45. Two is Huge

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Uncle Tommen was taking his role very seriously. Thorin was at the capital and Taelon realized what a death trap this place was. Honestly, stairs everywhere, sharp edges, everywhere he looked he saw a potential for damage. Maekar and Aegon was young. Still drooling on himself but Thorin was running and tripping on everything.

"I got them!" Tommen declared.

"What do you..." Alicent began. "Why does Tommen have plushies?"

"Baby proofing, of course." Taelon remarked as they started securing the plushies to all the sharp edges for possible falls around the rooms.

Alicent couldnt help but smile. Taelon was an amazing father. An amazing husband and Thorin was warming up to her too. Alicent supposed it helped that she had darker hair like Rhae Royce but then again Rhae had said Thorin didnt bond didn't connect with her.

"Do you think the wolf or the lion should go here?" Tommen questioned holding up plushies before shoving them in front of the fire place.

"Dont put them together put them on opposite sides" taelon declared. The edges of everything in Thorins room was covered in plushis of all shapes and sizes. Then Taelon gave a satisfactory nod before they moved to Aegon and Maekars room.

Alicent couldnt stop laughing as she followed them.

"Where did you get all these?" Alicent asked picking up a little dragon toy and holding it to her chest.

"Vendor in flee bottom. I bought them out. You should have seen the smile on her face when I paid her. Said prince Taelon appreciates her hard work and dedication to childrens safety and wheel barreled those fuckers back!" Tommen declared.

"Why did you go to flee bottom to get them?" Alicent countered. "Im sure they would have had them made here or delivered."

"Taelons idea." Tommen informed her as they started baby proofing the room. "Said its better to give to the lower cities. The capital has so much why put more of daddys money back into their pockets."

"My money." Taelon corrected. Tommen chuckled falling back onto the plushies.

"Do you know that your husband is an excellent gambler?" Tommen mused.

"Excellent meaning I never lose to anyone but Tommen and he cheats." Taelon agreed.

"I do not." Tommen declared.

"No?" Taelon mused. "Im making cards so he cant cheat."

"Rude. I dont cheat."

"We will see when I have new cards." Taelon countered.


Viserys was impressed. Taelon was doing a great job not only as a husband but a father. Taelon had three sons. Three heirs.

Now all Viserys had to worry about was Rhaenyra.

With each passing moon he saw Taelon becoming the man he always hoped his son would be.

With each passing moon he saw Alicent and Taelon getting closer and Rhaenyra growing more and more bitter and distant.

When Thorin turned two it was tradition for large and grand celebrations. Taelon was ready for the feast and the royal tour but Otto hesitated when Taelon brought it up.

''What do you mean?" Taelon countered. ''Two is big. Huge! He wasnt feeling well last moon when his actual name day arrived. Still getting used to everything. But now I think he would enjoy it.''

''My prince. It would not be right''. Otto corrected

''Why not?" Taelon countered confused. Otto didnt want to have to say it. "What?" Taelon demanded.

''He is a bastard-" otto began but Taelon slammed a hand on the table.

''He is mine and he is legitimate.'' Taelon corrected.

''The celebration for the royal family-" otto tried again.

''He is my son. I want the best for him.'' Taelon reminded him. ''I want all the damn traditions and bullshit that I used to hate.''

''My prince-"

''Your next words better be I agree with you completely.'' Taelon warned.


Taelon knew that he didnt want a big party but knowing that he could without a big fuss was worth Otto's vein popping from his neck. 

Taelon had hated those parties when he was younger. He knew that for Maekar and Aegon they would want to, demand it. Taelon took Thorin flying instead and they both shoved their faces in cake at the end of the day. It was perfect. 

Taelon leaned against the door as Alicent sung Thorin a song before bed. Thorin was calling Alicent mama more and more which Taelon loved so much. 

"Two is huge." Taelon remarked. "You think he had fun without all the fuss?" 

"I think he has the best father in the world." Alicent agreed. "You always make him smile." 

"The best mum." Taelon agreed kissing her. 

"You want to give me another?" Alicent requested pulling him with her. 

Epiphany // Alicent HightowerWhere stories live. Discover now