119. Visitors at the Capital

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Taelon brought a hand to his mouth to cover his yawn. Meetings, council meetings were long and it was his least favorite thing about being king. He liked being in the trenches, in the fight, not sitting the throne, no matter how good Alicent declared he looked up there. 

It was strange sitting the throne some times, he had seen his own father sit on the throne, had remembered a time when his grandfather sat the throne. Now it was his. His boys were young men and wanting a claim of their own and Taelon didnt want to miss out on the fun, on their youth while he was stuck here. Like his father had been. He had been focused on the crown, the kingdoms, like a good king should. But not always the best kings could also be the best of fathers. One took a tool on the other. Great king and your family was lacking. Doting supportive father and the kingdoms started to fade. 

But it need not be like that. Taelon could be a good king and a good father. He rose up from the table and looked around at the council, Tommen stood up giddy. He knew that meant they were done for the day. 

"Wonderful work, take time and be with your families." Taelon begged. "Tom, I think Lila needs a riding buddy."

"Shut the fuck up" Tommen countered. 

"You dont have to ride in his mouth." Taelon assured. 

"He would eat me."

"Lila's little, and Rok is moody." Taelon countered. 

"DADDY!" LIla declared and Aemond and Aislynn were seen following close behind her. "Cannibal is ready for some fun!"

"I bet he is." Taelon agreed. 

"Silverwing and Vhagar are coming too, Daddy can you fly with me?" LIla questioned and Tommen sighed with relief. 

"Of course." Taelon agreed as he picked her up. 

"You handle Cannibal I will handle the castle." Tommen assured. So that is what they did and Taelon loved the smiles on their faces as they flew through the air. 

Landing on the ground though Taelon saw a familiar banner, colors heading towards the gates. He knew he had to find Tommen and greet him with some exciting news. Lila ran off and Aislynn and Aemond held hands as they headed inside. Taelon watched them go fondly. 

"Visitors at the capital." Taelon remarked as he walked to Tommen and Tommen stared back at him confused.

"Whats that face for? Whos here? If it's Sylvie I dont care. Im happy. Im married and Im in love!" Tommen declared.

"Sylvie Gods havent heard that name in years." Taelon laughed out.

"Who's here then?"

"Your father." Taelon declared. Tommen smirked. "And your brother." His smile fell. "Yes that brother."

"After you Larys is my next favorite brother." Tommen remarked honestly.

"Aw im sure he would like to hear that." Taelon agreed.

"Lets go greet them." Tommen remarked. "How do I look? Hand of the king, king adjacent, handsome right? Professional?"

"You are perfect." Taelon agreed. "My right hand man." Tommen smiled proudly back at him. 

"Your grace." Lyonel and Harwin knelt before Taelon. 

"Welcome back Lord Lyonel!" Taelon declared giving him a hug. "I will have you know that you raised an amazing son, right here." Taelon reminded them as he grabbed Tommen's shoulder. "I'm proud to call him my brother." 

"That's wonderful, so wonderful. I'm so proud of Tommen." Lyonel agreed hugging him. "My boy, hand of the king, I'm proud of you." 

"Hey pops." Tommen agreed. 

"Come on in, Gods Lyonel I forget, did you meet Lila Rose?"


"I'm so  proud of my boys." Lyonel declared over dinner. Gaena smiled back at Tommen. Loki and Maeve were blabbering and Lyonel was so relieved that Tommen had found his person, had two wonderful children and family at the capital family in Taelon and Larys, surprisingly to everyone how well Larys was doing at the capital 

"My Tommen." Lyonel declared. "The hand of the king!" He raised his glass and Harwin bit back a groan. He was no longer the favorite, he was the failure. "So accomplished you are, Tommen. YOur mum would have been proud of you too."

"Thank you, father. Yes, yes, great accomplishments. Married a wonderful women we have with two wonderful children." Tommen declared as he leaned over kissing Gaena's cheek, he still made her blush. "Oh right and I didnt fuck my best friends little sister." Tommens gaze turned dramatically to harwin.

Harwin swallowed down his food thickly as his gaze turned sharply to Tommen meanwhile Lyonel choked on his wine and Larys withheld the urge to laugh out loud. 

"Accomplishments." Gaena agreed. "Well, I think its bed time. Tell your father and grandsire goodnight." Gaena requested as she helped Maeve up. 

"Night!" Maeve declared jumping up and pressing a kiss to tommens cheek. 

"Dont be too long." Gaena whispered her lips dragging over the shell of his ear. Tommen turned his head unable to keep his eyes from her as she left. 

"Larys is also doing well." TOmmen remarked. "He is the master of whispers, but you know, hush, hush." Tommen added with a wink. "And he is fucking the Targaryen bad ass which also happens to now be my sister... wow, we really are targaryen. Fucking your sister in law." TOmmen teased and Larys went red. 

"Yes, davina." Lyonel agreed. "You two are still... together?"

"We are." Larys agreed. Lyonel was hoping for the, we are engaged speech but he didnt get it. Just a content smile. He didnt know if Larys wanted children or marriage but he certainly was smitten with Davina. 

"What do you like about the princess Davina, Larys?" Lyonel pondered. Sure, Davina was beautiful, she was brave, she was fearless but what did Davina see in Larys? That was a better question Lyonel should have been asking.

"Davina has the confidence to step on any man..." Larys remarked bluntly. "She doesnt know the word no. She... makes me feel alive, like I have a life worth living." Larys declared. Larys wanted that confidence that Davina had, more then he should and yet she still found a way to love Larys. 

"Love sick lad he is." Tommen agreed. "Does it make you feel bad that I fucked your wife first?"

"What?" Lyonel spat. 

"When we were kids, she was my first..." Tommen remarked. "Oh, is that not something you told your father?" He teased. 

"You were a one and done." Larys reminded him. "She kept coming back for more."

"Oh, nicely said brother." Tommen agreed and Larys felt so much pride every time Tommen called him brother. Even after all these years it still made him feel overjoyed. He got to have the brother he always wanted, the brother he thought he would truly never get. But Tommen and him had become close friends. 

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