123. Vicious

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Fetish/ Larys Strong Out now!

Yes You read that correctly. Yes, I'm actually very excited for this story.


"DAVINA!" Gaena declared when another man appeared, Maeve screamed and screamed. Gaena wasnt a fighter, not like Davina and even if she was, she couldnt move with Loki and Maeve clinging to her, Maeve had a death grip on Gaena as she wailed in her arms. Davina's head turned and the third attacker smirked back at her viciously.

"Whats going on?" Avalon pondered as she headed to Emma's chambers, Emma looked up from her book staring back at Avalon.

"I thought Monster had gotten out and was terrorizing Mouse with how much screaming was happening." Emma countered but Monster jumped up purring happily.

"Ser Harrold?" Criston questioned seeing him unconscious in the stairway. Larys stared down at him before moving as fast as he could, his family was in danger. "The queen." Criston remarked, if Harrold was unconscious here, then who was looking after the queen?

Davina turned to the man nearing her niece and nephew as Gaena began to hyperventilate with fear. Davina stumbled forward as a body dropped behind her, falling into her. Davina didnt have a moment to process before she was slicing at the man beside her sister blood spurted from his neck but Gaena could breathe again. Davina turned around to deal with the other man but he was groaning on the ground. Larys stood in the door way.

"You whack him with your cane?" Davina pondered. He lifted it slightly and nodded. "I'm sure that was sexy, lets find you another intruder to whack again." Davina suggested as she hugged him. "You alright Gaena?" Davina questioned.

"Yeah, we are okay... right?" Gaena agreed.

"Good job Larys, my hero." Davina whispered.


"You hear about the coin for the castle gig?"


"Yeah, apparently someone really wants the royal family dead. Paid big too."

Thorin's breath caught in his chest as he moved past the guards, he pulled his hood higher over his hair and slowed his step.

"Lucky break that the king and his heirs are here though, but whos to say they dont take a whack at the queen. I hear shes a pretty little thing."

"Who wants the king dead?"

"Who else would want the king dead besides his uncle?"

Thorin ran off finding Taelon with urgency.

"We need to go home, mum's in trouble."


"Get away from her!" Aemond demanded pushing open the door.

"Aemond, run!" Alicent begged from the floor.

"Get away from my mother," Aemond demanded again as he stepped inside. The man let Alicent go and moved for his blade.

"I wanted your head anyways." the man declared. Aemond stood confident but his hand shook ever so slightly as he pointed his sword at the man. Alicent stood up a shaky breath in her lungs.

Alicent heard Lila scream and knew there were more men in the castle, they were attacking, not just her but her children and something vicious took over her usually composed self and she lunged.


"Alicent!" Taelon demanded as he landed. Roks feet hadnt even hit the ground when Taelon went flying from his back. "Alicent?"

"Your wife is a bad ass." Davina assured wiping the blood from her hands, he noticed the ash and smelled the smoke on her. "Aemond too. They are all fine."

"Where is she?" Taelon demanded moving swiftly to the castle.

"Daddy!" Lila shouted running to him, he turned around and saw her running from the pits. He scooped her up.

"Hey baby girl, are you okay?" Taelon coed.

"Yeah." Lila agreed. "It was scary, but mama protected us."

"Where is mama?" Taelon questioned. Lila pointed a hand back and Taelon huffed out a breath. It was a sign. Jayne dies and Thorin leaves and then an attack on the capital. Tommen should have stayed behind. Thorin shouldnt be at Runestone. He deserved to be here with them. With his family. Daemon, Daemon, this was all his fault, would he really stoop so low as to kill his family? His whole family? Just for a crown that was never his.

"Seven hells..." taelon muttered seeing the bruising on Alicents neck.

"Im okay Taelon." Alicent assured as she got up clinging to him.


"I'm... they didnt... the kids are alright." Alicent couldnt seem to form a proper sentence.

"What happened?" Taelon whispered holding her gently.

"They were everywhere." Alicent whimpered. "I dont know what they... Taelon..." he ran a hand down her hair, fingers gently weaving through her hair. He looked at the bruising and then the little stained blood in her hair, along her neck and splattered on her arms. Her ran his hand over her arms.

"Not mine." Alicent whimpered burying her face in his chest.

"I'm sorry I wasnt here." Taelon rasped against her.


"Avalon!" Aegon and Maekar called out as THorin moved to Aislynn and Aemond. Emma told them what happened, and Aegon burst out laughing.

"He was allergic to monster?" Aegon needed clarification.

"yeah." Emma agreed.

"Deathly so." Avalon agreed petting a hand over Monster's little black head. "She ran up to him and he kicked her away."

"Which only made her angry." Emma agreed.

"And rightfully so." Avalon went on.

"And she lunged at him, clawing at him, and then he couldnt breathe." Emma declared. "My little monster." Emma coed and Monster ran to Emma purring against her. "Then Ser Criston came in and saw the man clawing at his throat and dragged him away."

"After a really hard punch to the face." Avalon agreed.

"Gaena!" Tommen ran to his wife when they landed. "Loki! Maeve!"

"We are fine, Tom." Gaena assured as he hugged her. "Dav handled them... Larys too."

"Larys helped save the day?" Tommen questioned.

"It was impressive." Gaena agreed.

"What happened to the men that did this?" Taelon questioned still holding onto Alicent.

"I think Davina skewered them and Lila was screaming dracarys so I think cannibal fried them." Alicent remarked. His hands gently grazed over her neck.

"Did they say what they wanted?"

"No. They knew you werent here though."

"They knew?" Taelon rasped.

"Davina said they were after the heirs..." Alicent whimpered.

"Daemon." Taelon seethed. "Daemon did this... he did all of this..."

"What? Daemon... Taelon I dont understand my love."

"Jayne Royce didnt die in her sleep. Someone killed her. Thorin isnt safe. None of us are safe until Daemon is dead."

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