122. The Royal Cunt

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Monster / Petyr Baelish out now!

"Take care of your mother and sisters." Taelon requested pressing a kiss to Aemond's forehead. Aemond had volunteered to stay behind and protect his family. Taelon thought it was great. Aemond was stepping up. Taking charge and responsibility. He also wanted to take care of Aislynn. 

"Miss you already." Alicent whispered, kissing him over and over again. 

"Miss you already." He echoed. Maekar, Aegon, Thorin and Taelon headed off with Tommen to Runestone. It was going to be a trip to remember, for Thorin would be encouraged to take of Runestone soon. To stay at Runestone and be a Royce in charge. Thorin wanted a slow transition. He would miss his family but he understood. He wasnt a child anymore, he was 19. He would be wed sooner or later and he had done solo trips been to places unknown and he knew he couldnt be a kid forever. He hugged Alicent tight before heading off though and she loved him the more for it. 

They landed and a sad smile curved Gerold's face. 

"Welcome, your grace."


"Night my loves." ALicent coed blowing out the candles in Lila's room. All was quiet without the boys running a muck.  Gaena and Davina were with Loki and Maeve reading them a story before bed and Aislynn was with Aemond. Alicent peered in on them and Aemond was brushing her hair, hugging her gently and it made Alicent smile. "Night," She coed and Aemond smiled back at her. 

"Night mama!" Aislynn called back through the mirror. 

Alicent headed back to her room for he night and she hated when Taelon was gone, she hated sleeping alone. But she wasnt alone.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" ALicent demanded. The man just stared back at her, his head cocked to the side. "Get out!" Where was criston when she needed him? "GET OUT! Get out now!" Alicent demanded trying to be brave.

 "fine, have it your way..." he tutted with a smirk. He stood, and just as she had ordered, he made his way to the door, she didn't see the evil look in his eyes.

She had already let her guard down, overcome with relief that he was in fact leaving. Or so she thought. How could she have been so stupid...

"Ah!" she cried out with a gasp as her attacker shoved her against the cold stone wall behind her, his hand gripped her throat, and a large hand pinning her against the wall, gripping her throat with furious strength. She cried out pulling at his hands, struggling under his grasp. 

"Come now, your grace, you must like it a little rough?" he sneered in her ear and she flinched away but couldnt move far. He slammed her back against the wall again and she whimpered out. 

"No, no, please stop!" Alicent screamed out. "Get off me!"

"You and your little twats ruined everything for my master, you know that bitch?"

"Your master?" Alicent sobbed out as he slammed her back again. 

"I think I need to test the royal cunt." his voice was like venom but she beat down on his chest, kicked at his shins, and thrashed about like a wild animal as she tried to get him off of her. 

Meanwhile Davina and Gaena were with Gaena's children and they were having their own attack, men infiltrated the capital. These men were everywhere. WHy were they here? Where did they come from?

"What are you going to do with that?" Davina nodded to the sword as Gaena pulled her children closer. Her mind raced to Aemond, Aislynn, Lila, they were in the castle, was Alicent okay? Were the children okay? Maeve burst out crying as she whimpering into her mother. 

"Im gonna kill you."

"No youre not." Davina corrected

"Yes I am."

"No you like me too much, I can tell already." Davina teased and Gaena didnt know how she was so fearless. 

"You're right... I dont want you, just the heirs." 

"I take offense to that, I'm a hoot." Davina spun her own blade. "And also, thats never going to happen."


The lump shifted in Alicent's throat, and a deep groan rumbled from the mans throat. A man's groan, one she didnt know with horrifying intimacy and yet he was... he was pushing and pulling and grabbing her viciously. She had never met this man and yet he hated her, he hated her so much and she was so scared. She pushed him with strength she didnt know she had. A chill gripped her spine as she scrambled backwards.

Why was here? Why was he after her. 

His thick arm swung up, and his hand caught the back of her neck, pulling her toward him. She dropped down in her attempt to push away, but he was stronger, meaner, and apparently never responded to No. It was not in his vocabulary.

"No," she begged anyway, fear amplifying her voice, her pulse roaring past her ears. "Stop it!"

He wrestled her to the ground, shoving her face-down beneath his sweaty body. Hot beer breath smothered her. Then his weight, his hands...oh God, his erection. He jabbed at her ass with it, pulling at her dress skirt, her dress tore but she tried to wiggle away, she refused, his heavy panting scraping her ears.

"Stop moving bitch." He demanded as he freed himself. 

"Get off me!" she thrashed wildly, her fingers clawing at the ground, taking her nowhere.  "I don't want this. Please, don't—"

His palm slapped over her mouth, shutting her up as his strength confined her movements. 

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