41. Not A Lie

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Unfinished business // Sandor Clegane out now!

Taelon was a father. That in itself was something he never thought would come to pass. He liked the bachelor life. He found he quite liked being married though too.

Taelon stared down at Maekar and Aegon waiting for something amazing to happen. He slept, ate and shit. What a life!

"My father said he found a wet nurse." Taelon remarked glancing back at Alicent before picking up Maekar.

"I think its a bit strange." Alicent remarked.


"Passing my baby off for someone else to feed." Taelon stared back at her. "Maekar and Aegon sucking from a strangers tit."

"Thats what they do?" Taelon asked as his face scrunched up with distaste. "Why would anyone want that?"

"The royal family has duties." Alicent reminded him. "I'm sure it was done for you and Rhaenyra."

"That is... I mean if you want it then sure, but..." Taelon rocked Maekar glancing back at a drooling Aegon in his crib. "You don't realize how little you know about infants until a life is in front of you and it is your duty to protect them." Alicent chuckled leaning into him. "Honestly, I thought Nyra was a doll, a screaming doll when she was born. I think I asked mother for a replacement at one point." Alicent laughed out picturing little Taelon declaring that they should return Nyra.

"It wasnt until she was bigger, walking and crawling and hitting her head that I decided that she wasnt leaving and I needed to protect her." Taelon went on. "But this," he looked down at Maekar. "He is so little, I don't remember this part at all. But I suppose I was littler back then."

"I can't imagine you little." Alicent remarked resting her cheek on his back as she wrapped her arms around him.

"Tommen was always the scrawny one, I was a chunky baby I was told." Taelon remarked. "They thought mother was having twins with how large her stomach was."

"I was expecting him to be larger." Alicent admitted. "Not that he wasnt quite big enough." She assured. "But then again we didnt know we were having twins."

"Still amazes me." Taelon remarked.

"Ah, the doting father and loving husband." Viserys declared before he turned back to the door and had a coughing fit. Taelon passed Maekar off as he moved to Viserys.


"I'm alright." Viserys assured as he cleared his throat. "Just came to check on my grandsons." Viserys declared taking a shaky step forward. Taelon watched him nervously. He wondered what treatments the maesters were doing, he saw them coming and going but his father always said he was fine. The maesters refused to tell him anything. What could Taelon do besides believe that his father was okay...

"I remember when you were born, Aemma sung to you every night and if she didnt come in you would sit and stare at the door and wait for her." Viserys remarked.

"Always a mama's boy." Taelon agreed. "But every son needs a father." he assured.

"I tried to sing to you and-" Viserys chuckled out. "-I remember you shaking your head and saying no, no, not pretty like mommy." Taelon held back a sob. He wished his mother was here to see this. So see the man he had become, the husband and father, he was trying to do right by his family and his own father.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you sad." Viserys said softly and Taelon didnt realize the tear that slipped down his cheek. He swiped it away before moving to the table and pouring a glass of water from the pitcher. "I miss her, she would be proud of you my boy. So proud.''

"Thank you Father."

Taelon wondered if he had a daughter if she would be like his mother? Wondered if she would have that spirit and kindness. Wondered if Aemma was looking down at him now. Wondered if Nyra would ever want to meet her nephews or if her bitter mood would taint her from Taelon and Alicent and all of their children until the day she died.

They had been so close for so long and to have her go from loving him, curled up in his bed talking throughout the night to declarations of hate... it made him sad. He missed his sister but he wasnt about to abandon his wife, his sons because Nyra was in a pissy mood.

But then he received another raven from runestone. New words that didnt really make sense but Rhae Royce's signature.

"What are you going to do?" Tommen asked in hushed voices.

"I should see if she's alright." Taelon remarked. "I just..."

"Dont want to tell your father or your wife that you are going to runestone to see Daemon's wife who you-"

"Shut up I know what I'm thinking, no need to verbalize it." Taelon demanded.

"So are we going?" Tommen asked.

Taelon liked that he said we, as though there was no other choice in the matter. Taelon and Tommen were a package deal in life.

"Yeah, I will just tell Alicent a friend is in need of our help." Taelon remarked hesitantly. "I didnt really want to start this marriage with lies." Taelon added softly.

"Not a lie. She is a friend and she might need our help." Tommen corrected. "Could be back in a day if its nothing."

"Why send a second raven if its nothing?" Taelon countered and Tommen nodded slowly.

"Could be something we can handle quickly?" He retorted.

"What are you two whispering about?" Nyra questioned.

"Oh, talking to me are you?" Taelon countered turning to face her and she continued on her way. "Meet your nephews!" Taelon called after her. "They are adorable!"

"That went well." Tommen agreed sarcastically.

Taelon gave him a shove as he went to find Alicent. How to say it, perhaps he should have practiced before hand but then she snuck up on him and he jumped spinning around.

"Sorry." alicent declared stepping towards him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing... well.. nothing." Taelon remarked. "Well, a friend of mine." Taelon began as he ran his hands along Alicent's arms. "This friend... of mine, and Tommens needs help. Might need help. We are going to check on our friend see whats going on."

"Of course," Alicent agreed. "That's really kind of you."

"Shouldnt be gone long, taking Rok and we will be back soon hopefully." Taelon added.

"You are such a kind man, you will be a wonderful king." Alicent informed him confidently.

"Ah but every man needs a strong woman beside him. You will be a wonderful queen." Taelon informed her and Alicent blushed, she still couldnt imagine herself a queen.

"Do be careful." Alicent requested as she kissed him. "And come back in one piece."

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