Chapter One: Paths to Cross

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Isador held the file close to his chest as he walked towards desk. Another field assignment, and honestly he felt the excitement inside himself build. Sliding into his chair he opened up the file. Using his finger he searched for the name of who exactly he was aiming for. Aleksei Volkov... That rang a few bells. Not many, but a few.

"Well.. this will most certainly be interesting... won't it?" Isador's hands were shaking slightly now. Three agents were already lost? That certainly put the danger level a bit higher than Isador expected. He wasn't a senior agent, and then again, that was probably why they picked him.

Isador began to read through the file, and after some time glanced at the clock on his desktop computer. He would need to go to his house and prep some of his stuff. He would take a phone that was registered to Benjamin Vos. This persona is one he's half used. Benjamin was normal, Vos wasn't. Isador rose from his chair, and put the file back together. He strode toward the exit, heading for his car in the parking garage. He didn't know how long it would take to get going as Benjamin, but he felt pretty good about his luck on field missions.


Aleksei was just waking up from a long, long sleep. He had generated 500k in revenue for the mafia last week and was given some free time to do smaller, less time consuming jobs. For some reason, that specific job gathered a lot of attention from the FBI, despite him generating more money before that and gained no attention at all. The feds are weird. He got up, got dressed in his signature black hoodie and went to go with the boss for some friendly chatter.

"Aleksei, my boy, you look as scruffy as ever. You make too much money to look so poor." The old Russian man said with a broken accent, English was a struggle for him but he wanted to speak it more. Being bilingual is important for this type of business, ya know?

"Wearing jewels and fancy clothes gathers too much negative attention." Aleksei replied as he sat in a chair and laid comfortably back. The old man smiled and nodded, saying old is understatement though as the "Boss" was in his near 90s. They spoke for a minute, just talking about their lives and interests but Aleksei knew that he was just going to ask for a favor during his break, that's all this was.

"So Aleksei-" and there it was, Aleksei smirked and looked up at him, "What do you need from me now old man?" Alekesi huffed, shaking his hand and the man smiled, "We have a new member coming in soon, Benjamin Vos. I want you to welcome him." The boss ordered and Aleksei shrugged, "Easy task, I can do that." Aleksei replied.

As the days went on, today was the day that Benjamin would be joining the mafia, and of course; Aleksei would have to babysit him. Using the contact info that was given for Benjamin, he asked for the new recruit to meet him at his favorite bakery, "yum yum stuff". He ordered hot chocolate and some fresh baked goods to be ready by the time the man arrived.

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