35. Glob of Goodness

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They went to braavos next.

"I heard about this place, the temple of black and white, house of black and white... something black and white." Taelon remarked as they walked through the street.

"Oysters, clams and cockles!" a vendor shouted as she passed.

"Hungry?" Taelon asked. "I love oysters," Taelon remarked.

"Are you a prince ser?"

"How could you tell?" Taelon mused.

"Your hair... are you just old?" The girl countered curiously.

"I am, a prince, not old." He clarified, "I will take your best oysters." Taelon remarked. "Alicent?" she nodded, she hadnt the most experienced pallet. The chefs at the capital didnt expand their skills because Viserys was a simple man of simple tastes. "There you go," Taelon plopped a few coins in her bucket.

"Thank you ser!" She declared as she headed off. "Oysters, clams and cockles!"

"You ever open an oyster before?" Taelon mused, Alicent shook her head as he led them to the pier. He sat down, his feet hanging off the edge as she sat beside him. "I sliced my hand open the first time I did it." Taelon admitted as he held his palm up. "I felt like an idiot." Alicent ran her hand down his palm.

"I'm sure you have many scars." she remarked.

"I do, but those scars were from battle, this was for food. I won't let you look so foolish." Taelon assured as he pulled his blade out. "You just gotta get the blade in the grove, you see?" He took her hand running it along the oysters closed lips. "Then the blade just," he nudged it in slightly. "Give it a turn," he turned the blade and the oyster broke open. "Wa la!" he declared breaking off the top and throwing in the water and handing her the base. She held it as he opened a second. "Then you just drink it down, that little glob of goodness, that is the proper term," He mused. "sucked down with it." He tapped his oyster to hers before tipping it back into his mouth.

"That's an interesting taste." Alicent remarked.

"Wait till we cook them." Taelon remarked. "I'm making you feast tonight." Alicent felt like a princess, like a queen. He spoiled her. 

"I make the best seafood spread," Taelon assured. "Thats why we are in market. Got to get my ingredients."

"I really like the place we are staying." Alicent informed him as they walked and Taelon shopped for food.

"Yeah? Good, its cute." Taelon remarked. They had stayed in pyramids and castles, it was nice just staying in a place so normal.

Taelon picked up and put down produce as they moved. Alicent held his hand leaning into him as they walked.

"A rose for you my lady?" A men selling flowers offered holding out a rose to Alicent.

"Don't be flirting with my wife." Taelon warned. "You like roses?"

"What girl doesnt?" Alicent countered and Taelon paid him and Alicent took the rose gently between her fingers. "Thank you Taelon."


"Moons, seven hells." Tommen declared. "What am I supposed to do?"

"You don't have a life outside of my brother?" Nyra countered.

"You dont either." Tommen reminded her.

"Now we both lost him." Nyra griped.

"I need a drink." Tommen declared heading off.

"I can come!" Nyra offered.

"I'm sorry Nyra, but I'm not babysitting tonight."

"I dont need a babysitter." Nyra countered crossing her arms over her chest. "Alicent is barely older than me and Taelon shoves his cock in her, I think I can handle a drink without your breathing down my neck."

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