38. Separation Anxiety

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Coming home was not what they had suspected. Viserys was happy to see them. Nyra was not. She was pissy and angry and hated them both. Hated them all. She hated her father for matching them. She hated Alicent for throwing herself at Taelon. She wanted so badly to hate Taelon but when she saw him back after so many moons she just wanted the familiar feel of his hug. Then she saw Alicent leaning into Taelon his arms wrapped around her. Nyra felt sick. Then she saw him kiss her again and again holding her face to his and Nyras heart broke all over again.

No one was forcing Taelon to love Alicent. He just did. No one forced him to leave for moons. He wanted to. Now he was back and Nyra would have to watch them grow a family and love each other.

"Thank the gods!" Tommen declared lunging at Taelon. "Buddy I have missed you. You dont know the struggles. Never leave me again!" Tommen declared dramatically.

"I would say I missed you but I was a bit busy-" taelon teased and Tommen leaned back falling into Taelon. He brought a hand to his forehead in a state of fake fainting.

"Oh my heart!" Tommen declared "what shall I do? I will die alone until the rats find me and feast upon my corpse!"

"Always so dramatic this one." Taelon remarked and Alicent smiled back at them. "I missed you too." Taelon assured hugging him again.

"I had to talk to my brother." A shudder went through Tommen. "What a horror."

"Horror indeed. Larys is a creep." Taelon agreed.

"Larys Gods I didnt stoop that low." Tommen corrected "harwin. Mr goody two shoes. He was a shit wingman and Criston left after a drink. A single drink, what a bore. I dont know how I survived."

"The horror," Alicent agreed softly.

"Ah got your wife picking on me as well. I see how it is." Tommen mused.

"Ah my boy you are back!" Viserys declared giving him a hug. ''Look at you two.'' Viserys knew he made a good choice. ''Good time together?''

''Excellent'' Taelon agreed. Alicent leaned back into him as he wrapped his arms around her.

''Am I going to be a grandsire soon?'' Viserys asked hopefully. Taelon chuckled kissing Alicent temple.

''Yes.'' She answered and Viserys beamed back at them.

''Glorious!'' Viserys declared. ''Otto, oh Otto look who is back!''

''Daughter, how wonderful to see you again. I hope your trip was plentiful.'' Otto offered.

''Very much so. Taelon showed me the world. Oh its all so beautiful.'' Alicent exclaimed and Otto wanted to be mad but he couldnt. Otto had loved his wife and knew if Alicent married Viserys she wouldnt love him but seeing her smile seeing Taelons smile true and sincere Otto felt a wave of regret for trying so hard to push her towards a man she didnt love.

''Thats really wonderful Alicent. Im so happy for you.'' Otto told her honestly.

"We are going to be grandsires Otto!" Viserys declared. "How wonderful!"

"Yes, I'm sure you missed Taelon but I missed him more." Tommen remarked. "You can... manage another day, much to catch up on." Tommen declared nudging Taelon along. "Goodness, your father is so needy. Does he not know I have separation anxiety?" Tommen tsked. "Long ride im sure your wife is tired and can part from you!" Tommen begged.

''Can we settled first?'' Taelon countered

''Ahh you have grown weak in your old age.'' Tommen declared. ''Settled? Rest? Gods you are becoming your father.''

''Dont say such slander!'' Taelon teased.

''I should have you know I switched your chambers for you.'' Tommen declared

''You what?''

''Your father was going to move you to a bigger room on the opposite side of the castle for more piracy and I said dont go through taelons things. I will do it. You are welcome.'' Tommen declared.

''Yes thank you im sure you helped yourself.'  Taelon mused.

''I did.'' Tommen agreed. ''Got a room right next door for alicent. Then thought best down the hall just in case-''

''We wont be needing separate rooms.'' Taelon corrected.

''Oh how fucking sweet.'' Tommen declared putting a hand over his heart.

Alicent looked around her new chambers. Their chambers.

''You like it?" Taelon asked.

''Beautiful. Its so beautiful.'' Alicent answered. Taelon pulled open the wardrobe and saw his shirts had been color coded. Tommen really was bored. His sketchbooks arranged by date under the cabinet and his shoes were polished.

''Poor tommen was lost without me. Started cleaning to pass the time.'' Taelon remarked. ''Poor lad.''

Alicent unpacked and rearranged the room slightly. Putting her dresses in a different order and rearranging the bookshelf. Then they tested out the bed before Taelon took Tommen out for drinks. A proper wingman and got him Sylvie for the night.

''Are you happy Alicent?''

''I am father. So happy.'' She assured

''Where is your husband?''

''Took Tommen out drinking.'' Alicent recalled and Otto huffed a breath. ''He missed his best friend as did I if she ever looks at me again.'' Alicent added quietly.

''Prince Taelon and Tommen together are a mess. They will-'' Otto began

''I trust Taelon.'' Alicent corrected. ''I love him and he loves me.'' She caught Nyras eye as Nyra passed them in the hall and the look she gave Alicent was nothing less than vicious.

Taelon might have gotten home very late that night or very very early the next morning. He closed the door and yanked off his clothes throwing them to the floor to be dealt with in the morning sun before sliding into bed.

Otto had gotten into Alicents head. So though she tried to fall asleep she couldnt. She blamed it on the fact that she had gotten used to Taelons body against her in the night. Or the fact that they had been traveling and this was a new bed, a new room but as it got later she worried that her father was right and Taelon and tommen found a lucky woman or two to fuck for the night.

But then she jeard the door open felt his arm wrap around her and felt the kiss he pressed on her shoulder and all her fears went away.

She turned her head to see him and kissed him gently. Besides the ale his kiss tasted like her.

Epiphany // Alicent HightowerWhere stories live. Discover now