79. She Wanted Love

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Tommen was getting married. Lyonel never thought the day would come. 

"I'm nervous. I have never been nervous before." Tommen remarked. 

"She loves you. You love her. Thats more than enough to make you nervous for all eternity." Taelon remarked and Tommen gaped back at him. 

"That wasnt helpful." Tommen declared. 

"You are going to do great." Taelon assured him. "Just stand and smile, nod if you get nervous and when you see her, kiss her."

"I can do that." Tommen agreed. 

"Tell her you love her constantly and worship her often." Taelon went on. 

"I already do that." Tommen agreed with a wink. 

"Dont forget. Never. Targaryens hold a grudge to the grave. You dont want Davina coming after you for a fuck up." Taelon added. 

"After me? Like with her dragon?" Taelon nodded and Tommen choked on his tongue. 

"Just put her first. Dont father any bastards and if you do hope Gaena is as wonderful as Alicent and takes the babe in as your own."

"I'm not as good as you Taelon. If a woman comes claiming a babe is mine I do the honorable thing and ask who the hell are you?" Tommen mused. "And vanish into the night." 

"You are going to be the best husband and father. I know it." Taelon declared. 

"Thank you brother." 

"Gorgeous, stunning, perfection!" Davina declared as she helped her sister get ready. 

"You look so gorgeous." Alicent agreed as she shifted Aislynn in her arms. 

"I'm so nervous." Gaena admitted. "i have loved him for forever." 

"I know, trust me I know." Davina agreed. 

"He loves you. It is clear to me." Alicent remarked. 

"I love him. I love him so much." Gaena declared. "Are you alright Rhaenyra?" She looked up from her cup. 

"Yes, just feeling a bit pregnant." Rhaenyra remarked running a hand over her stomach.

"I can't wait to have kids. Be a mum. You think Tommen wants them? I never asked. I should have asked." Gaena rambled. 

"What man doesnt want kids?" davina countered. 

"Tommen is so great with my kids, they love him so much. He is going to be a wonderful father." Alicent declared. 

"He is great with them." Gaena agreed. "What if I'm a bad mum?" 

"Nonsense, you are going to be a great mum." ALicent assured her. "And you have plenty of time to worry. Have fun today. I remember my wedding was the most magical day." Nyra held back a groan as she downed her cup. 

"Right, many moons..." Gaena agreed flattening out her dress for the millionth time. Davina stared back at her sister, head cocked. 

"Are you pregnant?" Davina questioned. All eyes shifted to Gaena and she went pale. "You are pregnant." 

"What? No. I'm... no. we havent... that would not be proper." Gaena offered awkwardly. 

"Fuck yes you have. You fucked him constantly and didnt take your teas." Davina corrected and Alicent's jaw slowly dropped as she looked between them. 

"Well we are to be wed, I didnt think I needed it the past few times." Gaena offered. "He has stamina for days." 

"I'm sure." Davina chuckled pouring herself another drink. 

"I wanted to tell you and him but then... well wedding planning." Gaena offered. 

"I cant believe you kept this from me. We dont keep secrets." Davina remarked teasingly. 

"I'm sorry. I know I might just be the worst sister in the seven kingdoms!" Gaena declared dramatically. 

"You and Tommen are perfect for each other." Alicent remarked fondly. "It's going to be so nice having you here at the castle too. Our children will be the best of friends!" Alicent declared. 

"I would like that because I dont know what I'm doing but I know I want Tommen forever." Gaena squealed. 

Nyra shifted uncomfortably the whole ceremony as she waddled around with her second pregnancy. Tommen was all smiles as he held Gaena close. Taelon hung up the crown for the night and felt a weight lifted off his shoulders as he danced with his wife. All seemed right in the world. Thorin was having a cake eating competition with Aegon and Maekar it took Alicent back to the twins second name day. 

"Thorin is drinking wine now?" Alicent mused Taelon glanced back to see him chug down a goblet. 

"I gave up trying to keep him off the wine." Taelon remarked as Thorin hiccupped putting his cup down before moving to Avalon, she beamed up at him. "You know I think I did the same when I was their age. It must be tradition." 

"Must be." Alicent agreed smiling into him. She couldnt imagine a world where she wasnt with Taelon. "Tonight has been so perfect." Alicent remarked as Taelon kissed her. 

"It really has." Taelon agreed his lips danced over hers as Tommen jumped up spinning Gaena to him. Asking if she was ready for the night to end. Gaena nodded enthusiastically as he kissed her fiercely. Tommen was eager to bed his wife when Nyra's water broke. 

"You got that right?" Tommen pondered pulling Gaena with him. "Because I have this really amazing woman I need to worship." 

"Go on." Taelon agreed. "Congratulations brother." 

"Thanks Taelon." Tommen agreed hugging him quickly. 

"Now go worship Gaena." Taelon declared, Gaena smiled back at Tommen as he scooped her up. 

"All night long, all moon." Tommen declared practically running down the hall with Gaena. 


Lucarys Velaryon. Taelon looked to Nyra. Little black tuffs on his head. Taelon didnt understand. So close to Jacaerys as well. He would love his nephews he just wished that Nyra would have tried harder with Laenor. He knew the boy wasnt Laenors when he met Nyra's gaze. He saw it, not quite regret but not pride in her son. In what she did. Taelon waited for her to provide the father but she didnt. Taelon would love these boys because they were his family. They were Targaryen. They were of Nyra. 

"Oh love bug." Taelon whispered. "He's precious." 

"Thank you Taelon." Nyra whimpered nervously as Taelon handed Luke back to her. 

"But Nyra..." Taelon rasped and Nyra knew what he was going to say and she didnt want him to say it, didnt want him to look at her like she was the problem. But she was. She just wanted love. SHe wanted to be loved and Laenor was not it. Maybe if his preference was the female anatomy but it wasnt.  Maybe if Nyra gave them more time but she wanted love. SHe was only human and she wanted love.

"Taelon please just let me explain. Dont be mad at me." Nyra whimpered. 

"I'm not mad." Taelon remarked calmly. 

"Please no, Tael-"

"I'm just-"

"Taelon no, no, no." Nyra sobbed out. 

"Disappointed." Taelon finished. 

And Taelon being disappointed in her was worse than him being mad. He pressed a kiss to her forehead before heading out. She wanted to die right then and there.

Epiphany // Alicent HightowerWhere stories live. Discover now