16. Need

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"I know what she needs."

Nyra lay in bed that night replaying their conversation.

"I know what she needs."

Tug, twist, pull... unleash the- the door swung open knocking Nyra from her thoughts.

"HUSSHHHH!" Tommen said tipping over. "Oh... You're not my bed." Nyra stared back at him. "SHHH," Tommen said stumbling back out into the hall. She moved to the still open door and watched Tommen drunkenly skipping and spinning down the hall. If he was drunk, Taelon would be alone... right? Nyra fixed her hair and stared at her flat frame in the mirror before heading down the hall to Taelon's room. She gave a gentle knock.

"Ye-p!" Taelon said and she pushed it open.

"Tael..." she whispered and he looked up from his sketchbook.

"Nyra, I'm sorry if they embarrassed you earlier." Taelon remarked but he knew her face earlier was not of embarrassment but of want.

"No, not at all, I just..." Nyra jumped up on his bed sliding in next to him. "What are you drawing?" She asked instead. He tilted the book to her in the dying candlelight. "Its me." Nyra remarked

"Well good." Taelon chuckled "I would have hated for you to think its someone else."

"You were drawing me this late?" Nyra remarked leaning into him.

"Couldnt sleep and that smile on your face was just perfect." Taelon informed her as he shaded the picture gently.

He couldnt sleep and Nyra was on his mind. She sighed snuggling into him. He wrapped an arm around her as he balanced his sketchbook on his bent knee. She didnt know how long she watched him. Listening the led scratching across the parchment and the fire flickering dwindling beside him before she fell asleep.

When she woke up the next morning the sun wasnt up yet.  Taelons arm was still around her. She nuzzled in closer listening to the steady beat of his heart before kissing his cheek then his neck so very gently her lips barely touched him. When he didnt moved she kissed his chest once waiting for him to wake. He didn't.

She wanted to know what if felt like. To be that person that got to become one with him. Even if it was just for a moment. But rolled to his side and she slumped back to the bed.


"Father I really think... I mean... Well..." Alicent knew that Otto wanted her to woe Viserys but Taelon was the heir, would it not be wiser to try for Taelon's heart? It was certainly a handsome alternative. Young, muscled, gorgeous, her heart ached just thinking about Taelon.

"What?" Otto spat glancing back at her.

"I just mean... I visited the king as you requested but Prince Taelon..."

"Is one step away from being disinherited." Otto corrected. "The king needs a new heir."

"He is- what do you mean?" Alicent asked confused.

"Everyone knows that Taelon is more like Daemon, than Viserys. After Daemon's proclamations a few moons back and Viserys removed him from the capital. I have complete certainty that Taelon is one wrong step away from losing his title. But Viserys needs an heir. A new son before he could make that call. A son of your womb."

"But Taelon-" ALicent tried again.

"Keep working the king." Otto instructed. "I won't hear of Taelon again, I get enough of him at meetings." Otto grumbled.

"But father-"

"Soon enough the council will push Viserys to marry, you need to be that person that already has his eye."

"But Taelon is so-"

"Go on Alicent." Otto demanded.


"Spill it." Tommen demanded. Taelon stared back at him confused.

"Spill... what?"

"That face, I see it in your eyes!" Tommen declared as Taelon waved a hand for Ragnarok to get back to the dragon pits.

"The I just flew face?" Taelon entertained.

"Who did you fuck?" Taelon nearly choked on his own tongue. "Why are you being shady about it... was it Sylvie? Is that it?" Tommen asked and Taelon saw a wave of pain run through Tommen's eyes. If he said yes Tommen would be upset. It wouldnt kill their friendship, they had been friends too long for any woman to put a drift between them but Tommen would be upset and seeing his saw moody face on the compound was punishment for everyone. If Taelon told him he had a very realistic sex dream about ALicent... well that was a different sort of conversation that Taelon didnt know he was ever ready to have.

"Not Sylvie," Taelon decided and Tommen nodded satisfied as he followed Taelon to the courtyard. "Just... a great dream." Taelon offered.

"Ah, those dreams," Tommen nodded in agreement. "Those dreams make the real thing seem dull in comparison sometimes." Tommen remarked pulling his blade out. "Who was it? Where were you?"

"Flying" Taelon offered.

"That's cool." Tommen exclaimed. "Have you ever done it on Rok?" Taelon chuckled.

"You honestly think I wouldnt have told you if I had?" Taelon retorted.

"Good point. Add it to the list though." Tommen offered. The list. The list of glorious places to fuck their way through. Regions, areas, all the great houses and unknown houses, in lagoons, in caves, in dragonpits, in the sky...

"Who was she?" Tommen asked as Taelon spun his blade in his hand with precision.

"You wouldn't know her."

Alicent watched Taelon in the courtyard. He dueled off against three, four, five men. He took them down easily. She didnt understand why her father was so against Taelon. He was quite possibly, perfect. 

Taelon caught Alicent's gaze and he faltered remembering his dream and got whacked in the ribs. Alicent sucked in a deep breath. Nyra was right, Taelon hated her. He saw her and he got hit because of how much he hated her. She turned around and ran back inside. 

How could the man of her dreams hate her? She thought she might die, then and there out of shame and embarrassment that Prince Taelon Targaryen didnt want anything to do with her. 

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