Chapter Six: Basic Robbery Skills

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Isador gave him another nod. Aleksei seemed to ease up a bit, at least Isador hoped he did. He turned and headed toward the counter, smiling and giving other customers small waves as he slipped past them. He didn't want to raise any sort of suspicion about what he was about to do, there wasn't any time for that. Thankfully there wasn't currently a line at the counter. As he stepped up to the counter he flashed a more confident smile.

"Hi there. I need you to give me money from your register." Isador paused for a moment, and dropped the smile from his face, leaned on the counter a bit lowering his voice. "Don't make me use force... and please don't make me ask twice." He may not have been a big guy, but he'd learned how to be a bit more intimidating from some of the other agents he had trained with.

He watched the cashier's face change from happy and bright, ready to serve him, to one of dismay and slight fear. Not a lot of fear, but hopefully enough. Isador touched his jacket where the gun lay, and raised an eyebrow at the cashier. "Please just do it..." He whispered, gritting his teeth a little. The cashier's eyes darted to Isador's hand, then back to him. *Quit thinking so hard about it, I'm trying to keep this as a low profile theft.* The cashier slowly reached for the register, looking over at their fellow employees as they tapped a few buttons.

"How about you keep your eyes over here, and get the dang money, I don't want to make this worse than it is." Isador moved his jacket once more, barely revealing the hand gun. He wanted the gun to be easily accessible. It was then the cashier went a bit of paper and opened the register. Rather quickly they gathered the money from the drawer and just about threw it at Isador. Scooping it up quickly Isador shoved it into the inside pocket of his coat that the gun was not occupying and turned striding as fast as he could across the floor and over to Aleksei. "We should go. Now." *That cashier had to have tipped off their fellow employees, after all, one slipped off just as I leaned on the counter.. Hopefully they were going for a bathroom break and not for anything else.* Isador shifted a bit, gripping the bottom of his jacket to aid in keeping both the money and the gun pressed against him.


Aleksei watched the scene, just give him the money already, please. He scrunched his nose, it's really not that hard, you open the register, you grab money from the register, you give money to the robber. Basic robbery skills here.

He didn't even wait for Isador to fully approach him before he began to quickly head out, he nodded, "Yeah, yeah we should." Aleksei said before turning tail and booking out through the emergency exit, that caused an alarm to go off and now everyone was in a panic, the place became a bit more scattered as other people ran away and some were looking around in confusion, hopefully that was a good enough distraction. Aleksei pulled up his little hoodie as he got inside his truck, it was a very old, very ugly, very beaten up, tiny little truck. It looked like it could fall to the ground at any second.

"She's not much, but she gets the job done." Aleksei said as he started up the truck, it took a few tries but hey, it got started in the end. He loved this truck, his mom worked double shifts for him to be able to get it, despite the money he has now; he could never bring himself to replace the truck. He wouldn't dare fix it either if it felt like changing too much about it.

He made sure Isador was in and safely buckled up before driving off, "Ya did good rook, ya did good. Thank you, for handling it well." he said, his smile creeping back onto his face. As soon as they left the store, Aleksei got a call, from of course The Boss, honestly, Aleksei felt like making him eat a bag of *cough cough*

He simply answered the call and put it on speaker, "Too much hesitation. Next time I request a job, I want it done immediately but you did good enough, Mouse, take him to the mansion for me. There he can meet the rest." and with that the phone beeped off and there was silence.

"Next time I request a job I want it done immediately. Old man, that's if you get one next time." Aleksei mocked with a roll of his eyes. "Anyways, the mansion is where the fun happens. You meet more guys, you meet some gals, wink wink and you get to basically chill out unless you got a job to do. It's cool." Aleksei explained, his mood changed faster than the speed of light or that's how he made it seem anyways.

After some drive, and pleasant small talks, they made it to a very large mansion, Aleksei put in a gate code and the giant gate opened up slowly allowing them in. He continued to drive the cobbled road before going into a garage and parking his little engine in a garage filled with custom foreign cars and old antique vehicles. The nerve.

"Your car will be retrieved when everything dies down." he told "Benjamin' before nodding towards the door in the garage which laid to the house, as soon as the door opened, music blasted through the room as a huge party was turning up in the lovely mansion. It wasn't anything special, parties get thrown here every other day. "Hey Ksei." A few lovely ladies purred his name as soon as they saw him but he seemed to not return the interest , giving them a polite nod as he made his way to the back of the room. "You can stay here if you like, or go, I don't really care. I have to take care of some things, so I'll see you later" Aleksei smiled at Benjamin before heading off, what did he have to take care of? Oh nothing, he was just going to go to his room and drink his sorrows away, cry it out, as he always does after something like this.

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