19. Irresponsible and irresistible

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"What did I say?" otto demanded.

"But father, Taelon-"

"Six moons. Six moons of grieving and suffering and pain while Taelon has been causing trouble, while Daemon has been trouble. Viserys will need a queen. A new heir. What don't you understand about that!"

"Taelon is his heir." Alicent corrected weakly.

"Taelon is irresponsible."

Irresistible more like it, Alicent thought

"Taelon is not the future of this kingdom. I know it. Viserys knew it as well. That was why he wanted a new son, a new heir." Otto told her. "Go to Viserys and stop with your little crush on Taelon."


"Taelon, I heard they want father to marry again." Nyra remarked.

"Poor girl." Taelon mused not looking up from his notebook.

"I heard them say they... what if they are trying to replace you." Nyra offered and Taelon stared back at her.

"As the heir?" Taelon mused shaking his head. "We both know father and I havent gotten along well but... we had a talk after mother and well... he believes in me. Said he was proud of me. Even if he marries, has another son, I do not fear my position." Nyra sat down next to him on the balcony leaning into him as she looked at his current work in progress.

"You draw a lot of naked women." Nyra remarked.

"That's because the female body is so beautiful." Taelon told her. "All shapes and sizes, curves..."

"This one is rather curve- less." Nyra remarked.

"Well, this is more what I think than from memory." Taelon mused. Nyra didnt think for a second he was drawing her, the face wasnt shown, her head tipped back giving her a long neck, this one was different from the others she saw Nyra noted. Like it was drawn from underneath, looking up at the woman. Dark hair was sketched in flowing around the woman's shoulders. Taelon watched her face, seeing if she figured it out. She didnt seem to.

She lifted his arm moving his notebook as she got into a more comfortable position. She sat between his legs leaning into his stomach, hands trilling on his knees.

His hands draped over her chest, a finger trailing down the boney column between the grooves of her breasts down to her belly button and back up. She watched his hand move up and down, up and down before it stopped. The base of his hand resting on her nipple, hand, fingers barely grazed her as though his hand had just gotten tired and stopped. As though his touch wasnt tormenting her enough. 


'Your Grace.' Corlys said as he approached Viserys.

'I'm glad we could meet. I know tempers ran hot and then you departed for driftmark so quickly, and I wanted to assure you how much I value the bond between our houses. Rhaenys is my favorite cousin after all.' Viserys told him.

"I wish to apologize for the tenor at the Small Council as well, Your Grace. It was not my intent to make offense." Corlys assured.

"Your fleet is one of the realm's most important assets, Lord Corlys. But you must understand, as King, it is my obligation to avoid war until such time it is unavoidable." Viserys reminded him.

'None among us desire open war." Corlys agreed. "Might I speak plainly, Your Grace?" Corlys questioned hesitantly.

"I always welcome the unfettered thoughts of my council." Viserys agreed.

"I fear that the eyes of our enemies are presently fixed on the Red Keep. The Queen has passed. The King's brother, so disinherited, has claimed the Targaryen seat on Dragonstone without challenge. And now, a foreign power has established a colony in our most critical shipping lane." Corlys remarked.

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