91. He was an Egg

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'Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpti Dumpti had a great fall; Threescore men and threescore more, Cannot place Humpty dumpty as he was before.' Loki couldnt stop laughing.

'What happ?' Lila questioned giving her very best shrug of wonder. She was testing out more and more words recently. Getting used to her legs and loved following Loki around. Thorin was training with Aegon and Maekar in the courtyard, Tommen and Criston with them. 

'Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,' Davina repeated putting Luke up on the wall. 'Humpti Dumpti had a great fall,' she picked him up spinning him around, he laughed in her arms. 'Threescore men and threescore more, Cannot place Humpty dumpty as he was before.' Davina repeated with a laugh. 'Humpty dumpty was climbing and he sat at the top of the wall but he fell oh no!' She exclaimed flopping down on the ground between them. 'And he broke and Everyone tried to put him back together again threescore and three more tried but they couldnt. You know why?'

'Why?' Loki asked leaning in. 

'Humpty dumpty was an egg and once you crack an egg you can fix it can you?' Davina offered simply. 

'I thought humpty dumpty was a person.' Jace told her.

'Nope. An egg, thats why eggs should not climb.' Davina told them with a laugh.

"Davina are you terrifying the children?" TOmmen mused. 

"Educating them." Davina corrected. 

"Egg should not climb." Loki told his father seriously. Tommen stared back at him. 

"Since when did eggs have legs?" Tommen countered and Lila burst out laughing picturing an egg with legs. "Luke, Jace you know where you mother is?" They shook their heads. "And my brother? You wouldnt happen to have seen the bear?" 

"Ser Bear isnt here, dad." Loki informed him. 


"Taelon still in meetings?" Gaena questioned coming up to Alicent. 

"Yes, the unfortunate side of being king he is constantly called away." Alicent remarked.

"Well then allow me to keep you company."

"I would love that. Lila and I are going over animals." Alicent remarked.  

''Animals how fun." Gaena agreed sitting beside them. "What does the kitty say?'

'Meee-owww,' Lila answered clawing at the air like a cat

'What does the doggie say?' ALicent questioned. 

'Woof woof,' Maekar answered as he passed and Lila spun around her face pinched as she looked over at him.

"I knew.' Lila told her mother.

"I know. You are so smart, my smart girl" Alicent assured kissing her forehead and Lila nodded.  'What does the frog say?'

'Ibbit ibbit!' Lila said jumping like a frog. 

"What does the cow say?"

"Cow?" Lila questioned. 

"Cow." Gaena agreed. 

"Co-oow?" Lila questioned.

"Moo!" Maekar declared. "Moo the cows says moo lila rose." 

"Moo." Lila agreed. "Moo..." a smile covered  her little face as she continued mooing.  

"I need a break my head is spinning." Taelon demanded as he rose up. 

"Your grace-"

"There is a cow loose in the gardens. I'm going to tend to that." Taelon remarked as he headed out. 

"DADDY!" Lila shouted running on unstable legs to Taelon. 

"I heard a cow out here." Taelon mused picking her up. 

"It was me. It was me!" Lila agreed. 

"You sounded like a real cow." Taelon remarked. 

"Are you done, I miss you." ALicent remarked. 

"I wish I was." Taelon corrected. "You are having soo much fun without me."

"Stay." Lila agreed. "Fun!" 


Alicent woke to Taelon settling in bed beside her. Being king meant he was in charge yet when did it become a crime to waste his time when he could have been with his beautiful wife. The moon was high in the sky the stars twinkling brightly. She snuggled into Taelon savoring these moments of just them. But a knock on the door pulled her away. 

"You just got here." ALicent reminded him. "Cant it wait?" Taelon grumbled burying his head in the pillows. She unwrapped herself from Taelon's grasp and pulled on a robe she pulled the door open a crack to see Aislynn staring up at her.

'Lets go to the moon.' Aislynn told her.

"It is so late.' Alicent corrected gently as she knelt before Aislynn. "I thought I already tucked you in hours ago." 

'Full moon mama, please!' AIslynn whispered and she saw a sleepy faced Loki walking down the hall.

"You wake your cousin up?" Alicent questioned

"He wants to go to the moon too!" Aislynn insisted.

"Alright, let me put a cloak on.' Alicent said closing the door and putting on her shoes and a heavy cloak.

"Alicent?" Taelon questioned turning towards her.

"I'm going to the moon.' She said kissing him softly. 'Be back soon.' A smile appeared on Taelon's face as he closed his eyes.

'Have fun' he told her with a yawn.

'Always do.' Alicent agreed and she walked outside sealing her door and grabbed their hands leading them outside.

'Zoom, Zoom, Zoom. We're going to the moon. Zoom, Zoom, Zoom!" Alicent rubbed her hand together sending them up over her head .

'We're going to the moon.' They cheered. Alicent looked up to see Aemond watching them from his window.

"Aemond we are going to the moon!" Aislynn declared when she saw her mothers gaze shift. "COME ON!" Aemond disappeared from the window and was heading down to them. 

'If you want to take a trip,' Alicent walked her fingers over their shoulders 'Climb aboard my space ship.'

'Zoom, Zoom, Zoom.' They echoed as Aemond came out running to join them. Aemond and Aislynn wanted a dragon. They wanted a dragon so bad, so pretending that they could fly... that was second best. 

'We're going to the moon.' Alicent told them. 'Ready?' they nodded and the countdown began.






'Blast off!'

'Blast off!' The boys repeated Aislynn jumped up as though she herself could fly off the ground. Rhey ran around the courtyard arms out stretched pretending to be a flying ship.

'Mama?' Aemond questioned

'Yes handsome?'

'Has anyone ever been to the moon?'

'No.' Alicent said sadly 'but thats not to say it will never happen.'

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