76. I Feel Pretty

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Only the young// Rickon Stark out now!!

Alicent gave birth to twins. A boy, still born, silver hair and a little girl with auburn hair like Alicent but with violet eyes.

Everyone could see the love and pride in Taelon's eyes as he held his baby girl to him.

He loved his children. All of them but this little girl with violet eyes and dark hair. This was something he wanted for ages.

"Aislynn." Alicent declared proudly.

Nyra stared back at them, the perfect family. The perfect children. Nyra wondered what her child would look like. If her children would bear her silver hair, they did have strong genes yet Taelon's most recent little girl had ALicent's hair and violet eyes. Could Nyra get lucky enough, were Strong genes not strong enough to push past the Targaryen genes... she had to hope so because she couldnt remember the last time she had seen Laenor.

"Nyra, meet Aislynn." Taelon declared happily.

"A little girl." Nyra agreed glancing to Alicent.

"She's so beautiful." Taelon declared. Nyra looked to Alicent as she curled up under the blankets on the bed. Alicent felt loved and appreciated when she was around Taelon but there was something about Rhaenyra that made her anxious and self conscious.

As though having a baby, pushing two children, one still born and one breathing, strong and happy in Taelon's arms wasnt a lot to deal with. Alicent's body was stretched out, her stomach sagged from holding the babes. Her breasts were stiff with milk, her lower region she didnt even want to know what was going on down there.

Taelon looked to Alicent and saw her discomfort. Alicent loved that about him.

"Nyra I think Aislynn is hungry." Taelon offered.

"Of course." Nyra agreed as she ran a hand over her stomach. "Taelon?"

"Yeah love bug?"

"When the babe comes... I dont know if Laenor-"

"I ravened." Taelon assured. "He was supposed to be here for the tourney. Damn tourney. Never again." Taelon declared. "But he will be here for the birth." Nyra didnt want Laenor with her. She wanted Taelon. She wanted Harwin with her but she really wanted the man she could never have. She wanted Taelon to be with her as he was with Alicent for ever child she brought into the world. Nyra wondered if he would have been so devoted to herself if they had ever gotten a chance to be.

"If he's not." Nyra countered as she moved to the door. "Could you stay with me?"

"Of course." Taelon agreed immediately.

"Thank you Taelon." Nyra whispered leaning up to kiss his cheek. "You are such a good brother, father... king."

"Thanks love bug." Taelon said as Aislynn grumbled in his arms. "Actually is hungry." Taelon pondered as he moved back to Alicent. She reached out for Aislynn as Taelon sat beside her.

"I feel so gross." ALicent whispered when Taelon kissed her. He smiled softly as he brushed her hair from her face. Aislynn gnawed away contently as ALicent leaned into Taelon. His hand shifted along her thigh. "I'm so disgusting." Alicent whispered. "I dont know how you look at me like that."

"You are beautiful." Taelon corrected.

"I dont feel it." ALicent corrected him as he kissed her again.

"How about a bath?" Taelon offered as he got up.

"That would be nice." ALicent agreed.

A bath was prepared, Aislynn was back in her crib sound asleep. Alicent ran a hand through the warm water as she glanced back at Taelon. His head in his sketchbook, she hadnt seen him sketching recently, being king, everything with the past moons. It was nice to see him smiling again. Especially after the scare of Aislynn at the tourney.

"What's wrong? Too hot?" Taelon questioned as she hesitated.

"I... I dont want you to see... me." Alicent offered awkwardly.

"I see you constantly. I'm looking at you right now." Taelon corrected.

"I'm disgusting." ALicent corrected.

"You gave birth." Taelon countered. "You are still healing from that."

"I just dont feel pretty and... just turn around." Alicent offered.

"This is why you have been hiding from me since Aislynn was born?" Taelon realized.

"I'm not hiding.' Alicent corrected.

"Great, then let me help you" he said before taking one more step closer to her, their bodies practically pressed together. He placed his hands on the sides of her face and swooped his head in for a kiss. He pressed his lips roughly to her and she didn't object. She never objected to his kiss, his touch.

If he hadn't placed his knee between her legs, she swore she would've melted into a puddle on the floor. That was just what Taelon's touch did. The feeling of his lips on hers was breathtaking. One hand still cupping her face, he let his other hand travel down to her hip, cradling her to him, so they were pressed even tighter against each other. She wrapped her arms around his waist, letting her hands slide under his shirt, feeling every single muscle in his back flex at her cold hands.

Then his hand traveled pulling at her dress. He gently hoovering as he pulled back the strings, waiting for permission. Alicent pulled back just briefly as she nodded. He let her dress fall and she brought a hand up covering his eyes.

"I'm helping you." Taelon corrected. "I've seen it before. All of it. Pregnant, post pregnant, pre-pregnancy you..."

"I know." Alicent agreed not moving her hand from his eyes, she watched a smile curve his face.

"I love you." Taelon reminded her.

"And I love you which is why I want you to picture me not as I look now and keep the appeal of my alive in your mind." ALicent agreed.

"You are hilarious. Obviously I find you repulsive which is why we have... Gods how many children is it now?" Taelon teased as she kissed him. "But whatever you want." he assured. She moved her fingers and he peered back at her. "Still so beautiful." he assured.

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