Chapter Thirty-Four: The Only Fed...

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"Makes sense..." Isador gave a nod as he himself headed to his own room. He didn't keep much in the mansion, just a few pieces of clothing, a phone charger, and some hygiene products. He neatly folded three shirts, two pairs of pants, his phone charger, a book he had picked up a while ago, and some smaller hygiene items. He was actually a bit excited to go to Russia, even if they had to take an odd way to get there it sounded like a fun trip. Isador could tell that Aleksei was keeping some information from him, but he didn't think too hard on it. He trusted Aleksei.

Pulling out his phone he shot a text to Marcus. 'Going to Russia with Aleksei. I probably won't check in until I am back, do not panic.' He wasn't really all that worried about them panicking. That part was truly aimed towards them believing he died or something. He slipped a notebook in his bag before zipping it closed. He deleted his texts, and slipped his phone back into his pocket as looked around the room. He had no idea was ahead of him, and it honestly made him very excited.

Isador made his way to Aleksei's truck humming lightly as he walked. Upon seeing and hearing Aleksei, a wide smile spread across Isador's face. One thing that Isador really really loved about Aleksei was his oddball accent. He also really really loved Aleksei's personality. There was just so much to love about Aleksei. "What a beautiful voice my love." Isador had swung the neatly packed bag up over his shoulder and stood beside the truck. "Everything set and ready?"


Aleksei watched as Isador came over but it wasn't until he had his was actually by the truck did he stop singing, "Ah, we are at that stage in our relationship where we lie to each other to protect each other's feelings? How sweet." he teased before nodding and jumping off of the hood, "Yup, we are ready to go!" Aleksei answered as he gave his truck a long look, it was kind of a long road ahead and Aleksei didn't want to risk getting stranded...sorry you beautiful creation...he is taking another vehicle.

"Actually, let's take that one." Aleksei pointed towards...oh yeah! That's the one Isador stole from Ramona, fun thing is she didn't even notice it was gone until one of her family members pointed it out at a party. Oh well.

He walked over towards the car and there was now a made key already in the door, if there is anything he loved this group for, it's the fact that they are clean and always had things ready when needed. Its car that was stolen with a hothire had a key made for it in less than a week of getting it.

Aleksei hopped in the car and waited for Isador, once Isador was in, he began the long journey ahead of them. He didn't know what he missed about russia more, the snow, the people, the snow and the snow? Maybe all of the above.

The trip was long but Aleksei didn't bore, from karaoke on the radio to eyespy, he sure made the roadtrip...eventful. It took them an hour to get there and that was short time when it came to mob time. There was a small, private cargo plane awaiting them and a man standing in front of that plane. Aleksei got his little goodie bag and walked over. The pilot smiled and fist bumped Aleksei as he came over.

"Glad to have you onboard again, Alek." The man smiled before noticing Isador and he froze like he saw a ghost and ya know what, he did see a ghost. He saw his spirit leaving his body at that exact moment. Why you may ask? Because this guy was a federal agent, specifically the department of justice no less. Was he undercover too and worried that Isador will accidentally blow him?

"Ben, meet Micah, the only fed I will ever like." Aleksei spoke up as he got his things and went inside of the plane to drop them off. Well, that answered the question, Micah blinked a bit before smiling, "You use that word too generally. Not all federal workers are self righteous so called crime fighters. It can be as simple as someone who manages public transportation. Not all of them are out to get you..." Micah looked Isador up and down with a smirk as he finished, "Just some are..." and with that, he turned tail and got his plane ready to go. Inside the cargo plane is a lot of goodies and by goodies I mean drugs, guns and illegal exotic pets being traded from country to country.

Aleksei let out a happy squeal when he saw what was in the largest cage of all, a liger. "He's so gorgeous." Aleksei smiled as he reached out to pet him but Micah slapped his hand, "Aleksei I swear...don't put your hand in the big cat cage." he said sternly but Aleksei gave him puppy dog eyes, "but so cute." he whined before finally pulling back and sitting down sadly.

"We ready to go in 10 minutes, start getting ready." Micah called as he went into the cockpit and out of sight.

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