118. Don't Corrupt My Children

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Taelon was a God. No matter how many years passed he was timeless. Alicent stared back at him as he got ready. Eyes grazing over his muscled abdomen as he pulled his shirt on.

"My eyes are up here

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"My eyes are up here." Taelon reminded her.

"Oh yes. I know." Alicent agreed smiling back at him.

He came to sit beside her on the bed. Running a hand down her back the rest of the world seemed to disappear until Aislynn came running in with Lila chasing after her.

"Give mommy a minute." Alicent begged as she kissed Taelon. He smiled into her pulling her closer.

"We need help." Aislynn corrected. 

"Yeah the funny words are hard." Lila agreed jumping up in bed. 

"You are supposed to be at lessons." Alicent agreed. 

"Come on, I only really know Dracarys and aunt Davina said if I did well I would get to learn more fun words... but, well I'm not doing so good with it." Lila admitted. 

"Mama doesnt any Valyrian." Taelon remarked. "And she has survived just fine." 

"You can teach me." Alicent offered. 

"Just like when I teach you to fight?" Taelon teased. 

"Yes, I love how those sessions end." Alicent agreed and Aislynn looked between them very confused. 

"So, are we going?" Lila questioned. 

''The Conqueror and his sisters sailed with a great army.'' Maekar repeated as Davina gave their lessons, she smacked her quill on the palm of her hand as she paced. 

"And who was the conqueror and his sisters?" Davina questioned pointing her quill at Aegon. 

"Aegon the conqueror." Aegon declared. 

"And..." Davina prompted looking to Aemond. 

"Visenya and Rhaenys." Aemond remarked. 

"Very good..." Davina agreed. ''Se Blakuata Rasho dranot vilinio viartis." Davina requested pointing to Loki, he let out a sigh as he tried to remember the right translation. But he shook his head giving up. Davina looked to Thorin but he wasnt paying attention, he was studying herbology with Avalon. All the different plants.

''And landed at the Blackwater Rush." Maekar told Davina.

"Dranot." Davina annunciated and Maekar stared back at her. "Dranot." she repeated.  Maekars mouth moved wordlessly before giving Aegon a hopeless look. 

'Dranot, Dranot, Dranot.'' The twins repeated again and again. But it wouldnt come. Aegon shrugged giving Maekar a nudge. 

''At the end?'' Maekar pondered peaking back at Davina. 

''The mouth.'' Taelon corrected him as he walked forward, Lila pulled his hand leading him in. 

''Mouth!'' he declared a moment too late.

"Ah, come on, Maekar, you knew that." Taelon urged. 

" Dranot, dranot, dranot vilinio viartis. Dranot, dranot." He repeated again. 

"You say it with good fluency." Taelon remarked fondly. "Thorin, Avalon, you going to participate in this?" 

"Sorry daddy." Avalon declared as she stood up bringing her book with her. "But look!" Taelon smiled back at Thorin as he moved back to his siblings. "I'm going to investigate this creature with Thorin!"

"Sounds wonderful." Taelon agreed before looking to Davina. "What 'fun' words are you teaching my children?" A smile curved her face. 

"I'm helping." Davina reminded him. 

"What happened to the master?" Taelon countered.

"He was such a bore." Davina declared. "I dismissed him."


"And words like-" Davina went on. "On your knees... at my pleasure..."

"Davina!" Taelon declared. 

"Thorin knows." Davina mused. Taelon shook his head. 

"Dont corrupt my children. They dont need help in that department." Taelon begged. 

"he's right about that." Aegon agreed and Taelon shot him a look. "Shutting up now." Aegon added zipping his lips closed. 

"Go kipagon your boyfriend." Taelon countered. 

"I will ride him." Davina agreed and the boys took note. 

"kipagon." Aegon repeated. 

"kipagon me!" Maekar agreed with a laughed before looking to his faces arched brow. "Raqnon ao." Maekar coed. 

 "Alright, thats enough for this morning, please and thank you." Taelon begged. 

''No, no. I-I want to keep going.'' Maekar assured. 

"I dont." Aegon assured. 

"Thorin. Get in their and help your brother and where is Emma?" Taelon questioned looking around.  The boys shrugged and Aislynn spun around expecting Emma to appear out of thin air before she ran to Aemond leaning into him. 

"Uncle Tommen is with her." Avalon remarked.

"Thank you, thats a real answer." Taelon agreed. "Alright continue." 

"You do it!" Lila declared jumping up and down before she ran to Thorin and he picked her up. She tipped her head into him.  Anything for that little sweet girl of his.

''Guesi misenakson Aegon undas.'' Taelon remarked. "Since we are working on Targaryen history and Aegon's reign."

''Aegon... ordered that the trees should be..." Maekar pursed his lips in concentration ''...killed.''

''Felled.' Thorin corrected and Taelon gave an approving nod. 

''It is a related word.' Maekar offered hopefully.

''I don't expect you to learn the entire High Valyrian language." Taelon assured. "You are doing very well, all of you." Taelon declared. 

''A king should honor the traditions of his forbears.'' Maekar declared and Aegon cocked his head at him. 

"King you say?" Aegon countered and Thorin chuckled. "Who says you will be king?"

"I have the brains." Maekar remarked. 

"I have the brawns." Aegon agreed. 

"I'm more mature. I take my studies seriously." Maekar went on 

"I'm better at strategy." 

"Thats a lie." Maekar shouted. 

"Alright, alright," Taelon begged. "We need not worry about that."

"Why not?" Maekar countered. 

''Well... unless you're planning to depose your own father, you have plenty of time to make your point and prove you will be a good future leader... that does not include fighting with your brother.'' 

Epiphany // Alicent HightowerWhere stories live. Discover now