98. Take His Cock

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"Will this one be a bastard too Ser Criston?" Aegon questioned.

"Not my place." Criston corrected.

"People talk. I'm not a child." Aegon reminded him. "I'm ten and four."

"You are not yet a man either." Tommen corrected nudging Criston back.

''Keep breathing.'' Rhaenyra gasped for breath as she pushed and pushed. Her breathing rapid, she wasn't as young as she used to be. "And push." Rhaenyra groaned out in agony. "And again.'

"I c... I can't." Rhaenyra whined

''Push!'' the midwife demanded.

"You gonna kill my brother when the babe comes?" Tommen mused.

"No idea what you mean." Taelon countered.

"Sure, sure." Tommen mused.

"Where is the man in question?"

"Nursing his wounds from a few moons back when you damn near killed him." Tommen pondered and Taelon smirked. "YOu know the only way he is going to stay away-"

"Kill him?"

"Send him away for good or kill him. Yeah. I like Harwin, he is my brother but he broke my trust to." Tommen assured. "So whatever you want to do. I'm okay with." 

"Thanks Tom. I think murdering him is last on my list though." Taelon offered. 

"But its on the list." Tommen agreed with a smug smirk. Taelon stared back at him. "He is looking through the pits with my nephews." Tommen remarked honestly. 

"I used to love him like family but..."

"You want to bash their heads together and say get your act together?" Tommen pondered. 

"On the nose, Tommen." Taelon agreed putting a finger on his nose. 


''The head!'' another midwife declared kneeling between Rhaenyra's legs. Rhaenyra kept pushing, moaning and groaning in agony but it was almost done, it had to be.

''A boy, Princess.''

''Praise the Mother!'' The baby's cries rang out.

"Ahh." They placed the boy in Rhaenyra's arms, she smiled down at him, another boy. "Healthy?"

" Kicking like a goat, Princess." They assured. Rhaenyra had but a fraction of a moment before the door opened

"Princess... the Queen has requested that the child be brought to her... immediately." Elinda one of Alicent's handmaidens informed her.

''Why?'' Rhaenyra said with a groan. Elinda just stared back at her holding out her hands for the babe. ''I'll take him myself.'' Rhaenyra said stubbornly.

''You should remain abed, Princess...''

''Yes, I should!'' Rhaenyra spat. ''Help me dress.'' She struggled she felt the blood dripping between her legs. ''Ooh... Mmm...'' Rhaenyra froze her face pinched her lip quivered

'Princess... your dress?''

''Mmm." Rhaenyra tried to hush her crying babe as she the pain erupting in her stomach.

''Princess? Oh, it's coming. The afterbirth!''


"Chop his cock off." Tommen offered. 

"Yeah that would work... cock and balls." Taelon agreed. 

"See this is why you need me. We should have done this ages ago."

"We should have." Taelon agreed teasingly.  "Gods I dont think Nyra spoke to me once since that day." 

"She's childish." Tommen remarked. 

"She is." Taelon agreed. "And I want to hate her but shes my sister."

"Beat up Harwin whenever you want. I dont mind. I give you my blessing."


Rhaenyra doubled over groaning. She took a deep steading breath as she righted herself and walked on shaky legs to get to the opposite end of the castle.

''A boy. I've just heard.' Laenor said happily

''Yes.'' Rhaenyra said through pained breaths.

''Well done. Where are you going?''

''She wants to see him.'' Rhaenyra hissed

''Now? I'm coming with you.''

''I should hope so.'' Rhaenyra countered

''Let me take him.'' Laenor offered

''No, she'll get no such satisfaction from me. Just take my arm, at the least.'' Rhaenyra told him stubbornly and he held onto her trying to help her walk.

''Was it terribly painful?''

''Oh gods.'' Rhaenyra grumbled men knew nothing of birthing pain.

''I took a lance through the shoulder once.'' Laenor remarked.

"My deepest sympathies." Rhaenyra hissed

"Daddy said Cannibal needs training though." Lila reminded the dragon masters. 

"Yes... he does but." Cannibal growled, his breath hot and strong at them but LIla didnt falter. She smiled back at them before looking to Cannibal. 

"Hi honey, its okay, just a moment." Lila remarked. "He's not really patient." She informed the dragon masters. 

"I see that." 

"So, we start with Cannibal then." Lila agreed heading outside. 

"He's going to kill us all." 

"Why did the king allow his youngest child to... Gods that little thing is going to be eaten one of these days." The dragon masters bickered but LIla walked right up to Cannibal before looking back at her siblings. 

"Thorin, I need you." Lila declared reaching a hand out for him. Thorin chuckled moving past the dragon masters. "Daddy said I need to be with him or uncle Tommy but you count too." Lila assured. 

"I think father would agree to that." Thorin assured as he held to her hand. "You lot though,'' he glanced back at the dragon masters. "A bunch of pussies." Thorin laughed out and LIla giggled. 

"They are not pussy cats like Monster." Lila declared laughing. "They are people Thorin." 

"Right, my mistake." Thorin agreed. 

Epiphany // Alicent HightowerWhere stories live. Discover now