50. White Hart

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Forever and Always / Daemon/ Aemond/ Mikaelson crossover out now!

'We've sent out riders to find Rhaenyra, Your Grace.' Lyonel assured as the night grew dark and there was no sign of the princess. 'Ser Criston went after her, so the hope is that they are together.'

'The girl is a heedless contrarian. If I instead forbade her to wed a Lannister, she would've run off with Lord Jason out of spite.' Viserys remarked. 'A truly great Targaryen King I am. Powerless over mine own daughter of seven-and-ten.'

'King Jaehaerys ruled over half a century of peace while his children drove him to the edge of madness... his daughters, in particular.' Lyonel recalled 'It is tradition, Your Grace.' Viserys took another sip of wine he surely didn't need it but he drank it down anyways. He looked to Taelon who had been drinking all day and yet he didnt look a tad bit drunk. Oh to be young.

'Do you wish to hear my opinion on the matter?' Viserys let out a long sigh

'Should I guess? You believe that your son, Ser Harwin "Break bones," the strongest knight in the Seven Kingdoms, or perhaps Tommen, she seems semi fond of him. Or at least she used to now I think she hates everyone. But surely your son is the best match for Rhaenyra.' Viserys hissed

'You flatter me, Your Grace, but no.' Lyonel told him glancing to Tommen. "I have no control over Tommen anyways." He added. Viserys took another sip in agreement.  'It would seem to me the best match for Rhaenyra is the son of The Sea Snake, Ser Laenor.' He offered 'Some years ago, I counseled you to take his sister to wife. Laena is still unwed... but My reasoning remains the same."

"I like being unwed." Viserys reminded him. "I dont need another wife. I like being a grandsire."

"Of course your grace... but Laenor is of pure Valyrian descent. He shares blood with your cousin, the Princess Rhaenys. And he is the heir to the wealthiest house in the realm. The breach between your houses has not narrowed since I last spoke of it. It would do much to assuage Lord Corlys of any slights real... or imagined.' Viserys pondered the idea. 'We must pray, of course, that Laenor survives the fighting in the Stepstones.' Viserys got up drunkenly and left the celebration, he just wanted to have a good time and celebrate his grandsons. Not all this.

"You know I was thinking a really great thought that would get us home and back in bed." Taelon remarked running a hand over Alicents stomach. 

"I go home now?" Thorin asked hopefully. 

"As soon as I catch a damn hart." Taelon agreed. 

"I catch then we go." Thorin countered. 

"You want to catch it? Thats the spirit." Taelon agreed. Maekar reached up for Taelon babbling. "What's that bud? You want me to go and catch the damn thing instead of waiting for fathers bullshit hunters? I agree." Taelon declared. 

"Taelon," Alicent laughed out leaning into him.

"Home, bed... bed." He repeated kissing her. 

"You are too much." Alicent whispered.

"Mama, I tie." Aegon whispered tipping over on the floor. 

"You tired..." Alicent repeated reaching down for him. Aegon whimpered out. "It's past his bedtime." Alicent agreed. 

"Let me catch it then." Taelon declared putting Maekar down. "TOMMEN!" Taelon declared and Aegon's eyes popped open. "Sorry." Taelon whispered stepping away. "Let's find the hart and go home."


'Princess, I must make a final plea that we return to the camp.' Criston requested

'I rather prefer it here.' Rhaenyra told him as she threw twigs into the fire.

'His Grace is certain to be worried by your absence. Your brother as well.' Criston offered. 

'His Grace can worry himself to death if he so likes.' Rhaenyra told him smugly as their horses neighed and whinnied behind them. Criston rose ready to defend his princess, drew his blade, the twigs cracking under his feet as all went quiet.

Criston grunted as Rhaenyra yelled a boar came charging at them, growling he leapt on top of Rhaenyra. She stabbed it again and again and it fell. She lay for a moment remembering to breathe when the boar started to squeal again Rhaenyra jumped up stabbing him over and over again, Rhaenyra grunted and whimpered as she drove her blade into the boar, killing it. 

"There it is." Taelon remarked softly. Jason held out the spear to Viserys. "I told you Tommen and I are better than your hunters." Taelon murmured. "Things will change when I'm in charge."

"You planning my murder?" Viserys mused. 

"No. Never. Just letting you know that when that day comes I will run things better." Taelon informed him sweetly. 

"Thank you Taelon. As always my favorite son." Viserys huffed. 

A white hart. Good luck for the heir. A prophecy. The heirs heir. It was a sign. 

Taelon was an excellent hunter, he honestly didnt know what he got from his father besides being a dreamer. He loved his father but they were very different. 

"My prince, for the blow?" Jason offered nervously.

"No," Taelon chuckled out pulling his own valyrian steel blade from his hip. "Asgard and I got this." He remarked spinning his blade. 

The hart shrieked before collapsing to the ground. The group applauded their prince.

"First hit," Tommen remarked. "Alright pay up." Taelon glanced back at them. "I took bets, might have over exaggerated how drunk you were." Tommen murmured. 

"I get half that." Taelon informed him. Tommen scrunched up his face as he collected the coin. "You honestly thought I couldnt perform?" Taelon tsked. "Should have asked my wife, she knows I'm a closer."

"You drank all day." Harwin remarked paying Tommen. "How were we supposed to know?"

"You have known me since we were children." Taelon reminded him. "It takes more than this to get us drunk."

"Did you get it daddy?" Thorin asked as Aegon tipped over waking himself up again and Maekar drooled into Alicent exhaustion filled them.

"I got it. White hart." Taelon agreed. "Lets go home."

Taelon turned around to see Nyra covered in blood walking through the camp. 

"Nyra?" Taelon questioned moving to her. She stared up at him. "Is that..." She seemed fine but that was a lot of blood. 

"I joined in the hunt." Nyra offered. "Did you catch the hart?"

"Yes, a white one." Taelon agreed softly. "It was beautiful. It's a shame." Nyra stared up at him waiting, she wasnt sure what she was waiting for but she waited. "You are alright?"

"I am." She agreed. Taelon hesitated a moment before hugging her. Her arms wrapped around him and this wasnt how she wanted this to go. Her covered in blood and reeking of boar but she held him tight. Wishing things could go back to how they were before and knowing that everything had changed. She had to let go but she held tight to him still. 

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