Chapter Eighteen: Circle The Bear--Like Wolves

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Isador was definitely a bit more nervous with how long it took for Aleksei to focus on something other than him, but at the same time, it also didn't really bother him. Gave him something else to really focus on before he had to figure out how to hijack a car.

"Well I'm glad you can eat... And I don't doubt that you can eat a lot." Isador flashed him a smile as he pulled the truck over and put it in park. It'd hopefully be a quick walk... Then he realized that Aleskei just pulled up his hood... *Does he want to die of heatstroke...?*

"You sure you wanna wear that on the way there...?" It had to be around 90 or so degrees... and with that it'd be even worse for Aleksei. "It's going to be pretty hot walking there..." Isador felt a spark of worry, and his tone didn't exactly hide it.


Aleksei nodded but then he tilted his head as he thought about it..."you haven't ate yet yourself, you didn't eat anything at the bakery." Aleksei raised a brow. "sheesh dude, there are a lot of things I can handle but being hungry isn't one of those things." Aleksei let out a tiny yawn.

He scoffed at Isador as he hopped out of the van, it wasn't until they had both started walking did he answer, "I'm fine, this hood is like...uh, I don't know the word for it but i'm comfy in it." Aleksei shrugged, if he was too hot, he couldn't tell, his mind wasn't in the right place but despite having scrambled eggs for brains, he was still able to pick up how worried Isador sounded so he ended up taking the jacket off, "but I don't need you worrying about me," he said as he folded the jacket into his arms.

It honestly felt kinda good to have someone worry about him, he smiled a bit as they went on. The 10 minute walk felt like hours, well at least to Aleksei anyways, he began to get bored and he started to hum a distinct song the whole walk there.

A thousand years later, they somehow made it into the garage of the mafia. It had two guards. They were guarding the entrance. Hmm, well if they were able to steal a car from these guys, going out through the front gate would not be the smartest idea. So where...AHA

Aleksei crouched down as he beckoned his partner in crime to do the same, he circled the many acreage home before seeing a gate that led out to the sunny trails, "That's our exit, let's find our entrance." Aleksei pointed before going closer to the gate. Ah, an unguarded gate door right there. See? This is the problem when you have a big home, you will have so many exits and entrances, you never know who's just coming into your house. He opened the gate and walked in like he owned the place, "Nice niceee, the garage is over there andddd it's guarded..." Aleksei frowned but before he could make a decision on what to do, a voice spoke up behind them.

"Who the hell are you two?" A man asked, he was armed, heavily armed and so was his friend. Aleksei winked at Isador and gave a smile that was supposed to be charming but wasn't...

"Ello my good man. I am Greg and this is Tom. We are big game hunters and we have been tracking a giant boar bear in the area. He hopped over your fence and we must retrieve him." Aleksei put on a really really bad Irish accent for some reason.

"Big game hunters? Where's your dog?" the second man spoke up, he wasn't Russian, he was Italian, huh.

"Sick with a cold I fear, so I must bring her back bear soup to make her well again." Aleksei answered pretty damn confidently.

"Your dog is sick with a cold, so you came here without a dog, without hunting gear, including your gun? Where is your gun?" the first man asked and Aleksei scoffed at the question, "Gun? I do not need a gun. My ancestors didn't use guns. They used their fist and teeth! Me and my buddy will circle the bear like wolves and then when the bear is distracted by him, I will jump and sink my fangs into its flesh, hisssss." Aleksei...what are you doing?

The two men stifled back laughter before a slow realization spread onto the Russian man's face, "Holyyy shitttt...It's Mousetrap." He smiled as he elbowed his friend, "yeahhh, the guy who got all them fed to stay away for a while because he was identifying them?" the Italian one slowly realized as well. "Uh uh, that's him alright. And who might you be?" The Russian asked towards Isador with a raise of the brow.

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