29. Here comes the bride

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Nyra was in a mood. It was Taelon's wedding day and he was marrying Alicent.

"You look beautiful." Taelon remarked and Nyra stared back at him in the mirror. "I love you Nyra. That's never going to change." 

"Everything is about to chance." Nyra countered. 

"You are my sister, I love you. I'm still going to be here at the capital, I just wish you wouldnt push me away, nothing need change. You are still my little love bug." Taelon reminded her. 

"I wanted to be more!" Nyra declared. "I wanted to be... I wanted to be your bride." Nyra whispered. Taelon took a step forward and hugged her. She fought him but he was stronger and hugged her tight. 

"I'm sorry Nyra." Taelon whispered. "Please don't be mad at Alicent, she didnt have a say in this."

"And you did?" Nyra countered. "Did you ask for her? Do you like her?" 

"I like her." Taelon agreed. 

"You asked for this? You asked. For her?" Nyra spat. 

"No I didnt." Taelon countered. "Nyra she is... sweet and nice... She is your best friend."

"Was." Nyra corrected. "Was."

"Nyra, love come on." Taelon begged. 

"I hate you both!" She declared storming out of the room. Taelon gnawed at his cheek as he watched her go. 

"That went well." Tommen remarked glancing back at a pissy Nyra. 

"She hates me forever." Taelon grumbled. 

"She was in love you with." Tommen countered. "You are wedding and fucking her best friend. How would you like if I fucked Nyra?" Tommen added and Taelon glared back at him. "Hypothetical." He clarified. "By that look you wouldnt like it."

"Nyra is my sister. I love her. She is my little love bug but..."

"Not who your cock craves." Tommen agreed. "But back to the hypothetical." Taelon gave him a shove. "If I wanted to-"


"I'm going to tell your wife how mean you are to me." Tommen remarked rubbing at his arm. 

"Fuck off please." Taelon begged. 


Viserys was thrilled. Taelon was getting a bride. The realm would have more heirs and the Targaryen line would flourish! Viserys looked to Taelon as he stood patiently at the end of the sept. The door swung open and all eyes turned to Alicent. But her gaze was locked on Taelon. 

Otto walked her down the aisle, he couldnt help but find some peace in the fact that Alicent was so happy. Viserys was confident in Taelon and perhaps Alicent could keep him on the straight and narrow, give him an heir before Taelon turned into Daemon and then their son would rule.

Otto looked to Taelon as he smiled down at them as they walked. His gaze shifting to Viserys, a proud smile on his face as he looked between Taelon and Alicent. Otto felt bad, he was a bad father, but seeing Alicent so happy, she would still be queen, she would find love and happiness. When Otto's wife passed he lost sight of love but seeing the way Alicent looked at Taelon, it was the same way he used to look at his wife.

Nyra couldnt hear a word they said, she felt nauseous and dizzy. Her face pale as she kneading her hands together cracking her knuckles. She tried to keep the tears from falling but this was supposed to be Taelon and herself. They were supposed to have this happy ever after moment. Now he was smiling at Alicent, wrapping his cloak around her, his hands on her hips as his head tilted down to her and Nyra couldnt understand where she went so wrong. How she missed all the signs that Taelon didnt love her like she loved him. 

Her eyes shifted up as Taelon kissed Alicent, sealing their union, large hands cupping her face as their lips mingled and Nyra gaged, feeling the bile rising in her throat as everyone clapped but she ran out in tears. 


Taelon heard the word congratulations about a million times that night. 

He nodded politely as he poured another drink, a hand on Alicent's thigh as they ate. 

"Well?" Taelon asked as Tommen approached.

"I don't know where she went." Tommen murmured and Taelon huffed out a breath filling is cup. "I'm sure she is fine." Tommen offered. Alicent looked between them and their hushed conversation. 

"Yeah, I just... worry." Taelon answered. 

"Don't worry. Have fun. I will find her." Tommen assured.

"Rhaenyra?" Alicent assumed. Taelon nodded putting down his cup. 

"Dance with me, my lovely wife." Taelon offered her his hand and she stood up gleefully. Nyra's mood was not going to ruin his wedding. He only wanted to get married once after all. 

"You don't want to dance like we did at the bon fire?" Alicent mused as he held her to him. 

"We could." Taelon remarked. "But you have this good girl reputation to maintain, don't you?" He mused as her arms wrapped around his neck. "Can't let them know what I do." He whispered in her ear. 

"What's that?" Alicent asked as his lips kissed her cheek and neck. Her head tipped back as his hands slid lower as his lips trailed her neck, for all to see. 

"Taelon." Viserys remarked coming up to them. "Perhaps the cake so you can get to the bedding." He offered. "Not in the middle of the banquet hall." he added. 

"Just appreciating my wife." Taelon assured as Alicent blushed into his chest, her arms around his waist as he hugged her to him. 

"Cake." Viserys repeated. 

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