24. Disobedience

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"That was so fun!" Nyra declared.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while. It's a good start." Taelon remarked. He wanted a full battle, blades and fists. Everyone always said Taelon was like Daemon and he saw it. It was hard not to. Taelon was wild and free, he liked the power and limitless life he got to live. He wondered at times if his mother would be proud but she always loved him, supported his claim and his ambitions.

"Taelon, father will be proud of you." Nyra remarked and it was like she saw the doubt in his eyes.

"Thanks, Nyra." Taelon said hugging her to him.


"No, please, Lord Lyonel. I have come looking for an unencumbered opinion." Viserys remarked leaning over the table with urgency.

"That's all I would ever give, Your Grace." Lyonel assured.

"Ever since my name was read by the archmaesters at the Great Council, I have felt Corlys Velaryon's envious gaze staring at me from across the Blackwater."

"You sit upon the highest seat in the realm, Your Grace. Proud men don't like having to look up."Lyonel remarked.

"Laena Velaryon."

"Lord Corlys is your Master of Ships and she is the eldest daughter of the wealthiest house in the realm. She comes from unimpeachable Velaryon stock and she has Targaryen blood." Lyonel told him. "What's to mislike?"

"She is 12."

"Prince Taelon is-"

"Corlys wants Laena for me. Not Taelon." Viserys corrected and Lyonel nodded understanding.

"She will mature. " Lyonel offered.

"I never asked to remarry."

" As King, you have a claim on all things. Even those you don't want. Marriage is not an obligation you can put off for long."

"What if I was to reject Lord Corlys's proposal?" Viserys suggested.

"He would not be like to take it well. I fear nothing short of a direct line to the Iron Throne would satisfy him. You should also consider that we find ourselves on the precipice of war in the Stepstones. And the Sea Snake holds claim to nearly half the realm's ships." Lyonel told him.

"He would not dare withhold them in the face of the realm's need. Who is he to hector me?" Viserys countered

"No one, Your Grace. But Driftmark makes for a better ally than it does an enemy. The Sea Snake has made a calculated reach, a fair play for a man of his position. If you truly want my unencumbered opinion..." Lyonel questioned.

"I do."

"You or Prince Taelon should wed Laena Velaryon, Your Grace. Sate Lord Corlys and fix him at your side, permanently, as an ally." Lyonel told him.

"Taelon doesnt want her either. What should I do, flip a coin, heads I lose, tails he loses?" Viserys offered.

"You are the king if you tell Taelon to marry Laena-"

"He will become as much a throne in my side as much as Daemon." Viserys remarked as the door swung open.

"Your Grace," Ser Steffon announced. 'the Prince and Princess have returned from Dragonstone.'

'Dragonstone?' Viserys questioned.


"Your Grace." Taelon and Nyra echoed blandly.

"You disobeyed me. The both of you." Viserys declared. "You, Taelon I expect this kind of disobedience but you, Rhaenyra... I expect better."

"Don't blame Nyra, I forced her to come." Taelon informed.

"Did you?" Viserys countered.

"She, came screaming and moaning." Taelon remarked, as Viserys sighed running a hand over his face.

"You fled King's Landing without a word and you acted without The Crown's leave. You are my heir, Taelon. You could've been killed." Viserys shouted. "You could have gotten Rhaenyra killed."

"I would never let anyone hurt Nyra." Taelon countered.

"May I sit?" Nyra asked as she walked past him to take a seat. "This seems more a Taelon is in trouble moment." Nyra offered.

"You went to Dragonstone." Viserys shouted.

"And retrieved the egg without bloodshed." Taelon told him calmly.  "A feat I'm not sure Ser Otto could've accomplished alone." Taelon added winking back at Nyra.


"Okay, minimal blood shed, I cant be certain, Daemon does have a rather flat ass could have given him a cut or two on the way down..."

"TAELON!" Viserys demanded.

"I am sorry. I am sorry daemon is awful and I wanted to help." Taelon told him defensively. "I'm sorry that I don't want him taking advantage of you anymore."

"Yes, well..." Viserys reached out grabbing Taelon's shoulder. 'I sometimes forget how alike you both were, the three of you.' He said with a sigh. 'Your mother's absence is a wound that will never heal. Without her... the Red Keep has lost a warmth that I dare say it will never recover."

"It pleases me to hear you say this." Rhaenyra told him "To know that we are not alone in our grief."

"I wish I had known better what to say to you in the aftermath. I struggled to realize that my daughter had so quickly become a woman grown. My son, a true and good heir. But I know... you both understand what is now expected of me." Viserys told them. "What is expected of the both of us." Viserys reminded Taelon.

"The King must take a new wife." Taelon agreed. "I'm not king yet, I see no rush." Nyra nodded in agreement.

"I could never replace your mother. No more than I intend to replace you as heir." Viserys assured Taelon. Taelon half believed that. "Our line is vulnerable, too easily ended. And by marrying again, I may begin to ensure that we are better defended." Viserys told them. "Both of us..." Viserys said again looking to Taelon.

"Against whom?" Taelon asked instead.

"Whomever may dare to challenge us. I do not wish to make us estranged."'

"You are the King... and so, your first duty is to the realm. Mother would've understood this. Just as I do." Rhaenyra assured him.

"As do I. For you that is." Taelon agreed. "Who do you have in mind?"

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