117. Right Here? Right Here

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Counting Crimes/ House of the Dragon out now!

So Tommen was right and they didnt get to training last night but they did get up and started bright and early.  

He pulled her down and she staggered with him. He landed on his back and she dropped down, knees on the ground straddling his hips.

He pulled her hands to the ground, his fingers pressed against the pulse in her wrists feeling her racing heart beat pulsing through her. She stared down at him as he ran his hands over arms, she couldnt hold herself up with the shiver that went through her and her body was pulled closer over his chest, slipped her hands around his neck laying flat against him. She stared back at him as he ran his hands over her back. 

"I'm not awake enough for this yet, Taelon." Alicent remarked. 

"We were supposed to do this yesterday." Taelon reminded her. "We can go back to bed but I know how much you enjoy this." There was humor in his eye, something soft in his voice. She let her head drop forward, rest against his shoulder as her body settled, drained and comfortable against his like the only energy she had left was to stay right here. 

"Alicent..." Taelon whispered kissing her forehead. She rolled over using his arm as a pillow.  

"Gods, I'm exhausted." She lay beside him, staring up at the ceiling. "I will do better next time. I should be training with Lila, hell with Maeve." Alicent remarked with a groan. 

"You did good." Taelon assured her. 

"I'm awful."

"You never had to fight before, I think its great you want to learn. Dont be so hard on yourself." Taelon corrected. "And dont pick fights with Emma, she will win." 

"I'm serious taelon, I want to do better."

"I'm serious too, Emma is scary when shes in the zone." Alicent swatted at him. "You have me and the boys who would kill for you." Taelon reminded her. "You want to train slow, when Gods, Gods forbid you ever need to defend yourself the anger will give you speed, the adrenaline will give you speed, make you slopy, so train slow. I tell that to the kids too. It takes time. Kids pick things up faster, dont get discouraged, I think you are amazing."

"Thank you Taelon." Alicent whispered as he kissed her. "I wish I was more like Davina... did you see her training with Tommen? Why I cant I be like her? I'm hopeless, I'm so useless if we get into trouble."

"You are not useless. Far from it." Taelon corrected. "You are still learning and Davina has been training for ages. Gorgeous I dont want you to be like Davina. I like you just the way you are. So dont be so hard on yourself for getting discouraged and comparing yourself like a normal human. Who knew you were normal, with normal human emotions? I always thought you were an angel like Avalon. "

"It's jus—"

"Ah, ah, ah. Don't you dare, Alicent. You're a fucking queen—my fucking queen." He kissed her again and again and she wrapped a hand around his neck pulling him closer. "Dont compare yourself. I love you just the way you are. I wouldnt change a thing."

"Not a thing?"

"Not a damn thing." Taelon assured. Her lips tipped into a smile that Taelon loved to see, it pulled at his heart strings. "Alright gorgeous, since you are exhausted lets get you back to bed. We can do more training tomorrow." A smile curved her face. 

"Not exhausted... I'm... ready." Alicent corrected.

"You want to keep going?" 

"I want... you." She corrected.  He pulled her to him. She arched into him as he kissed her. She bit at his lip as she tugged at his shirt.

"Right here?" Taelon questioned. 

"Do you need a bed to be good enough?" Alicent challenged knowingly their moons adventure after their wedding proved that he could take her anywhere.

"Hardly," he bit out between his clenched jaw as he threw his shirt aside. 

"Then fuck me. Right. Here." Alicent demanded. He kissed her neck as she tugged at his pants but with a groan, Taelon pulled back, knowing it was getting late. He had a council meeting this morning. 

He hadn't planned on sleeping in but after last nights 'training' he wanted to get their real lesson in, but he would have been late to every meeting for the rest of his life if it meant having his gorgeous wife and consuming her in any way he wanted. Right here too, that was new,  sure it was more private than the courtyard but it wasnt completely private either. 

"Damn meeting." Taelon grumbled but she didnt let go of him.

"I don't want you to go," she whispered, she kept kissing along his chest, not letting him go. He gripped her chin and lifted it until she looked at him. The green of her eyes that he loved shined bright back at him.

"I'll make it up to you." Taelon assured. 

"Promise?" Alicent mused wrapping her arms around him, anchoring her legs around his hips as he stood up, as if she weighed nothing more than a feather. 

"Promise." Taelon agreed.   "Goddamn, I love you," he whispered, watching her in awe.

"I love you." With one last kiss, he put her back on her feet she kept a hand on his face running along his jaw. 

"Now, let's get you in bed. That's where I want to find you—waiting for me—when I get back." Taelon mused. 

"You gonna tuck me in... Or you could tuck yourself inside me," she offered smiling up at him. 

"You know how tempting you are? You know how hard I am right now?" Taelon questioned. 

"Just a quickie before you go. Then I'll be too tired to move and have to stay in bed, waiting for you." 

Epiphany // Alicent HightowerWhere stories live. Discover now