Chapter Twenty-Nine: Boundaries

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Isador could feel Aleksei's gaze burning into him. *You like it Isa, don't lie...* A small smile gradually spread across Isador's face along with a hint of red in his cheeks. For a moment he was quiet and still. His brain seemingly taking a minute or two to process what Aleksei had said. Isador gave Aleksei's hand a squeeze, raising his gaze to meet Aleksei's. His shy smile turned slowly into one of a bit more confidence. Not much, but one that showed no fear. Isador definitely wanted to change that. His heart was racing faster than it had during his first few jobs in the mafia. Here he was, flirting with a federally wanted man. And he was an undercover federal agent. *Not was, is.* But that did not matter currently to Isador, no. The only thing in this moment that mattered to him was sitting in front of him asking if he was willing to let him taste him. Isador had one answer for that. He leaned towards Aleksei only slightly, and whispered just loud enough to be heard.

"Oh.. I certainly am..." Shifting a bit more, he got a bit closer to Aleksei, nervous he had misheard him... or read the signals all wrong. Isador didn't want to think about that though... he had a goal, and he wanted to achieve it.


The silence killed Aleksei, he would honestly be fine if Isdor declined, they did get this far after all and if he needed more time, Aleksei would be willing to wait until he was comfortable but still, the wait for an answer felt like it took hours. Finally he got one and that answer he received made him really really happy.

"Good." Aleksei said before cupping Isador's face, he leaned in for Aleksei's lips before pausing and smirking, he simply kissed his left cheek, then his right cheek, lingering just a bit. Aleksei was a tease, but he was hurting himself as well as he did want to kiss him, and finally, he did. He planted a soft kiss on Isador's lips before he got hungrier and began to kiss him deeper. "Tell me when you want to stop, don't let me cross boundaries." Aleksei whispered in his ear as he took a swift break before going back to kissing him again.

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