14. Wrong Hormonal Girl

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Untouchable // Daemon // Aemond x Jurassic Park crossover

"I can't believe you." Tommen remarked as they ran.


"Your sister and the hands daughter." Tommen tsked his amusement.

"Ha, ha.' Taelon retorted shoving him aside.

"They are smitten with you. The both of them." Tommen remarked.

"Nyra is my sister and Alicent is her best friend." Taelon corrected.

"Your grandmother and grandfather-" Tommen remarked. "Alyssa and Baelon were brother and sister. Four years apart I believe as well."

"Your point?" Taelon mused.

"Just saying." Tommen said picking up speed.

"Saying what?" Taelon mused.

"The little sister that doted on the brother, forced into a marriage but declared her love for Baelon instead, he reciprocated those feelings and they lived happily ever after."

"She's 15." Taelon reminded him.

"We were fucking girls at 15, hell we had our first trio at 13."

"I know but Nyra, it's different for girls." Taelon reminded him.

"I know that but they have needs to." Tommen remarked. "You want to fuck her, you just dont want to admit it."

"I dont need you putting evil notions in my head, the ones that live there don't need the company." Taelon remarked.

"As best friend it is my job to provide and help evil sexy notions come to life." Tommen countered.

"No. Not my Nyra." Taelon corrected.

"My Nyra." Tommen put a hand over his heart as he ran backwards still keeping pace with Taelon. "That's the cutest thing I've ever heard."

"Shut up, another lap and Im done." Taelon told him.

"Got a bed with two eager younglings ready to warm your cock?" Tommen mused.

"I hope not." Taelon admitted.

"You know a long run always gets the blood pumping." Tommen reminded him.

"Then we best hurry up and finish, so we can find a lucky lady to get started." Taelon mused.


Nyra didnt know how long she waited in Taelon's chambers, in his bed waiting for him to return. She looked through his books, then his sketch books she flipped through the drawings, he was quite good. She noticed that a lot of the pictures were of women. Their backs, hair flowing down, sheets wrapped around them. Or from the front, tits on display a hand covering their cunt and a smirk on their lips.

Nyra wondered if they posed for him sitting for hours naked in his bed or if he just had that good a memory. She wondered what it would be like to pose she moved down his bed and sat like the woman in the picture, staring at the spot she assured Taelon would sit. She let out a sigh as she flipped to the next one. It was so realistic. A bit, unusual but then she supposed this was a position most women were in when in the throws of passion.

Again it was drawn from the end of the bed. Her legs were apart, knees bent, her back arching off the mattress, tits high and peaked, her own fingers spreading herself, Nyra looked at the details. The womans other hand was on her breast.

Nyra had heard of women giving themselves pleasure but she didnt understand it. She lay back trying to mimic the position again but felt strange with her clothes on and Taelon not there. She didnt know that having him there staring at her would be comforting or terrifying.

To touch yourself bare and have someone watch, to draw it, it imagine their hands were your own perhaps. Nyra pulled at the edge of her dress debating it as she gnawed at her lip. She wouldnt even know where to start, how to.. begin. But she did feel an ache in her core. A strange pulse as she imagined the women were her and Taelon was staring, wanting needing her.

She flipped the next page as she sat up and saw it was her. Her and Syrax. She crossed her legs placing the book in her lap. The smile that covered her face on the painting soon consumed her own.

She flipped to the next after a long moment and saw Ragnarok, another of Tommen and Taelon, mid dance it seemed as their feet lifted off the ground in a jolly drunken jig.

Again she flipped the page and again another woman, another body, another thing Nyra coveted never getting the chance to be that for Taelon. To pose for him. She looked to the door and wondered. What if she removed her dress, what if she waited for him. What would he do? Would he see her and laugh, would he want her? She looked back to the pictures, all the women he drew were older it seemed, had curves and depth. She looked down at her thin frame. Small boobs, small ass, small. She sighed tipping back into his pillow again. She held the book over her head.

Flipping through the pages she hoped for one of Taelon but why would he draw himself nude, he knew what he looked like. Still she searched.


"Hello Alicent." 

Nyra had told her that she snored, that she kept Taelon up and he would be in a foul mood but she turned around and Taelon had his usual charming smile. 

"Hello Prince Taelon." Alicent answered nervously. 

"What am I chopped liver?" Tommen teased nudging Alicent. 

"Hello to you as well Ser Tommen." Alicent went on. 

"It's alright, I know who the favorite it." Tommen assured. 

"I wanted to say thank you. For last night." Alicent remarked. 

"You had fun then?" Taelon asked wrapping an arm around her shoulders. 

"Yes. The most fun." Alicent agreed looking up at him as they walked. "I'm sorry if... I was..." she didnt want to say it. 

"No, you are perfect." Taelon assured. "It's this one that could use some manors." Taelon remarked nodding to Tommen. 

"Says you." Tommen corrected. 

"The woman from the tavern," Alicent remarked. "Did you speak with her after your song?" 

"Ha." Taelon chuckled and Alicent found her hand moving of its own accord to his hips. Her finger grazed his skin as she leaned into Taelon. Even sweaty after a run, he still had that smoky smell, a glow and hypnotizing way about him. 

"Forget Sylvie, forget them all!" Tommen declared. "I need to find a nice girl that doesnt want to break my heart and fuck this one." Tommen remarked. Taelon chuckled. "Don't laugh." Tommen instructed. "She is out there. Somewhere... surely, there has to be a woman that doesnt want you."

"Then I would want to claim her for myself just to prove you wrong." Taelon mused. 

"Come on, right Alicent? Not everyone is in love with his oaf." Tommen offered but Taelon smiled down at her and Tommen could see hearts in her eyes as she smiled back at Taelon. "Wrong hormonal girl to ask." Tommen remarked. 

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