51. Daemon the Douchbag

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'Going on a dragon hunt, do, do, do, do the dragon." Taelon sung out as Aegon and Maekar drifted of little whimpering voices as they went to sleep. 

"I want a little girl." Taelon whispered coming into their chambers. Alicent turned to him pulling off her jewelry. He put a hand on her stomach. "Be a girl." He kissed her stomach.  "You know Ive never really liked my hair." Taelon remarked running a hand through Alicent's hair. "I wouldnt mind a little girl that looked like you." 

"Yeah?" Alicent whispered. 

"Yeah." Taelon agreed kissing her again. "I need to check on my father, he can't handle his liquor." 

"Such a good son you are." Alicent declared. 

"You coming with me?" Taelon asked seeing Thorin on their bed. 

"I'm good." Thorin replied pulling the covers up over him. 

"He's good." Taelon remarked with a chuckle. "I'm high on the hunt still." Taelon informed Thorin. "I need to get some of that energy out on mommy. You are not allowed in bed for that." Thorin covered his eyes hiding under the covers. "I will be right back. Alicent chuckled unbraiding her hair as her father came in. 

' Did you enjoy the hunt, Alicent?' Otto asked peering at Thorin as he popped his head out from under the blankets.

'Well enough.' she agreed. "Taelon would have rather ridden Rok with the boys like he did with Thorin, I think we all would have enjoyed that more."

'How fared my grandsons?' Otto questioned averting his gaze from Thorin.

'The ladies Lannister and Redwyne were quite taken with him.' Alicent remarked. "But they don't like or approve of me."

'That's not true." Otto corrected. 

"They all think I'm not good enough for the prince, the heir, they don't see that Taelon and I love each other." Alicent informed him. "They all think their names should have been where mine is. They should be bringing the future to the capital. That Hightower is not anything... special. That I'm not..."

"Have you spoken to your husband about your concerns?"

"No." Alicent corrected. "Perhaps its just me being... silly." SHe offered but she knew what they were thinking, their whispers. 

"Maekar and Aegon though, they are quite fond of... thats good." Otto reminded her. 

"Yes." Alicent agreed as Thorin popped his back out from the covers then buried his face again. 

"They are the future of the realm. Well, you yourself witnessed the scale of the celebration, how it's united the men. Aegon, like his namesake, was born to rule the Seven Kingdoms. Maekar as well. If Viserys and Taelon were to name him heir, the realm would fete him for it.' Otto remarked but Alicent stayed silent. 'And does this not please you? Do you not want your son to be King?'

'Taelon will be king." ALicent corrected. "I know you dont..." She hesitated looking to Thorin. "But Taelon will be good. You need not force this, they are young, Taelon is healthy, the king is healthy."

"I don't want him to be robbed." Otto remarked. 

"Robbed? Father, Taelon has three wonderful sons. I have three wonderful sons. Their time may come but I hope the realm will see which is just and right when that time comes, as they grow. Not now, not while the current heir is alive and well." Alicent hissed. 

'It is Aegon that's being robbed. He's the firstborn son of the heir. To deny that he is heir to the throne is to assail the laws of gods and men." Otto hissed. 

"Thorin... he... we havent... there is no need." Alicent said through shaky breaths. "Please leave. I dont want to hear of this heirs heir again." Alicent begged. Thorin sat up pointing a finger at the door. 


'Father... I was hoping we might discuss something.' Taelon remarked as he sat down beside him kicking his feet up. 

'Rhaenyra?' Viserys questioned 'I do not think she enjoyed Jason Lannister's company. She is cross.'

'You thought she would be?" Taelon countered with a hearty laugh.

'Rhaenyra has come of age. She must needs marry a high lord who will honor her, defend her, serve and guide her. Her wishes in this matter are irrelevant.' Viserys declared. 

"If so you would have already forced her to marry." Taelon countered. "You don't want to piss off the moody little dragon. I do that enough for the both of us just by breathing most days it seems." Taelon snooped at the table picking up a scrool. "Oh, Vaemond Velaryon." Taelon declared. "What did those fools get into now?"

'Yeah. He's fighting in the Stepstones, with all the rest of them.' Viserys told him pouring another drink.

"I think you have had enough." Taelon countered taking the glass from him and drinking it himself. "Lets see..." Taelon read through it as the fire crackled and Viserys sighed leaning back in his chair. 'Corlys the cunt and Daemon the douchbag are losing their war.'

'Badly, by all accounts.' Viserys agreed. 

'This is a plea for aid. I knew those fuckers could not take the pressure. Then why not send it?' Taelon questioned

'Because it is a war started by two malcontents, unhappy with decisions I made. If I now provide Daemon and Corlys succor, what will that say of their king?' Viserys countered

"That Daemon is useless without you." Taelon declared. "Without the crown. He is nothing and going to die. I'm all for it but I had hoped to kick his ass first before he died.''

'I am forever doomed to anger one person in the pleasing of another.' Viserys reminded him. 

' Is it better for the realm if the Crabfeeder thrives, or is vanquished?" Taelon countered. 

"You are so smart." Viserys declared. 

"Got my brains from you pop." Taelon declared. "Got my stamina and ale tolerance from mum apparently." 

Epiphany // Alicent HightowerWhere stories live. Discover now