121. Bad Guy, Bad Timing

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Sweet but psycho /HOTD / Harley Quinn out now!

The letter was from the lady Jayne Royce requesting Taelon and Thorin visit her.

Thorin liked Runestone. Taelon went with him this time and lady Jayne looked sick with age, skin fragile, eyes clouded but she smiled when she saw them.

"Hello Lady Royce." Taelon and Thorin echoed. Jayne held her arms out for them.

"Look at you, got your fathers looks." Jayne remarked as she hugged Thorin. "But your mama's spirit." she brought a shaky hand to Thorins chest.

"Thank you my lady." Thorin agreed. "I hope she would be proud."

"She would." Jayne assured. THorin didnt know Rhae, they had told him when he was Rhae's son when he was little. It confused him at the time but as he got older they told him again and he understood. But even though Rhae birthed him Alicent was his mother. Alicent loved that. But Thorin knew that one day Runestone would be his, so he visited and got a lay of the land as he aged.

Thorin sat in on a meeting with Gerold and Jayne Royce, Taelon leaned against the door silently he told them pretend im not even here, this is all you. Taelon was so proud, Thorin would be great at this. He was a natural leader. But Taelon already knew that. 

"Your grace, might I have a word?" Jayne questioned. "Alone, if I might."

"I will be with the dragons, get them ready. We all know how mood Rok gets." Thorin mused. 

"Give grandmother a hug." Jayne requested holding her arms out to him. "Such a wonderful young man." 

"Thank you grandmother, I will see you soon." Thorin declared pressing a gentle kiss to her cheek. Thorin nodded to Gerold before heading off. 

"A fine young man you and your queen raised." 

"Thank you my lady." Taelon agreed. "I'm quite fond of him." 

"I need to tell you something." Jayne remarked once Thorin was out of sight. 

"Of course, anythin-"

"Daemon killed Rhae."

"What?" Taelon rasped. 

"Daemon. I know he did it. Gerold too. I know you thought there was something else the times you visited, the times Gerold made it clear that it was not an accident... Your grace, Taelon, my dear boy, listen to an old womans words when she says that your uncle killed my amazing daughter. The mother of your eldest, my only grandson... please, believe me when I say, Daemon Targaryen murdered Rhae Royce in vengeance and cold blood."


"I know that look." Tommen remarked when Taelon landed.

"I'm going to murder my uncle."

"About damn time." Tommen mused.

"He killed Rhae."


"He killed her. I spoke with Lady Layne and Rhaes cousin Gerold. They had wrote saying-" Taelon huffed out a breath. "They wanted Thorin to know more about his duties as future lord of Runestone."

"I recall." Tommen agreed.

"They asked to speak of Thorins inheritance..." Taelon murmured. "And, well, the lady Jayne is sick wants thorin to be... ready... he even sat in on a meeting, he did great but that's not the point." Taelon assured. Tommen nodded slowly. "Daemon killed Rhae, they believe it to be true. Before it was speculation but... they just know."


"I dont know." Taelon admitted. "But they were adamant. Daemon did this. Why after all this time?" Taelon questioned himself. "I dont know, but he did it. I believe them. Gerold had this thought years ago but Daemon being Daemon buried those words and then fled westeros. But he came back and he... Gods he killed Rhae, then Laena and not he and Nyra... Nyra married him."

"We knew he was a bad guy." Tommen remarked.

"He's not a bad guy. He's THE bad guy."

"This is probably a bad time to add that the kids have the stomach flu." Tommen remarked with pursed lips.

"Bad timing." Taelon agreed. 


It wasnt long after they got from runestone that another raven was sent to the capital. Taelon didnt think it would be so soon. He knew Jayne was sick but she wasnt on deaths door like viserys had been. So the raven surpirsed him to say the least.

When the Lady Jayne Royce died Runestone passed on. To Thorin. Rhaes only heir.

"Your grace." Taelon took the scroll from the master and stared down at the Royces seal. He excused himself and headed to his chambers. Alicent was out with Gaena and he was alone. He knew what this must be he didnt want to open it. But he had to.

~The Lady Jayne Royce of Runestone has passed. Peacefully in her sleep. Please join us in celebrating her life as the torch of Runestone passes to Thorin Targaryen.~

"Hes going to be lord of Runestone... he is. He is Lord of Runestone now." Taelon remarked softly. "We were just there. We were just... gods."

"Does thorin know?" Alicent questioned running a hand down Taelons back.

"No... not yet." Taelon remarked. "I have to go to runestone with thorin... see about getting things set up... I dont want him there. Hes still young. I want him here. With family."

"We have to go to runestone. All of us." Alicent remarked. "We are family."

"Lila, Aislynn, Loki and Maeve have the flu. You cant leave them." Taelon corrected.

"Okay then take the boys with." Alicent negotiated. "They will be glad to come and support thorin and you." Taelon nodded in agreement now he had to tell thorin.

"Passed in her sleep." Taelon remarked gently.

"I should have visited her more." Thorin mumbled. "She was my grandmother."

"She was and I know she enjoyed every visit you made to runestone... And now you are the prince of Runestone. But more importantly you are my son. Lets go to Runestone with your brothers and celebrate her life and Rhaes..."

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