37. Get Help

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Many years ago

Taelon and Tommen had quickly become thick as thieves in the night. Taelon had went with his father to visit the king, Taelon's grandsire and then popped over to herrenhall to prove to Taelon that it was not haunted.

Nyra was barely two at the time and Taelon had just turned 6 when he met Tommen Strong. They became inseparable. Tommen and Taelon begged their fathers to let Taelon stay or bring Tommen to dragonstone.

The boys had scarcely been apart since.

The boys had scarcely been apart since

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A few years later Taelon had wanted Tommen to come riding but Lyonel Strong was highly against that. Viserys reminded Taelon that Ragnarok wasnt big enough for two riders either.

Taelon didnt like that answer.

"Let's go!" Taelon declared running off.

"I can't fit on Rok." Tommen reminded chasing after him.

"I have an idea." Taelon countered. "Come on they can't catch us if we are in the air."

"I'm trusting you." Tommen remarked and Taelon sniggered a laugh. "That isnt reassuring." Tommen called back to him.

"It will be great." Taelon assured climbing up.

"Well?" Tommen asked.

"Pick him up Rok, chip chop." Taelon said with a clap.

"What do you mean pick him up?" Tommen countered as Ragnarok opened his mouth leaning down to Tommen. "You want him to eat me? I thought we were friend!"

"We are. He is very gentle." Taelon assured.

"TAELON!" Tommen screamed.

"Relax." Taelon declared as Ragnarok picked up Tommen by his belt, gently in his teeth.

"Get help! Get Help!" Tommen begged. "I don't like this."

"This is great. Alright buddy, lets go." Taelon declared.

"This is humiliating!" Tommen shouted.

"This is fun! We are having so much fun!" Taelon corrected.

"This is humiliating and I hate it." Tommen declared.

"FUN! SO MUCH FUN!" Taelon shouted back.

"Next time I ride on Rok's back and you ride with your pants in his teeth, I'm getting a blasted wedgie." Tommen remarked.


"Who is that magnificent creature?" Tommen questioned.

"That's my cousin." Taelon remarked.

"Your very sexy cousin." Tommen corrected. "Introduce me."

"What? Why?" Taelon countered.

"Because she is gorgeous and I want to make her mine." Tommen offered.

"You don't want Davina." Taelon corrected.

"Yes I do." Tommen retorted. "If you are not going to introduce me, i will introduce myself." Tommen declared but didnt move.

"Go on then." Taelon mused.

"She's older than us, isnt she?"

"Just a few years." Taelon agreed. Taelon looked to Tommen as he puffed out his chest. "What are you doing?"

"It's about damn time we got fucked don't you think?" Tommen questioned.

"Davina is a bit scary though." Taelon admitted softly.

"Scary gorgeous you mean."

"She has a sister our age, shes sweet... Gaena... I don't see her here though." Taelon remarked.

"You fuck the nonexistent sister and I make my move on Davina, even her name is pretty." Tommen remarked.

"Go on then." Taelon agreed.

"I can't remember how to walk." Tommen countered.

"You want me to give you a push?"

"Yes, actually, that might help." Tommen agreed and Taelon shoved him forward. "Hello... My name is..." Davina stared back at him. "you're so pretty."

"Hello, you're so pretty. I'm Davina." She answered smugly.

"That's not, I mean..." Tommen wasnt always so suave with the ladies, he was a hormonal newly teenage boy just wanting love.

"Not tormenting Tommen are you Davina?" Taelon asked innocently.

"I don't know a Tommen, I know a You're so pretty, black haired boy." Davina countered.

"She called you pretty, good start." Taelon remarked.

"That's what he told me his name is." Davina corrected flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"She is so pretty." Tommen remarked in a daze.

"I think your friend is broken." Davina told Taelon.

"He doesnt know how to talk to beautiful women." Taelon informed her.

"Oh?" She mused.

"Tommen... that's me." Tommen informed her.

"I gathered.' Davina agreed.

'Marry me."

"Thats not the best proposal." Davina remarked. Tommen dropped to his knees before her. "Oh, I do love it when they are on their knees." Davina mused. Tommen opened his mouth but Davina put a finger on his lips silencing him. "I like to take all future prospects for a test run before any commitments are made." Davina remarked. Tommen stood up swallowing the lump in his throat.

"I could, I mean if you, I would, I am, who..." Tommen looked to Taelon. "Who am I again?"

"You are Tommen, and I don't think you can handle what Davina is so gently suggesting" Taelon countered.

"But by that look you think you can?" Davina countered innocently.


"I'm in love!" Tommen declared. "Best night of my life."

"Davina fucked you too?" Taelon mused.

"Yes she... too? What do you mean too?" Tommen demanded and Taelon chuckled. "Where is she? I must marry her now."

"She left." Taelon informed him nonchalantly.

"Left to where?"

"Her actual betrothed." Taelon remarked.

"But... me and her, we would be good together." Tommen offered.

"I'm sure you thought so but she was already engaged to some lannister before she got here." Taelon remarked.

"Why did you not stop me from making a fool of myself?"

"She fucked you didnt she?" Taelon countered.

"Yes." Tommen agreed.

"Now we sort of know what we are doing." Taelon offered. Taelon looked to Tommen's broken smile. "We can go after her if you want, take Rok and -"

"No, thats so humiliating, I wont show up to proclaim my love after being whipped around in Rok's teeth the whole flight."


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