54. Live In Fear

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 'We should make landfall inside the hour, Princess.' Cole told her as they sailed

'How do you think he will take it?' Rhaenyra questioned looking out at the castle in the distance.

'Do you speak of how you rejected every suitor His Grace put before you, or how you abruptly ended the tour with two months remaining?' Cole mused but a dragon shrieking and rumbling caught their attention. Caraxes flew overhead, rocking the ship.

'Take cover!'

'Princess! You all right? Are you? Fetch the maester!' Criston said as he helped Rhaenyra up she clutched at her head as she stared at Caraxes.

'I'm fine.' She assured.


"Father, don't even entertain him." Taelon begged.

"I will see what he has to say." Viserys remarked. "And then take his head." Taelon sighed knowing his father would never kill his brother. Even if Daemon was the one about to pierce Viserys through the heart. Viserys was peaceful, it was Taelon that had to protect him. Viserys stood ready to reprimand his brother but Taelon hated every bit of this.

Yes, he saved Daemon's ass but that was moons ago. He didnt get a thank you, Taelon got a fuck off. Taelon knew that no matter what Daemon said, Viserys would ultimately forgive him.

Daemon walked forward with confidence though, the kings guard unsheathed their swords ready to attack, to protect their king. A crown on Daemon's head he threw down his sword before them. Taelon looked from the sword, to the crown. He gripped his blade Asgard tightly, ready. He wasnt about to be bamboozled by Daemon.

'Add it to the chair.' Daemon offered it clattered before Viserys as the crowd murmured with anticipation.

'You wear a crown.' Viserys noted. 'Do you also call yourself "King"?' he sneered

'Once we smashed the Triarchy, they named me "King of the Narrow Sea." Daemon informed him, his gaze shifted just slightly to Taelon and the crowd murmured again, Daemon was no king. Everyone knew of his reputation. Taelon knew they would have lost without himself and his dragon. Yet Daemon got the false title of king?

'But I know that there is only one true king, Your Grace.' Daemon assured. 'My crown and the Step stones... are yours.'

'Well, where is Lord Corlys?' Viserys questioned hesitantly, Daemon was not one to bend the knee willingly.

'He sailed home to Driftmark.' Daemon told him

'Who holds the Step stones?' Viserys countered

'The tides... the crabs, and 2,000 dead Triarchy corsairs, staked to the sand to warn those who might follow.' Daemon informed him. Viserys got closer to him and the crowd held its breath.

'Rise.' Viserys said hugging Daemon as he rose and the crowd applauded, there would not be war, but peace. 'The realm owes you a great debt, brother. Come. This is our chance...'

Daemon glared over Viserys shoulder at Taelon. The smuggest of smiles on Daemon's face.

"Fuck it all." Taelon grumbled as he walked off.


"Where is Nyra?" Taelon questioned.

"Probably fondling your uncles ego." Tommen mused and Taelon groaned.

"Nyra is smarter than that."

"Is she?" Tommen countered nodding to Nyra walking up to Daemon and Viserys.

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