Chapter Two: Yum Yum Stuff

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Isador felt anxious as he drove in the direction of the bakery. He'd spent the past few days prepping hoping to ward off any nervous tendencies he may have in the presence of the mafia. Especially in the presence of Aleksei. All that prep was so far proving that warding any of it off was going to be more of a task than anything.

"Your destination will be on your left." Isador looked around, spotting the bakery's sign.

"Yum Yum Stuff"... Now... to park." Scanning the area he spotted a parking lot, clicking his blinker he zipped into it. It wasn't hard for him to find a spot to park, his slightly rusted 1990 Ford Taurus fit wonderfully between two mid-sized vehicles. Slipping the car into park Isador shut the car off, unbuckled his seat belt, grabbed his phone. Pulling the keys out of the ignition he popped open the door and stepped out of the car. The bakery looked quite nice, and gave off an even better aroma.

*So, at least if he immediately sniffs you out--you'll die having smelt this heavenly stuff.* Isador chuckled lightly at the thought, and headed for the bakery's front doors. He wasn't sure how this was going to go, but he still had rather high hopes for it all.

Stepping through the front doors, Isador scanned the room searching for Aleksei. This was the part he was never good at. Crowds made him slightly nervous, not terribly, but enough to bring his anxiety to a level he'd rather not have it at. It also made it harder to spot dangers. At least, to him it did. The tantalizing aromas certainly were a bit distracting as well.


Aleksei sighed to himself as he stared at the food in front of him, it was common courtesy to not eat before your date arrived but my goodness, he was so hungry, so so hungry. He was going to starve to death if he waited any longer.

Without another moment of hesitation, he picked up a pastry, a delicious guava and cheesecake pastelito, he took a large bite and leaned back in his chair satisfied, that's when he noticed the deer in headlights walk in like he was lost. Yup, that's gotta be him....

"Hmm, just to double check." Aleksei whispered to himself as he took out the photo that "The Boss" had sent him, yup that's him but he looked like a rather clean guy, this mafia stuff will be sure to destroy him, "Tsk tsk tsk." Aleksei sighed out of pity before picking up a second pastry and walking over to the guy.

"Hey, you are...Benjamin, correct? Nice to meet ya, here have some breakfast!" Aleksei greeted cheerfully as he handed the man a pastry, he then motioned his head over to the table he was just previously sitting at, asking his new found friend to sit with him.

"Don't worry about these people, I don't worry about these people, you can speak freely as you wish here. Why would someone like you join a crowd like this? What's your story?" Aleksei then asked. Let's be real, Aleksei was only in the mafia himself because of a random act, so he didn't have a tough guy background either but...we won't talk about that.

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