Chapter Twenty-Four: Time Jump

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"The rush felt wonderful." Isador laughed a little as he started the car up. Happily Isador followed behind Aleksei in the car, humming lightly to songs that came up on the radio. His mind drifted to text earlier. It was odd that they checked in so soon... *Did you read the file Isa? Aleksei has taken out quite a few other agents... One within the first two weeks! They wanted to see if you were still alive.* Which Isador believed was fair. Even with that on his mind, he didn't mind the long drive, it was quite nice to just... well to just drive. Especially considering he just stole a car...A good one, too. *At least he believed it to be...*

Once they arrived back at the mansion, he followed Aleksei in after parking the car. Smiling, he sat beside Aleksei and practically melted into the seat. He wasn't super interested in what was on the tv, primarily his interest was held by how quiet the mansion was. Isador's smile never waivered, and he happily sat next to Aleksei, pleased to have a moment to just relax. He didn't have many worries either, which felt wonderfully as well.


Aleksei smiled at him and pushed the chips closer to him, if he wanted to get one, he would happily share, "Because you did a wonderful job, you can keep the car..or hell, you can keep any car in that garage that isn't already claimed. We do have so many after all." Aleksei said with shrug as he curled up on the couch to watch the show. Mmm, peace and tranquility. Finally. Hopefully, it will last.

~Two months later~

This year has proven to be a slow one, but it was that way with reasoning. The Boss seemed to be walking his final leg of life, everyone was preparing for the inevitable, but who would succeed him? That was the question, he has no heirs alive, they were all sent to an early grave; so the members of the mafia were foaming out of the mouth as they tried to find ways to take his place..well most of the members anyways. Aleksei could not give two shits about this monarchy of crime, he was just happy to have less work to do. He wasn't exactly grieving the soon death of his 'employer'.

At this point in time, Isador was seen as a true member of the mafia and not just as some little pet for Aleksei. Grant you, they still tease him for being newer to the crime scene but they actually seemed to like him better than they ever liked Aleksei. Ouch, Aleksei was very much hurt by that.

Aleksei was just about to head towards Isador's room, ah yes, he finally has a room; he has upgraded from sleeping on Aleksei's floor...but Aleksei wouldn't mind if Isador wanted to spend the night sometime, *wink wink*...oh yeah, back to narration.

Aleksei was just about to head towards Isador's room but was stopped in his tracks by a text that came to his phone.


Was his phone always that loud? Sheesh.

Aleksei pulled out the device from his pocket only to see that it was from the same unknown number, "Mouse hole." the text read and Aleksei sighed, welp, a job's a job. Aleksei swiped out of the text before going to Isador's number instead, just giving him a head's up, "Hey, I have something to take care of. Will be gone most of the day." and with that, he traveled back downstairs and to his still kicking truck. After getting it started, he left the mansion.

When he meant that he was going to be gone for the rest of the day, he was mostly talking about the drive, the drive was very, oh so very long, Over 5 hours, just to get to a little, tiny apartment in a little, tiny town. Aleksei stopped at the apartment complex and parked his truck before getting out, he eyed the place carefully first before going inside and knocking on the number "216". There was a long silence before the door opened just slightly adjust and a huge stack of papers were pushed out by a tiny hand.

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