68. Your Grace

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Look what you made me do// Ramsay Bolton out now!

"I know you were all gathered here for a joyous wedding of my sister and Lord Laenor." Taelon remarked as he stood at the front table. "But..." He looked to Nyra as a tear slipped down her face. Thorin reached over grabbing her hand. Nyra offered him a small smile as she knelt next to him. 

"But our father, our beloved King Viserys Targaryen is dead." Taelon spoke the words but they felt tight in his chest. 

Taelon could hear the collective breath as announced Viserys was dead. Taelon stared back at Nyra. Their father was dead. Taelon was the king. He was the king.

There was a moment of silence as their eyes fell to their cups. Tommen moved to Taelon offering him a cup. Taelon rose his high. 

"To King Viserys." Taelon declared, tears pulled at his eyes. He saw cups raise silently then an echo bounced around the room. 

"To King Viserys."

"To Viserys the peaceful." 

"To father." 

"To grandsire." Thorin agreed looking to Tommen to give him his glass. 

"Dont get drunk." Tommen agreed handing him his cup. 

"Long live the king." Laenor added nodding to Taelon as he got down and moved to Nyra hugging her tight. 

"Long live King Taelon Targaryen!" 

Taelon offered pinched smiles as they made their way out of the banquet hall, they moved on sluggish feet to Viserys.

"I don't understand." Nyra whispered. "He was fine he was just here... he was just..." Nyra whispered. "I don't understand.... he can't just be..."

"Thats usually how it goes." Taelon agreed softly. The silent sisters wrapped their father. Taelon watched them as they worked. Alicent came up hugging Taelon gently. He wrapped his arms around her as they watched the crown, their grandfather Jaehaerys, the good kings wore this crown. 

Taelon didnt know if he would be a good king. The conquerors crown. Taelon looked between the two. It was almost prophecy choosing the wrong crown. He had a big reputation to live up to if he chose his fathers crown. 

Alicent picked up Taelon's crown as though knowing what he was thinking. 

"You father knew you would be a good king." ALicent remarked. "You knew you would be strong and brave and... a wonderful leader. As do I." Alicent held it out. "The conquerors crown isnt a bad one." Alicent assured. "It is a sign of building and breaking, forming the world we have today." Taelon touched his fathers crown placed delicately on Alicent's hands. "I think he would want you to wear his crown." Taelon nodded in agreement. 

"I think he knew." Taelon rasped.

"What?" Nyra countered looking as Alicent put the crown back on Viserys wrapped body.

"I think father knew... that talk, when he, when we spoke. I didnt even think about it but... I think he knew he was dying. I should have seen it, he was coughing up blood... I think he knew he didnt have long so he..." Taelon stopped himself. "I should have done more..."

"Oh Taelon, he couldnt have known. You couldnt have known." Nyra declared. "He didnt tell us how bad it was, he... he didnt tell us how were we supposed to know?"

"I should have said more. I should have, I don't know what I should have done." Taelon admitted. "But I should have... I should have..." Nyra hugged him knowing yet again words would fail. "I'm not ready." Taelon whispered.

"Father thought you were." Nyra corrected. "I know you are."

"Me as well." Alicent agreed as Nyra let him go. "You wont be alone, you have your family." Taelon nodded moving to the window. This was supposed to be a good day and now he was to be king. There was a knock on the door and Alicent moved to open it. 

"I'm sorry to disturb you." Gerold remarked. "Might I have a word, your grace?"  Alicent looked to Taelon. 

"He needs more time." Alicent corrected. "Perhaps at a later time." She offered. 

"It's important your grace." Gerold added as Alicent moved to Taelon. 

"Give us the room." Taelon agreed. Nyra moved to the door but Taelon kept a hand on Alicent. Nyra didnt like that. She closed the door slowly behind her staring back at Taelon until it sealed shut. 

"I'm sorry for your loss, your gr-"

"Spit it out." Taelon demanded impatiently. 

"Of course." Gerold agreed. "Daemon thinks himself the heir to runestone. Since him and my late cousin didnt have any heirs." He stopped himself looking between them. 

"But she does." Alicent corrected. 

"Yes. She does. Not with Daemon but little Thorin is the heir to runestone." Gerold agreed. "I know you claimed him but does anyone happen to know of his parentage?" 

"Just Alicent and myself... and tommen." Taelon remarked. 

"I know it is asking a lot but... Daemon is planning to petition for Runestone." Gerold remarked. Taelon started shaking his head. 

"It isnt his." Taelon agreed. Gerold pulled a little wooden horse figurine from his bag. 

"This was Rhae's... she wasnt the sentimental type but she loved riding and this." Taelon took it from him looking it over. 

"Y.R." Taelon read. "Her fathers." he pondered his finger running over the initials. 

"Yorbert Royce." Gerold agreed. "The lady Jeyne... she is alive still but a mans claim, even a boys claim a true claim would sway any council." Taelon looked to Alicent. 

"I know this is a big ask." Gerold admitted. "I know you admitting his parentage could be... troublesome for you." 

"He is and always will be Thorin Targaryen." Alicent declared. "But it is up to you." 

"I never met lady Jeyne." Taelon remarked. 

"She knew of Rhae's pregnancy, though Rhae tried to hide it." Gerold offered. "I think Rhae confided in her afterwards... moons to years later." 

"So she would believe me?" Taelon questioned. "if I said Thorin was her grandson?" 

"I know she would." Gerold agreed. "I know this a lot but-"

"I'm the king." Taelon remarked as though it just hit him. "I make the rules, what can anyone do?"

"I hoped you were a good man, like Rhae said you were." Gerold remarked. "You will be a great king, I can already tell." 

"I hope so." Taelon agreed. 

"I know so." Alicent corrected. 

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