101. You Never Learn

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Alicent walked in on Aegon pleasuring himself over the balcony, he grunted and groaned happily standing on the ledge ready to come over the streets below when his mother came in.

''Honestly Aegon." Alicent declared and Aegon stumbled back wrapping himself up in his sheets nervously.

'Oh!' Aegon grunted as he fell.

"I wanted to say what a good son you were getting Aislynn a pet since she doesnt have a dragon yet but..."

"I just... Dont judge me. You and father fuck like rabbits in heat!" Aegon declared and Alicent chuckled turning to leave.


Laena and her husband Daemon were in pentos for the past 10 years where Laena and him had given birth to twins, Laena had Vhagar the largest dragon, something she had always wanted and Taelon honestly had forgotten about them. He never liked his uncle and he didnt know Laena well. So when they vanished after his own fathers death and the drama of Taelon becoming king, Daemon was still the farthest thing from his mind. 

"The lamb hearts are excellent." Prince Reggio Haratis declared

''We are fortunate in our cook, Your Excellence. There's a plum-cake yet to be served, which will have us fighting over the crumbs." Laena told him kindly.

''Then before we come to blows...'' Reggio tapped on table ''... a toast to Aegon the Conqueror, your exalted forebear, who joined our cause against Volantis in the Century of Blood. On the great dragon Balerion, he flew to our aid in Lys and burned a fleet of enemy ships, thus turning the tide...

''Aegon the Conqueror.'' Daemon said stiffly. He could be a conqueror, he would be a conqueror, he would conquer. One day. Not yet. Not while Taelon held the power, he needed to play his cards right. 

''To Aegon.'' They echoed

''This brings me to some business. A proposal I wish to make in the spirit of honoring our storied alliance.'' Reggio remarked.

''If your aim is to marry one of our daughters, Your Excellence, you might have said so and spared us the history lesson.'' Laena offered her daughters were not happy about that.

''What?'' Rhaena questioned nervously.  Prince Reggio chuckled however.

''I would not count myself so deserving, my Lady Laena.'' Reggio assured. ''I wish to offer you a permanent residence here in Pentos. This manse I would gift to you, outright, along with its farms and lands, the vineyard and the wood. The tenants would pay their tributes annually to their new Targaryen lord. You would have your freedom of the city and the harbor, as befits your royal station.''

''Continue.'' Daemon said intrigued

''Lys and its allies rise again. The Triarchy has made common cause with Qoren Martell of Dorne. At any moment, they may turn their sights north. Your family has dragons. Three now... mayhaps four in the future. My aim is to protect Pentos from the lustful eye of the Triarchy. Aid Pentos in this, as Aegon once did... and my gratitude will fill your cup and overflow it.'' Reggio told them joyously.

''Your Excellence, we are travelers. We've already extended our visit here.'' Laena said stiffly, she was not about to stay in pentos forever

''It's a most generous offer. And one we will certainly entertain.'' Daemon cut in glancing over at his wife.


"I didnt do anything wrong." Nyra was starting off bad, lies she knew Taelon didnt believe. "I dont understand why you are mad at me. It is your bitch wife that you should be yelling at. I just gave birth and she commanded me to her chambers."

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