43. Love & Hate

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''What are you going to do?'' Tommen questioned as they got on Rok.

"Leave Tony in runestone." Taelon informed him confidently.

"That's why we brought him." Tommen realized.

''I have to talk to Alicent.'' Taelon remarked.

''Be still my beating heart.'' Tommen said with a goofy smile. ''You really like her.''

''I love her and she is going to hate me.'' Taelon confirmed.


"Maekar..." Taelon coed picking him up from his crib. "You have a brother. Not Aegon but another," he whispered. "Isn't that fun?" Maekar stared back at him. "Lets hope for a better reaction from your mama."

"Is Alicent pregnant again?" Viserys asked and Taelon nearly dropped Maekar.

"Don't sneak up on me!" Taelon demanded cradling Maekar to his chest. "Gods father, I am holding my baby."

"I'm sorry, but did I hear you right?"

"No, I mean, no." Taelon said awkwardly. "Just... for the future. Yes, for the future." Viserys stared back at him. "Please Maekar and Aegon... is barely a few moons. The body and mind needs rest, so much... just... stop." Taelon begged.

"Sorry..." Viserys offered. "Are you alright son?"

"I'm... Son." Taelon repeated. "Yes, I'm fine just a lot on my mind." Taelon offered as he put Maekar back down. Aegon smiled up at him. "Will you excuse me, I have to talk to Alicent."

"Of course." Viserys agreed as Taelon marched down the hall. Nyra huffed an annoyed breath as she passed him in the hall.

"Hug Maekar and Aegon, he is a babbling little anti depressant!" Taelon shouted after her. "Stop being so damn salty!" He begged.

"You are ruining my life by not being mine!" Nyra shouted back before running down the hall and that broke Taelon's heart all over again.

"Gods Nyra," Taelon murmured running a hand over his face. "You are killing me!" He called back. "Slowly and painfully, tearing me apart, I have enough shit on my plate without you hating me!"

Harwin heard Taelon shouting down the hall and peered around the corner. He didnt say anything just gave his back a pat before heading on his way.

"Be grateful you dont have a sister." Taelon murmured.

"Want to trade? Rhaenyra for Tommen?" Harwin mused. Taelon thought about that for a moment.

"You think she would hate me more or less?" Taelon countered and Harwin chuckled as he headed on his way. "Your lack of confidence is infuriating." Taelon informed him.

"Have a good day my prince." Harwin remarked as he headed down the hall. Taelon was not having a good day and depending on how Alicent took his news he might be having a need to see the maester for a my wife and sister are tearing me apart day.

''Rhaenyra is still upset I see.'' Taelon mused as he closed the door trying to keep the conversation light before he dropped a bomb that would change everything.

''If its not one thing its another.'' Alicent agreed. ''Whenever I see her she glares at me as though she wishes death upon me.''

''Then I have a solution lets not leave the bed.'' Taelon offered as she straddled him bringing her lips to his.

''You were gone a while.'' Alicent remarked. ''Where did you go again?'' She thought it was an easy question simple answer. Her hands trailed along his chest but she felt his hands hesitate along her back.

''Um well... you know I love you. I do love you.'' Taelon reminded her.

'And I love you.'' Alicent echoed suddenly worried.

''Well you see... before... before we...''

''We wed.'' Alicent filled in

''Yes. Exactly and I went and I. Well its a funny story,'' taelon chuckled before remembering that his wife alicent would not think it funny. He cleared his throat. ''I went to runestone.''

''Runestone?'' Alicent asked confused

''Yeah. You see... I know Rhae.'' Taelon offered awkwardly.

''Prince Daemons wife.'' Alicent remarked

''Yeah, yeah, that's the one." Taelon agreed not meeting her gaze. ''We were friendly back in the day.''

''Friendly?'' ALicent questioned trying to keep the smile on her face as she grew more and more anxious by the heartbeat.

''Yeah and well...'' taelon's face pinched. ''I have a son.''

''Maekar." Alicent agreed. "And Aegon."

''Another.'' Taelon said softly. ''Thorin. Hes a... well, almost two years older than aegon and Maekar and it was just the once and-''

''How do you know he is yours?''

''Daemon didnt consummate the marriage.'' Taelon remarked.

''How do you know?''

''Because I know daemon. ''Taelon offered. ''The boy hes got hair like mine and I believe her when she said he was mine.''

''What are you going to do? Are you going to claim him?''

''I was thinking about it. Yes.'' Taelon remarked. ''Rhae, she said she wasnt cut out to be a mother. Shes doing her best but shes alone over there. She didnt have any siblings just a shady cousin. No one knows of Thorin. No one knows hes mine. Said if I wanted him. Claimed him as mine... I want him to have all the opportunities that life has to offer not be hiding away. I dont want to ruin Rhaes reputation either.  I want him Alicent a boy needs a father but I told her I had to confirm with you.'' Taelon told her honestly.

''You did?'' Alicent questioned feeling a swell of love at his words as he ran his hands over her back.

''Of course. You are my wife. Bringing a baby in would change our lives yet again. I wanted to make sure you were alright with it.'' Taelon agreed

Alicent stared back at Taelon. He was only trying to do the right thing. He could have hidden it. Lied or brought the boy here and forced alicent to mother him. But he asked her first. Otto had told Alicent about Taelons previous fornication but seeing Taelons smile when he spoke of his son. Alicent couldn't deprive him of that.

''Of course. I will love him as my own.'' Alicent told him.

''Oh i knew you would understand.'' Taelon remarked laying her back as he hoovered over her. ''You are truly wonderful alicent.'' Taelon told her as he lowered kissing her consuming her with his lips and his touch.

Epiphany // Alicent HightowerWhere stories live. Discover now