120. Strike a Nerve

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"If you are looking for the little slut, she is in Dragonstone." Tommen remarked the next morning while they broke their fasts together and Harwin grit his teeth. "Oh, did I strike a nerve? She killed her husband and wed Daemon behind everyone's backs and was never heard from again."

Larys on the other hand loved this. A smile he tried to hide broke through as he looked back at Harwin. Always the perfect son, the first born, the wonderful... ha, ha suck it Harwin, I'm the good son now Larys wanted to shout. He knew it was childish but hell if he didnt deserve a win.

"Quite disappointing." Alicent agreed. "Taelon was really upset with her, to throw away her family for a man that has wanted to destroy this family for ages."

"She is still the princess.' Harwin reminded Tommen and Tommen laughed out as Gaena and Davina came in, children running to the table ignoring the grown ups as they started eating and talking among themselves, all except Lila and Maeve.

"She's not a princess, she was disinherited." Thorin corrected. "You should be too. Completely and totally cut off from the rest of the world... That's one thought for the future we should keep that in mind." Thorin half teased and Harwin swallowed the lump in his throat.

"I'm Lila Rose, whats your name?" Lila questioned smiling up at Lyonel.

"I'm Lyonel, nice to meet you." Lila smiled back at him before looking to Harwin.

"Thats the bear Lila." Aegon remarked with a chuckle and Lila's eyes went wide before taking a step back and running to Thorin. Maekar and Tommen laughed out.

"Even your presence scares the little princess." TOmmen declared. Taelon ran a hand along his jaw as he came in and Lyonel and Harwin rose, bowing their heads to him. He was the king after all and Taelon meet their gaze with a yawn.

"It's too early for formalities." Taelon corrected with a wave of his hand. Harwin took his seat and noticed that no one else stood, it was a sign of respect but they were family... yet they all did so for Viserys. Harwin wanted to think that Taelon was a bad king but it was clear he was a good king, well loved and respected.

Table talk was Mundane until Alicent asked what plans Davina had for the up coming moon. Davina liked to travel if she stayed in one place for too long she got antsy. And no one liked her when she was antsy because she became moody even more so. And agitated. But the children kept her on her toes. Gave her an outlet for her crazy her need for speed and her wild ways but she had been planning a trip.

"Yes we are headed south going to meet my old pal Tommen actually." Davina remarked. Tommen brought a hand to his heart.

"You have an old pal named Tommen and you didnt think to tell me that sooner?" Tommen asked

"I don't see why I would? Hes the opposite of you and I see no the resemblance at all so no." she agreed.

"Where is this Tommen?"

"He's the prince of Dorne." Larys remarked. Tommen stared back at him.

"Youre friends with the prince? Of dorne? And my brother who is not named tommen knew before me?" Tommen questioned incredulously.

"Well Larys is coming with me so I figured I would tell him who we were visiting." Davina agreed and Lyonel gaped back at them. They were going on a trip together. Soon Larys would be wed and lyonel would just have to deal with Harwin still.

You two are taking a trip together! That's so wonderful." lyonel agreed. "Its a long trip to Dorne a lot of bonding-"

"Long trip?" Taelon chuckled out.

"We are flying father." Larys informed him.

"Flying a dragon? You and The princess Davina... you are flying Larys?" Lyonel couldnt fathom it.

" he's actually quite a good riding companion." Davina agreed.

"Mama is still nervous around Cannibal." Aislynn agreed and Alicent rolled her eyes.

" yes what normal human being wouldn't be scared of a giant dragon eating dragon named cannibal? Have I lost my sanity? No I think not I think I'm being a normal rational human being and saying that dragon eating dragons named cannibal are scary more scary than silverwing and Lokis little Mr mischief... and I like riding with your father." Alicent declared and Taelon smiled leaning over and pressing a kiss to her temple.

"I like you riding with me." Taelon agreed his voice gruff in her ear.

The Strongs visit to the capital was less bloodshed and more praise then lyonel had expected. Harwin felt like a failure but that wasnt anything new recently. Larys was proud of himself and liked that his father was happy with him. Tommen got to be the pride and joy of the strong family.

But as Harwin and Lyonel headed out a raven flew in.

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