124. Past the Point of No Return

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A fortnight ago

Daemon was antsy. Thorin was rhaes son with taelon. He wanted to kill them all. Kill the whole lot of them. Rhaenyra saw the tension, saw the pain running through him and thought it was her fault. She had not given him an heir, this was her fault. She needed to be a better wife. 

Daemon hated when Jace and Luke asked for Taelon and their cousins. Hated it. It drove him insane and Daemon knew that even though Rhaenyra claimed to hate her brother, she missed him too. She had loved him for years, then she lost him completely. She hated herself, she hated him too... but they both made their choices, so she tried to focus on her boys and Daemon. 

But Daemon wasnt in the mood for sit still and deal with this stupid life he was given. His claims taken, his lands taken. He was nothing. But that wasnt him he would forever be Prince Daemon Targaryen of Dragonstone. But Dragonstone had been taken from them. Runestone was stolen from him so he needed to take back his power. 

Daemon started with jayne Royce. The woman that didnt give him his claim in the first place. Chose a bastard over a prince, over himself. 

Overdosed her tea, essence of Nightshade. Go to sleep and never wake up. He smiled when she died. When it was announced, then he got the word out, to the capital to those he trusted in the guard still, it was few left but Daemon have given them, their white cloaks and some were still loyal to him.  

He hoped the funeral would separate Taelon from the capital. Hoped that his queen and his children with her, his legitimate children wouldnt go with. That all the heirs would be killed off easily. 

 It would separate the family leaving the capital vulnerable and then when Taelon and his son set out, Daemon sent his old pals to the capital. Breeching the walls and taking on his vengeance, he wanted to save Taelon for himself.

But Taelon got to Runestone with not just Thorin but Maekar and Aegon as well. Daemon should have killed them all, then and there but something stopped him. He wanted to see Taelon broken, broken and having lost everything he cared about before Daemon took his life too. He would save Taelon for last. 

 Then Daemon waited. 

But Thorin, the little shit found out, damn knights such a gossip Daemon assumed. But he hoped this would be for the best. 

"Who wants the king dead?"

"Who else would want the king dead besides his uncle?"

Thorin ran off finding Taelon with urgency.

"We need to go home, mum's in trouble."  Thorin declared. Taelon didnt second guess him or ask questions. Thorin wouldnt lie about a thing like that. Not on a day like today. 

Daemon saw Taelon take off and hoped that his sons would stay put and when Taelon came back his boys would be dead too and Daemon could finish him off. But damn that fucking family. Four dragons took off into the sky. 

Daemon could only hope that his men were as skilled as he was and handled the rest of the traitors at the capital. 

Daemon couldnt help himself, he flew towards the capital but had planned to hiked a bit so not to be seen flying in. but he saw smoke, flames billowing in the distance. He couldnt help himself he flew closer. He saw among the smoke burned bodies, charred beyond recognition. He saw Alicent, he saw Taelon, alive and well. 

He truly was a failure.

"There he is." Taelon sneered looking to the skies, Daemon had come to gloat but he had failed. 

"Taelon no-"

"Alicent he needs to pay for what he did. To our family. What they tried to do to you." taelon remarked gently. He saw the torn dress and she swore he didnt... he tried but he didnt. Taelon felt a rage like no other. "I have to kill him." Taelon looked to Thorin. "Protect them." Taelon begged. "I will handle the devil." Taelon kissed Alicent and took off. Things could never be the same, they could never find level ground, not after this. They were past the point of no return. 

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