22. Tits, Obviously

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"In case you wanted to read it." Taelon offered kindly. Alicent stared down at the book before locking eyes with Taelon. "Granny Avalon was a badass. I'm not one for history but I like her story." Taelon remarked. 

"Thank you, Taelon." Alicent answered taking the book "I will take excellent care of it." She informed him clutching the book to her chest. 

"I trust you, Alicent." Taelon assured kissing her cheek and she felt an oh so familiar flutter. 

"TAELON!" Tommen hollered out.

He spun around and his smile faltered when he saw Laena at Tommen's side. He kept a hand on Alicent's shoulder as Tommen and Laena approached. 

"I brought you a gift." Tommen remarked.

"Can you return her?" Taelon whispered innocently. "Hello Laena."

"Hello Prince Taelon." Laena answered.

"Stimulating conversation with my father I assume?" Taelon remarked still not letting Alicent go. She let out a breath as she leaned back into Taelon and felt his hand slid down her side pulling her hips back into him.  Laena opened her mouth but clamped her lips shut smiling awkwardly up at him. "Figured as much..." Taelon agreed. Taelon trilled his fingers along Alicent's hips, toying at her dress. "You think that was a long enough talk?" Taelon asked Tommen.

"I know nothing. You didn't tell me shit." Tommen countered.

"Right." Taelon agreed stiffly. Tommen looked to Alicent and she pulled away from Taelon begrudgingly. 

"Perhaps I will see you later?" Alicent offered turning to Taelon. "You seem busy." Taelon stared back at her. 

"Later." He agreed and ALicent nodded clutching the book to her chest as she walked away she tried to keep from skipping through the courtyard. "So..." Taelon pried his eyes from Alicent and looked to little Laena. "What do you like to do Laena?"


"Do." Taelon agreed. "Like..." Taelon looked to Tommen. How young was this little human? "Tommen and I like to-"

"Come on shes a baby lets not-" Tommen began.

"Drink!" Taelon countered. "Gods you think I dont know how to talk to children. I deal with you and Daemon."

"Nyra, the actual child'' Tommen murmured but Taelon ignored him.

"We drink and dance and dragons! You like dragons Laena?" Taelon asked. She nodded. "Come on then." Taelon declared as he tapped a hand on her back and she stumbled forward. "Sorry." Taelon remarked lifting his hands up. "Gods she is tiny." Taelon murmured to Tommen.

"Is she five?"

"Certainly little enough." Taelon agreed.

"I'm 12.'' Laena corrected. Taelon and Tommen smiled awkwardly down at her.

"What father would do this to his daughter?" Taelon went on.

"Forcing her upon you?" Tommen mused. "Most would."

"My father. But thank you for that." Taelon teased.

"Your father... Gods love him, peaceful man but," Tommen tilted his head back and forth. "I dont know where you and Nyra got your good looks and your height." Tommen remarked.

"Mother clearly had an affair with Zues." Taelon agreed.

"Are you calling yourself a demigod?" Tommen mused Laena stared back at them from the entrance of the pits.

"Demi is little. There is nothing little about me." Taelon corrected. "Sorry squirt," Taelon said patting Laena's head. "Lets go. ROK!" Taelon's voice boomed.

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