Chapter Twenty: Game Tutorial Music

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Isador almost laughed when the mules came into sight. He'd ridden once or twice... on horses...

"I am no sure I agree with you on that..." He gave a small laugh. "I think I'm more curious why they had these to begin with..." Isador shifted a bit cracking his hands as he watched the mules' movement. They seemed too be in fairly nice shape, although from what Isador did know about mules they were easy keepers.

"This is pretty far from car-jacking... but... thank you for coming to my defense..." Isador trailed off a bit keeping his eyes pretty much locked on the mules. *Why are you being so weird about thanking him?* "So... what do we even do with these two? I mean..." Isador motioned to the mules before looking around a bit. Those two definitely had fun with this one, that's for sure. "Also, are we still needing to... take a car? I am still willing to do that... with or without these two..." Motioning to the mules with one hand, Isador then raised his head to look at Aleksei, his eyes had a small mischievous sparkle in them.


Almost laughed Isador? Who's side are you on?...Oh wait...That's a very ironic question. Moving onnn.

Aleksei couldn't keep the pout on his face as he looked at Isador, "I'm telling you, they had the mules and wagon prepared just for a moment like this one, They seem like the type of guys to dedicate their entire time into planning something like this." Aleksei replied with a shake of his head but let's be real, he's only upset that he didn't get to do something like this first.

The sound the mules made on the road was super satisfying, maybe this wasn't a complete failure. "Of course I'll come to your defense, especially if I am the one who got you in that mess to begin with." there was a distinct sparkle in his eye as he watched Isador but he quickly looked away again and just kept driving. He didn't want to come off as weird again.

"I know someone who can take care of these guys for me. Already called her in fact and its also the answer to your next question. You see, she's from another...mafia? No, they don't call theirs a mafia..its a mob? I don't know the difference but she's the daughter of some crime guy, we chill a lot despite being at odds with each other. She has a stable with her garage, she can hold onto these guys for me and you can steal a car while I distract her. You're going to be flying solo though." Aleskei explained, he looked directly into Isador's eyes and saw that lovely, that oh so lovely mischievous sparkle in them. Ahhh, seems like someone is ready to have some fun.

They finally reached his truck where an elegant white truck was waiting next to it, hooked up to it was a trailer with a black haired woman waiting.

"Ramona baby, looking fine as ever." Aleksei called out and the woman turned her nose up at him, "Aleksei, you've always had a knack for picking up ugly things, You're asking me to keep these...steeds...with my top dollar warm bloods." she rolled her eyes but it was pure banter, as soon as Aleksei got down from the wagon she pulled him into a tight hug.

"Who's this?" she then asked looking towards Isador but Aleksei only waved him away, "He's nobody, just backup. I want to keep the mules actually so I was wondering if I can come with you and get a few lessons on equine care." Aleksei told her and she nodded, "Alright, come on." she said before showing Aleksei how to detach the mules from the wagon. She then got two halters from the trailer and gave him one, helping him lead the mules into the trailers before she got into the truck.

Aleksei looked at Isador with a smile, "Hey bud, take my car back home for me, will ya?" he winked before turning around and giving a hand motion. Come on Isador, catch the hint.

*Game tutorial music*

Objective: Follow Aleksei and Ramona without getting only get one try and this can fail their mission of stealing a car.

Ramona started her truck and they started traveling back into the nearby populated city.

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