72. Who's The Man?

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Tommen rose a curious brow when Nyra said she was pregnant. Alicent ran a hand over her own stomach, seems they would be having children at the same time if Rhaenyra wasnt lying. 

"Where is Laenor?" Tommen questioned looking around. 

"Back out again." Nyra offered. 

"When did he come back?" Tommen countered. 

"Just for a bit." Nyra lied. 

"I dont remember seeing him." Tommen added and Nyra didnt know why he was pushing this, why did he care? He wasnt her husband yet he stared at her as though he knew her lies. 

"We spent a lot of time in bed." Nyra informed him. "Henceforth... baby." 

"Right." Tommen agreed as he moved past them. 

"That was odd." Alicent offered. 

"Tommen is Tommen. YOu should know his default is odd." Nyra sassed as she walked off. 

"And you are still a heartless-"

"Hi mama." Emma declared, silencing Alicent with her cuteness.

"Hi baby." 

"When is daddy getting me a cat?" Emma questioned. 

"I dont know." Alicent admitted. "Lets go find him." 


"Larys you know what your problem is?" Tommen pondered falling into step with him.

''Im in love with the queen." Larys whispered and tommens step faltered as he looked to brother.

''That's not... what?" Tommen spat. Larys stared back at him silently. "No no just no. Taelon would kill you. But you do need a women.''

''I'm fine." Larys corrected softly.

''No, you do. Trust me. You do.'' Tommen corrected him. ''Alright whats your type?'' Larys blinked back at him. ''Never laid with a woman I will get you a selection to try and woe.''

''Why are you doing this?" Larys countered.

"I have been a bad brother- great brother to taelon but he lost his father and it made me realize I need to focus on my living family a bit more. Thought we could bond over drinks and women."

"I suppose," larys agreed.

"Wonderful!" Tommen declared with a clap. "Also that Taelon isnt a good wingman anymore since the whole loving husband, doting father and king to the realms." Tommen murmured. "But women loved the wounded bird that they can nurse." Tommen added looking Larys over. 

"I think I changed my mind." Larys murmured but Tommen grabbed his arm. 

"Nope. You and me brother. I'm going to make a man out of you." Tommen corrected. "Also, dont utter the worlds love and queen in the same sentence again. Taelon will kill you dead." Larys nodded slightly. "I get it, shes a babe but... keep those thoughts in your head." 

"Understood." Larys agreed. 

"We dont need that kind of reputation for fucking married royalty." 


"I wanted to get Emma a cat." Thorin corrected. 

"And you are a great big brother." Taelon agreed. "But she asked me." 

"Then may the best man win." Thorin agreed as he marched off. 

"You are six." Taelon reminded him. 

"Yeah." Thorin agreed as he continued on his way. 

"Hm... this is what everyone else feels like to lose against Thorin." Taelon pondered. His lips twisted, he could let Thorin find Emma a cat but what kind of father would he be if he didnt try harder to get it before Thorin? 

"Daddy!" Emma declared running up behind him. "Kitty cat?" 

"Working on in." Taelon assured her and her smile vanished and a little pout appeared. 

"Daddy, I really want a kitty cat." Emma reminded him. "It's all I have ever wanted." 

"I know I'm just trying to find the right kitty cat for you." Taelon assured. He looked to Alicent for help but she just smiled back at him. 

"I should have asked Thorin." Emma grumbled as she turned but Taelon grabbed her arm keeping her facing him. 

"I will get you the best kitty cat in the whole of westeros." Taelon assured her. 

"Right now?" Emma questioned. Taelon again looked to Alicent and she tried to hide her laugh. 

"Right now." Taelon agreed. Emma stared back at him expectantly. "Right... Right now." Taelon agreed as he got up. "I'm on it. I just need to borrow mommy." 

"Okay." Emma agreed seeing Maekar and Aegon down the hall and chasing after them. 

"Where do I find a cat for emma?" Taelon pondered as they walked. 

"How would I know that?" Alicent corrected. 

"I dont know." Taelon admitted. "Magic?" Alicent chuckled wrapping her arms around his waist. "I need to beat Thorin to it too." Taelon grumbled. 

"Thorin is finding Emma a cat?" Alicent questioned resting her chin on his chest as his hands trailed over her spine. 

"Yeah. He said may the best man win. What a little shit. He's just like me. I dont like it." Taelon decided. 

"You love it." Alicent corrected 

"I love it when he's not competing against me." Taelon corrected her. 

"Then lets beat Thorin in a cat hunt." Alicent agreed as he kissed her. 

"Best wife," another kiss, "best queen," another kiss. "Best mum."

"Emma!" Taelon looked to Thorin as he held up a little black kitten. 

"Fucks sake." Taelon muttered. 

"Kitty!" Emma shouted running up to him. "Thank you Thorin!" Emma shouted as he handed off the kitten. Thorin looked to Taelon down the hall and smirked. 

"Mini me. This is going to be problem when hes older." Taelon remarked. 

"Best brother ever!" Emma declared hugging him. "What am I going to name her?" Thorin strut down the hall. 

"Who's the man?" THorin asked smugly as he passed. Alicent couldnt stop her laughter as he continued his strut down the hall. 

Epiphany // Alicent HightowerWhere stories live. Discover now