Taelon hugged Alicent to him as Nyra turned to Laenor. 

"The love of the Seven is holy and eternal. The source of life and love. We stand here tonight in thanks and praise to join two souls as one." The high septon began. ''Father... Mother... Warrior... Smith... Maiden... Crone... Stranger. Hear now their vows.'' Rhaenyra stared across at a weepy Laenor, for he had just lost the true love of his life. 

Nyra knew of their arrangement but Laenor lost his love and Criston had vetoed her offer. They were stuck in a loveless marriage with no outside options. Her gaze shifted to Taelon, Alicent smiled softly as she leaned back into him. 

''I am yours and you are mine. Whatever may come.'' Laenor said sadly.

''I am yours and you are mine. Whatever may come.'' Rhaenyra whispered back and kissed the corner of his lips. Taelon offered Nyra a pitiful smile, he knew she didnt want this but maybe love grew. Maybe they could be more. Taelon had liked ALicent but they didnt take that step farther to more to what he wanted, to what they wanted and things were wonderful. Maybe Nyra just needed to be open to the possibility of more. 

''Here, in the presence of gods and men, I proclaim... Laenor of House Velaryon... Rhaenyra of House Targaryen, to be man and wife. One flesh... one heart... one soul... now and forever.'' The high septon declared as Viserys collapsed to the ground before them.

Taelon faltered back before dropping down beside him, feeling for a pulse as he demanded the maesters. 


"Daddy is with grandsire." Alicent reminded Maekar for the hundredth time. "Thats why we are taking a walk." 

"But I want daddy." Maekar corrected. 

"Me too baby but he's with his daddy and ... Ser Criston?" Alicent questioned and he looked up from his blade. Maekar screamed covering his eyes with his hands as he turned to Alicent. Criston dropped the blade, Maekar heard it clatter to the ground. 

"What are you doing?" Alicent questioned. 

"I... my lady I'm sorry. I... I..." Criston couldnt get the words out. 

"What you did with Rhaenyra was... unwise. What you did tonight..." Alicent hesitated as she picked up Maekar. "Did the knight say something? Know something?" ALicent offered. 

"He was Laenors... sworn sword." Criston offered. Alicent nodded in understanding. "He... I shouldnt have." Criston acknowledged. "I was foolish and acted rashly. I... I'm sorry my lady. I cant live with myself. For all the things I have done. I'm ashamed. I can't... I can't live on like this." Criston declared. "I'm sorry. No one was supposed to... I didnt mean to scare the little prince." 

"You have been very honest with me Ser Criston." Alicent remarked. "You could have easily lied to me that day. But you respected me enough to tell me the truth even though you knew it might mean your death. You are a brave man, a good solider, come into my service." Alicent requested. "You can have a fresh start, a clean slate."  

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