107. Waves Crashed

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The ship ride to driftmark took two days. The kids were packed in the ship. A pregnant Gaena could not handle the boat ride, morning sickness flooding her and Loki was certain that his dragon was going to hatch. Davina agreed to stay with her sister and nephew while Tommen and Larys went with Taelons clan of children. 

Alicent lay back in bed on the ship as the waves crashed against the side of the boat. She could hear Aemond and Aislynn in the next room playing a game with Lila. She heard Avalon and Emma discussing how aunt Davina would not be able to take care of their pets properly, she wouldnt give them enough love. The dragons would be tended to but Davina was not fond of little creatures. Davina promised she would take care of the little shits which only made Avalon and emma even more sure Davina would fail at pet sitting. 

Maekar and Aegon were sword fighting on deck with Thorin. She heard the swords smacking together. She looked to the door to their cabin opening and saw Taelon with some tea and muffins. 

"Are we almost there yet?" Lila questioned following Taelon in. 

"Almost." Taelon agreed as she jumped on the bed. Aislynn came in quickly when she smelled the food. 

"What game were you playing with Aemond?" Alicent pondered. 

"Daddy made picture cards, Aemond was teaching me a game Thorin taught him." Aislynn remarked. 

"Picture cards?" Alicent questioned. 

"Show mama." Taelon requested. "I put their pictures on it, the different numbers and such, each has a different child or pet."

"Thats so sweet." Alicent declared as Aislynn put the deck down before her. "Beautiful."

"I meant to show you but the littles took it from my desk as soon as I was done." Taelon recalled and Aislynn beamed back at him. Taelon looked to the muffins he had brought in for them. "I meant to eat a muffin too but they took mine." Aislynn licked the crumbs from her lips. 

"We can share." Lila offered holding hers out for him. 

"Thank you baby, I will get another though." Taelon assured kissing the top of her head. When he came out Aemond was training with his brothers. Thorin was adjusting his grip. 

"You know I did my first competition when I was ten, Aemond. You should be getting ready for yours too." Thorin remarked and Aemond nodded eagerly.

Vaemond Velaryon spoke for his niece's funeral as they prepared her casket to be sent to sea. As was the Velaryon way. Taelon shook Corlys hand and gave Rhaenys a hug, they offered him small teary smiles. Taelon held tighter to his girls, he couldnt imagine losing a child. Laena was only ten years older than thorin, had twins of her own... left them without a mother.

''We join today at the seat of the sea to commit the lady Laena of house Valeryon to the eternal waters and domination of the Merling king where he will guard her for all her days to come as she sets to see for final voyage the lady Laena leaves two true born daughters on the shore though their mother will not return from her voyage they will all remain bound together in blood salt courses through velaryon blood. Ours runs thick. Ours runs true. And ours must never thin.'' Damon chuckled at that and Taelon would have liked to say he was surprised. But he wasnt Daemon was as immature as always. 

''My gentleness may the winds be as strong as your back you were sees as calm as your spirit and your nets be as full as your heart. From the sea we came. The sea we shall return.'' they watched as Laena was sent into the waters.  Daemon's daughters stood with their grandmother while Daemon was impatient to get on with it. Showed how much Daemon loved his wife.

Lila leaned into Alicent as Taelon kept a hand on Avalon and Emma's shoulders, keeping them with him. Taelon's gaze shifted to Aemond and Aislynn, they were always close, they were always the best of friends, Aemond held to Aislynn's hand and Taelon thought they might fall in love one day.  But he didnt want to worry about that now. He wanted his kids to stay safe and young, never grow up and fall in love with bad men that would steal them away. 


''Have you seen your father?'' Rhaenyra asked coming up to Jace. ''Your little cousins have lost their mother. They could use a kind word.'' Rhaenyra offered glancing to Daemon's daughters.

"I want to go back with uncle Taelon." Jace remarked. "I dont like dragonstone." 

"Well its new... you will get used to it. Think of it as an adventure." Rhaenyra offered and Jace sighed walking off on sluggish feet. 

''I never met her." Aegon remarked. 

"Me either." Maekar agreed. 

"I think I met her at aunt moodys wedding." Thorin remarked. "But that was forever ago. You two were little, Aemond wasnt born yet. Father wasnt king yet." 

"Where did she go for ten years?" Maekar questioned. 

"Pentos, Daemon stole her away." Thorin offered. 

"Like Persephone." Avalon offered. 

"What?" Aegon countered. 

"The monster from hell stole persephone and took her to the underworld, never to be seen again." Emma agreed. "Pick up a book Aegon." 

"Books are boring." Aegon corrected. 

"I know the story." Maekar offered. "She was a goddess right?"

''Both my seat and High Tide will be yours one day, Jacaerys.'' Corlys remarked. ''The Lord of the Tides rules the sea.'' But Jace shook his head softly.

''Sorry. I don't want it.'' He corrected. "I just want to go home."

''It's your birthright, lad.'' Corlys reminded.

''If I'm the Lord of Driftmark, it means everyone's dead.'' Jace corrected as he walked off to his cousins. ''I'm very sorry." Jace said coming up to his cousins.

''Thank you.'

''Thank you.'' The twins echoed. Rhaena grabbed Jace's hand keeping him with her as they sat in a sad silence. But Rhaenys came up to her granddaughters and Jace stepped aside

''Grandma..." Rhaena sobbed ''I don't want Mother to be gone.'' Laenor stood in the waters he wouldn't move from the seas needing to be closer to his sister. Taelon stared at him from above, it made him think he should have fought harder to make things right with Rhaenyra, not to push her away. He didnt want her to die far away, didnt want them to have this distance between them. 

"Retrieve your patron." Corlys hissed to his protector.

"Brother." Vaemond said pulling Corlys back, he begrudgingly released ser Qarl. Thats when Taelon saw Daemon. 

''Your girls are the very image of their mother.'' Taelon remarked. 

"As is one of yours." Daemon mused. "Pretty little thing." Taelon didnt like the way Daemon looked at his girls. 

"They are." Taelon agreed. "And you should stay far away from them."

"Worried I might seduce a little princess?" Daemon teased but there was venom in his tone.

"Shut up Daemon. You may have forgotten but I am the king." Taelon reminded him stiffly. 

 "Pretty thing, has she flowered yet? I'm still in need of an heir."

"How about this? Shut your mouth or I'll kick your teeth down your throat and I'll shut it for you." Taelon sneered. 

Epiphany // Alicent HightowerWhere stories live. Discover now