100. Gordon

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''Call Vermax to heel, Prince Jacaerys.''

"Serve." Jace called. "Heel."  

House colors were traditionally worn for training, for banquets for anything really besides roaming the castle. Alicent and Taelons were in Targaryen reds. But Aislynn liked green she said red didnt really go with her hair and would twirl a finger around her auburn locks smiling up at Taelon and he would give her the world. They had a choice of clothing, reds, blacks, greens, blues even, but as Taelon usually sported black with red accents his sons followed his lead. Emma and Avalon were of course always opposite, so if one was wearing red the other wore green. Lila still liked whatever made her sparkle the most. 

Jace and luke wore Velaryon blues. It was the only thing that they inherited from Laenor, one last name.   As though Alicent's children with silver hair vs Rhaenyra's with thick black didn't distinguish them enough. But Loki had taken to green as well and ALicent laughed out the first time little loki was marching around sporting a green jacket. He looked perfect and the look on Tommen's face was golden. 

"Come on..." the dragon keeper encouraged while his youngest brother and uncles laughed.

''Vermax!'' Jace called out ''Vermax!'' he called again louder this time. Vermax screeched.  'Vamos vamos.'

"Good work my prince."

"Where is Lila?" Aislynn questioned spinning around. "Where is Thorin!" she added.

''Zaldrizo aoho syt aeksio sagon ao bevilza, darilaros nuhys...'' he began speaking in high valyrian trying to soothe the dragon as a sheep was brought in.

'Holtz.' Jace declared.

''You must hold mastery over your dragon, my young Princes.''

''Hae Darilarot Aegot Vvsperzomy.''

''As Prince Aegon has with Sunfyre.'' The dragon keeper told him

''Zijosy aot tetiri ozlettosy, toli rybagon zirylo vindilza.''

''Once they're fully bound to you, they will refuse to take instruction from any other.'' Vermax screeched out moving against command to get to the sheep.

"Stop, stop, stop!" AIslynn demanded marching forward. "Where is my little sister?" Aemond spun around looking for Lila. Avalon ran outside.

"Dont go to Cannibals pit!" Aislynn demanded as Emma chased after her. "Did you not hear me!" But they were marching right back in. 

"I got her." Thorin remarked. 

"Lynnie!" Lila declared prancing up to her. "Cannibal was lonely, he gets mad when hes lonely." Lila assured. 

'Can I say it?" Jace asked hopefully now that Lila was secure. The sheep baaed nervously as it was tied up. Jace stepped forward a giddy smile on his face. ''Dracarys, Vermax!'' Jace shouted and his dragon breathed flames onto the sheep happily before moving to its corpse and ripping it apart.


''Aislynn, we have a surprise for you.''

''What is it?'' Aislynn questioned as Aegon and Maekar grabbed her hand.

''Something very special.'' Thorin assured.

''You're the only one of us without a dragon.''

"Yeah." Aislynn sighed and her shoulders slumped.

"We got you something better." Aislynn glanced to Aemond confused.

"It's like a baby dragon."

"A baby dragon?" Aislynn questioned.

"Its a gecko."

"A gecko." Aislynn repeated taking the little creature from Avalon.

"Monster caught him," Avalon admitted. "But Mouse the third distracted Monster and Gecko went running to me."

"And I can have him?" Aislynn questioned.

"Yeah, just have to keep him away from Monster, cats a hunter thats for sure." Emma agreed. Aislynn beamed back at her siblings. 


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"Gordon." Aislynn declared.

"Gordon?" Taelon countered confused.

"Gordon the gecko." AIslynn clarified holding up her pet.

"Gordon the gecko." Taelon agreed smiling back at her.


''It's a wonder to me their eggs ever hatched.''

''And why is that?'' Taelon asked innocently.

''You know why.'' Alicent declared desperately. ''Taelon my love I have raised this matter before and you begged me not to speak of it, so I held my tongue." Alicent reminded him and Taelon sighed.  ''To have one child like that is a mistake, to have three is an insult, to the throne, to you, to House Velaryon and the match your father battled so hard to make for her. Not to mention decency itself.'' Alicent told him stiffly.

"Alicent I know. I know!" Taelon declared "but what am I to?"

"Send him away. Send them both away." Alicent pondered

"I know you two loathe each other but Alicent she is my sister."

"And shes making a fool of you. Taelon dont you see her actions make you look bad." Alicent declared desperately.

"I will talk to her." Taelon offered. 

"Talking doesnt help. You know she doesnt listen." ALicent corrected. 

"I can try."

''She flaunts the privilege of her inheritance without shame. She expects everyone in the Red Keep to deny the truth our eyes can all plainly see. you'll do naught but make excuses for her. The Princess Rhaenyra is brazen and relentless. A spider who stings and sucks her prey dry.''

"Thats a bit dramatic." Taelon offered. 


''I have to believe, that in the end, honor and decency will prevail. '' Taelon offered. Alicent nodded holding closer to him. 

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