83. Good Game, Strong

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If being a second born son was not easy, being a cripple second born son was almost impossible. Or, at least, that was how Larys had always seen it.

Since the very first moment his father and the realms acknowledged his condition of clubfoot Larys was constantly casted in Harwin's shadow and then Tommen's. There was no cure and he would forever be deformed. He could have been the most handsome man. The smartest man in all the realms but all anyone would ever see was his deformity.

Firstborn sons inherit titles and lands, they get married and carry on the family name; second born sons, any son born after the first, so the third, fourth, fifth, all under the same boat of second sons, so instead of titles and lands these second born sons instead, usually become knights and prove their value serving the king or winning battles. Tommen did well at battles, at wooing, charming his way in. Tommen had skills and the confidence Larys lacked. 

Maybe if Larys had been a firstborn, his disability would have been neglected, ignored, a different story told. A lie perhaps saying he was wounded in battle at a young age. But since he was not the first born his condition was simply unforgettable.

Not that his father ever said that explicitly but Larys could see it. Harwin tended towards his fathers dislike, his silent treatment to Larys and Larys wondered if he were whole, if Harwin was not, if he would do the same. Tommen and Larys had their tiff when they were younger but Larys going out for a drink with Tommen had been the best decision of his life because he met a woman so fearless that she did sway away from his cane. Didnt care for the whispers of she can do better because she saw something more in him. 

Larys unlike his brothers spoke little, smiled even less it seemed for what was there to smile about until Davina came that is, and he read he loved learning. At every social occasion for as long as he remembered, he was simply ignored and the only thing he obtained was, if lucky, a look of pity for his disability. 

Another young man with his deformity would have probably suffered in his place among the high born lords and ladies, but not Larys. He tried to make the best of his situation. He had learned how to vanish in Harwin's blinding light, fade into the shadows Tommen's theatrics, pretended not to notice the pitiful looks in his direction or the not so discreet looks of disgust. They knew who he was and accepted his position in court even if they didnt like it without asking to know more because larys had deduced that everyone was self conceited and only cared about their egotistical lives.

But in truth Larys did not hate his father, did not envy his brothers entirely, did not blame gods he did not believe in that made him this way. He had accepted a long time ago that he would never be what the world wanted him to be. 

Larys did not feel anything at all , except for an idle curiosity for the natural world, the flowers, the herbs, the elements, that could have made him perhaps a good maester, one day. But then he met Davina. 

"Double." Davina declared pushing her coin forward. Tommen looked to Taelon and a smug smile crossed his face. 

"I'm out. I'm a terrible gambler." Gaena remarked leaning back into Tommen. 

"But an amazing mother." Tommen assured kissing her and Davina saw the love in their eyes and she wondered if that was something she wanted one day. 

"I will match." Taelon agreed sliding his coin forward. "Nyra?"

"I have a shit hand." Nyra grumbled. 

"Oh I know." Taelon agreed. Nyra stared back at him. "YOu have a bad poker face." Taelon added. "I know your secrets." Not all, Nyra thought as she forced a smile. 

"Is this a good hand?" Alicent questioned shifting in Taelon's lap. Taelon ran his thumb over her cards. 

"Yeah," He agreed kissing her temple. 

"Then I raise... thats a thing right?" Alicent usually read or played with the children on their gambling nights but not tonight.

"I think your wife is hustling us and she really does know how to play." Tommen remarked. Larys raised silently and Davina rose a curious brow. 

"Worried about some competition Dav?" Taelon mused. 

"I cant peg Larys." Davina agreed. "I know Gaena, Nyra and Tommen's tells. Alicent asks you before every hand. You have some skill Taelon but Larys..." Davina stared back at Larys and he felt naked sitting before her, fully clothed yet the way she looked at him made him feel so exposed. 

The moon was high in the sky, already on its way back down as the game raged on. Nyra had long since went to bed, Gaena peered over Davina's shoulder asking is that good? What's that? Why are there so many things that can be good? This game doesnt make sense. Tommen wasnt willing to lose but he had a crap hand. He moved to top them all off on their cups. Davina raised again and Tommen folded, Taelon was going to raise but Alicent brought his face to hers. 

"Bed time." Alicent whispered kissing Taelon's jaw. 

"I'm out." Taelon agreed quickly throwing down his cards. 

"All in." Larys remarked. 

"Confident." Davina remarked. Larys smiled back at her. "Alright. All in." 

"Looks like you met your match Davina." Gaena declared as Larys put his cards down. 

"Royal flush." Larys remarked proudly and Davina locked eyes with him. In that moment Larys swore he was in love. A smile corssed her face as she leaned back, crossing her arms over her chest. He didnt feel like a second son, he didnt feel like he was defined by his deformity. He felt strong.

"Good game, Strong." 

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